How to avoid the occurrence of sudden cardiac death? Trilogy of traditional Chinese medicine, help you recharge your energy!

On the 26th, at a press conference on epidemic prevention and control held in Shanghai, Zhao Dandan introduced that among the new local deaths on the 25th, the youngest was 33 years old, the cause of death was sudden cardiac death, and he had been vaccinated twice. Corona vaccine.

Faced with such a young life, what the hell is sudden cardiac death? How can we avoid sudden cardiac death?

Sudden cardiac death is a natural death that occurs within 1 hour after the onset of acute symptoms, characterized by sudden loss of consciousness and caused by cardiac causes. The time and form of death are unexpected.

If the supply of vital substances is interrupted and the life stops, if the cause cannot be found in Western medicine, it is called sudden cardiac death.

Essence constitutes the material basis of the human body and maintains human life activities.

We further divide it into broad and narrow senses.

In a broad sense, essence includes all the subtle substances useful to the human body, such as essence, blood, and body fluid, which are distributed in various parts of the human body and play different roles.

Essence in a narrow sense refers to the essence stored in the kidneys, especially the innate essence that people are born with. gene.

The kidney essence can promote and affect the growth and development of the individual; the qi transformed by the kidney essence can resist various pathogenic factors in the internal and external environment and improve people’s disease resistance. The innate essence is also called Yuanjing. Extending from the congenital essence, there is also the concept of reproductive essence, which refers to the essence of human reproduction.

It should be noted here that there is a difference between congenital essence and reproductive essence. The essence of congenital origins from parents, with the foundation of good fortune of ancestors; while essence of reproduction emphasizes the essence of reproduction of one’s own, with the imprint and information of the essence of congenital. Corresponding to innate essence, there is acquired essence. Acquired essence, also known as water and grain essence, is a nutrient from the diet, which is used for the daily life activities of the human body. “Essence, Qi, and Spirit” are the three treasures, and the essence of the three treasures is more emphasized, especially the innate essence among them.

From the point of view of mutual transformation, essence transforms Qi and Qi transforms into God. If the energy is sufficient, the energy will be prosperous; if the energy is deficient, the energy will be deficient, and the energy will be less. From the perspective of who controls who, “Secret of Qinghua” advocates that “God is the main, Qi is used” and Jing follows Qi, that is to say, the invisible controls the tangible, the spirit can control the qi, and the qi can control the essence.

Sun Simiao once pointed out: “Essence, qi, and spirit cannot be damaged, and if they are damaged, life will be damaged.” Essence filling, qi sufficiency, and vitality are signs of human health, and human life is continued in the process of constantly consuming essence. If there is a problem with the supply of semen, it can lead to life damage or even stop.

How to maintain the spirit, so as to avoid sudden cardiac death?

1. Fewer desires can nourish the essence

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that too much desire will damage the essence. Indulgence will not only lose too much semen, but also damage the essence of the five internal organs. “Nei Jing · Sheng Sheng” pointed out: Desire can not be indulged, indulgence will be exhausted. The essence is inexhaustible, and when it is exhausted, it is really scattered. Essence can generate anger, and qi can generate spirit, so those who are good at maintaining health must treasure their essence. When the energy is strong, the qi is prosperous. When the qi is prosperous, the spirit is complete. The spirit is complete and the body is healthy. Strong air, old and strong, are all based on essence.

2. Quietness can nourish Qi

Quietness (that is, speaking less) and moderate exercise can nourish Qi. There is a saying in Chinese medicine that exhaustion leads to exhaustion of Qi. We all know that when we use our physical strength excessively, we will feel exhausted, exhausted, and lazy to speak. This is exhaustion of Qi. At the same time, talking loudly for a long time can also feel this way. Therefore, physical activity should be moderate, and talking loudly for a long time can be reduced as much as possible.

3. Indifference to thinking can help the mind

We all know that thinking too much will drain the mind, this modern Everyone has experience.

So, what’s the next step for consuming God? It’s just gas! Because qi can transform into gods, qi is one of the sources of the generation of gods. Therefore, overuse of the brain will also cause physical exhaustion. As ordinary people, it is impossible for us not to think all day long, but we must have a degree. The premise of less thinking is the “Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine” that “the mind is idle and less desires”, so that the burden of thinking can be reduced as much as possible.