How to accompany white wine with dishes? One trick to teach you to do it easily

The main component of liquor is ethanol, which is excreted through liver

visceral transformation after entering the human body. /p>

Protect the liver and protect the stomach. When alcohol enters the intestines, it will inevitably affect people’s metabolism and nutrient absorption, so it is necessary to increase the high protein

white when adding vegetables. and vitamin-rich dishes, the side dishes suitable for drinking are as follows:

1. Peanuts (fried, sweet and sour, salted, spiced, etc.):

It is a dish with Dionysus and is a perfect match with white wine

2, cucumbers (shoot cucumbers, mix cucumbers, cucumber dipping sauces, etc.):

Fragrant and refreshing, with white wine, the aroma contrast is strong

3, edamame: fresh and fragrant, high protein


4. Sauce beef: It is full of color and flavor, stimulates appetite, and is rich in nutrition


5. Soy dishes (tofu, bean sprouts, yuba, etc.)

6. All kinds of fragrant stir-fry (okra) , celery, lily, bamboo shoots

silk, broccoli, garlic moss, Chinese cabbage, onion, etc.), fresh

Vegetables contain a lot of vitamins and various nutrients.

7. Fish dishes: rich in protein, steamed ones are suitable for drinking fragrant

type wines, braised ones are suitable Drink strong-flavored and sauce-flavored wine

8. Egg dishes (fried, steamed, fried, etc.): rich in protein

9. Lean meat: rich in vitamins and various elements

10. Fruits: oranges, oranges, strawberries, etc. are rich in vitamins


11, millet porridge: rich in nutrients, protect the stomach

before drinking You can drink some millet porridge first, try not to drink alcohol on an empty stomach

When drinking and ordering food, pay attention to the combination of meat and vegetables, and the color and luster

Place it, and pay attention to the coordination with the aroma of the liquor you are drinking. Don’t

overpower the aroma of the liquor. The liquor and the dishes complement each other and complement each other.

Flavoured wine is fragrant, elegant, pure, dry, and the side dishes should be light

Lighter, like stir-frying Broccoli, Celery Lily, etc. Strong flavor type

The dishes to be served with wine should have a stronger flavor, such as braised pork, sweet and sour

fish, water Boil beef etc. The sauce-flavored liquor requires some delicious dishes, such as boiled cabbage and steamed sea bass.