How to buy antigen detection reagents? How do I report the results after the self-test? Health Commission’s response

Jiao Yahui, Director of the National Health Commission Medical Administration and Medical Administration Bureau, China Net Zheng Liang

China Net Live March 15 Japan News The Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council will hold a press conference at 3 pm today. The responsible comrades of the Ministry of Education, relevant departments and bureaus of the National Health Commission and experts from the China Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the Clinical Laboratory Center of the National Health and Health Commission will attend to introduce epidemic prevention and control and Vaccination work and answer media questions. The following is a record of the relevant content:

Cover reporter:

What are the channels for the public to purchase antigen detection reagents? How do community residents report their results after self-assessment? thanks.

Jiao Yahui:

The antigen detection plan has been widely concerned by the society, especially the general public, because the applicable objects of antigen detection are also Including residents willing to test. If these residents want to buy testing reagents and need antigen testing, on the one hand, they can go to the nearest grass-roots medical and health institutions for antigen testing. Because our country has implemented medical reform for so many years, a 15-minute medical circle has generally formed, which is very convenient. a channel.

If you want to perform antigen testing at home, you can buy it at retail pharmacies, or you can purchase antigen testing reagents through online channels. The State Food and Drug Administration has approved 5 types of antigen detection reagents, and will continue to approve antigen detection reagents. More and more sales will be made through online sales channels. Before attending this conference, I logged on to two well-known e-commerce sales platforms, and I also found that antigen detection reagents are now available on these platforms.

What should a resident do after a positive antigen test at home? We put forward the principle requirements in the antigen detection plan. Residents test their antigens at home. If they are positive, they should report to the community in their jurisdiction. Transfer to a medical institution with nucleic acid testing conditions for nucleic acid testing. If the nucleic acid test is positive, it will then enter the process of infected person management.

We convened a nationwide video and teleconference to deploy this work, requiring each provincial headquarters to refine the implementation plan for antigen testing in their province, especially for patients with positive antigen testing found in primary medical institutions and Where residents are required to report positive results of self-antigen tests at home, and all provincial headquarters are required to clearly formulate plans and requirements. The most important thing is the link from antigen positive to nucleic acid detection.

Here is a reminder to residents who do home antigen testing. The most important point is that if the antigen test is positive, all the swabs, test tubes and test cards you have used must be placed in sealed plastic bags. The staff must take this away to the medical institution when they come to the door, and dispose of it as medical waste.