How scary is the rupture of the corpus luteum? 99% of girls don’t understand

In the middle of the night, the girl in the emergency room clutched her stomach, her face was pale, and she was in cold sweat: “Doctor, my aunt is in pain…”

In addition to the blood loss The feeling of weakness and the heart-piercing pain in the lower abdomen made every second extremely tormented.

After emergency surgery, the doctor drew a tube full of blood from the girl’s pelvis:

This is not ordinary dysmenorrhea, but a ruptured corpus luteum.

Once it occurs, hospitalization and surgery may be required. In severe cases, it can even lead to excessive blood loss, shock and death.


What is the corpus luteum? Luteal rupture, why is it so dangerous?

At this time, a large number of capillaries and connective tissue will enter The place where the follicle collapses, filling the vacancy in the egg. Under the action of luteinizing hormone, it differentiates into a large, capillary-rich cell mass.

It is called “corpus luteum” because it is yellow when it first forms.

Follicular development in the ovary: 1. ovary; 2. primary follicle; 3. maturation follicle; 4. ovulation; 5. corpus luteum; 6. corpus luteum Space, take a seat, or break up every now and then to scare women.

It is composed of two types of cells: granulocytes, which mainly secrete progesterone; and adenoluteal cells, which mainly secrete estrogen.

Progesterone and estrogen can promote the growth of uterine mucosal glands and the thickening of the endometrium, creating conditions for sperm implantation.

The egg moves into the pelvis and combines with the sperm/Picture source/Wikimedia Commons

If the egg and the sperm successfully combine, The corpus luteum is transformed into the corpus luteum of pregnancy to escort it: it continuously secretes progesterone and estrogen to promote embryonic development and maintain stable intrauterine conditions.

If the egg is not fertilized, the corpus luteum, “a hero useless”, will slowly shrink and subside, waiting for the next menstrual cycle.

Unfortunately, the corpus luteum Development and structure are doomed:

It is powerful, it can protect “others”, but it cannot protect itself.

The inside of the corpus luteum is full of tiny capillaries, which means it is extremely sensitive and fragile.

< span>Just like after a slight bump on the arms and knees, the body may not feel pain, and the fragile capillaries have ruptured and bleed, forming bruises.

The same is true of the corpus luteum. Once the capillaries inside the corpus luteum are compressed and bleed, it is easy to cause the rupture of the entire corpus luteum.

Generally speaking , the lifespan of the corpus luteum is only 7 to 8 days, and it matures about a week after ovulation. At this time, its volume is the largest, usually 1 to 4 cm in diameter, and a few can reach more than 7 cm. The size and color are similar to a small egg yolk.

With its continuous development, the corpus luteum expands like a balloon that has been blown up, and the complex capillaries inside also become more and more Unstable.

One week before menstruation is when the corpus luteum is at its largest and most likely to rupture and bleed.

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running, splitting, spinning, etc. Vigorous exercise is also the hardest hit area for corpus luteum rupture.

Tuyuan Weibo@Beijing Toutiao


During constipation, defecation, sneezing, coughing… During the luteal phase, women may not pay attention, and they will “irritate” the fragile corpus luteum.

At the same time, some emotional problems such as nervousness, anxiety And so on, it will also increase the chance of rupture of the corpus luteum.

Oppression, or caused by their own force, there is the possibility of rupture.

It is more unpredictable, the corpus luteum is spontaneous rupture.

Spontaneous rupture of the corpus luteum, which usually occurs when the internal capillary ruptures and bleeds, and then causes the rupture of the corpus luteum itself.

Women who carry pelvic inflammatory disease themselves, such as postpartum infection, poor menstrual hygiene, etc., have a greater risk of corpus luteum rupture, and the degree of corpus luteum rupture also increases. May be more violent.

The reasons for the rupture of the corpus luteum are various and beyond imagination, and the symptoms and manifestations are also different.

Generally speaking, corpus luteum rupture can be divided into capillary hemorrhage and massive hemorrhage.

The symptoms of the former are relatively mild, the bleeding is confined to the luteal membrane, and the abdominal pain can be relieved by itself. A small amount of blood will be absorbed by the body without noticeable discomfort.

If the blood vessels are damaged to a great extent, and even the corpus luteum membrane is ruptured, heavy bleeding may occur, and the damaged blood vessels cannot heal themselves.

In women with abdominal compression during the luteal phase, and then persistent abdominal pain, anal bulge, nausea and vomiting, major bleeding should be considered possibility.

In this case, most patients experience unbearable pain and go to the hospital on their own.

If the delayed consultation time is too long and the blood flows into the abdominal cavity too much, it may cause cold limbs, drop in blood pressure and even shock. Surgery to remove pelvic blood can be life-threatening if not treated in time.

So the rupture of the corpus luteum is really not sloppy.

strong<600">The rupture of the corpus luteum cannot be prevented

Since the rupture of the corpus luteum is so terrifying, how can we protect our corpus luteum and prevent it from rupture?

The answer is: there is no way to prevent it 100%.

At present, for corpus luteum rupture, we can only do our best to pay attention to it, find it in time and handle it properly.

Luteal rupture is medically characterized as a common acute abdomen in gynecology.

In order to avoid delaying medical treatment, women can easily identify whether they have ruptured corpus luteum through some symptoms.

First, it was sudden severe abdominal pain.

Blood capillaries can cause severe abdominal pain, usually in the lower abdomen on one side, if blood flows into the abdominal cavity.

This type of abdominal pain comes on violently and without warning, with the increase of bleeding and blood vessel damage, the abdominal pain will also increase more obvious.

Secondly, determine whether the time of abdominal pain is in the premenstrual period.

Because the abdominal pain during corpus luteum rupture is similar to dysmenorrhea, many girls will mistake corpus luteum rupture as normal abdominal pain before menstruation, and Endure and endure.

Luteal rupture and dysmenorrhea generally occur in different time periods, the most common time being the week before menstruation.

That said, extra attention should be paid to persistent lower abdominal pain experienced during the premenstrual period, especially if the abdomen is under external pressure.

This is probably not a precursor to menstruation, but Symptoms of rupture of the corpus luteum.

In addition to severe abdominal pain, rupture of the corpus luteum in some cases can also cause a person’s blood pressure to drop, and in severe cases, even shortness of breath.

These symptoms can come on quickly and can be easily overlooked in the early stages.

But it does not mean that in the face of a ruptured corpus luteum, girls can only rely on luck and seek their own blessings.

During the luteal phase, some protective measures can help reduce the possibility of corpus luteum rupture.

Since the luteal phase is more dangerous, try to minimize strenuous exercise during this time period to avoid abdominal compression.

For women who have a partner, during sex, the female reproductive organs will naturally expand and become congested, and the tension in the luteal body will also increase. forced to rise.

According to research, 57.1% of corpus luteum ruptures are caused by the man’s excessive movement during sex.

Therefore, during the luteal phase, women should pay special attention to the strength and method of sexual life to avoid hurting the fragile corpus luteum.

Girl died of excessive blood loss due to corpus luteum rupture due to sex/Photo source/Fruit doctor

< p>Luteal rupture is generally more common in young women aged 14 to 30, so it is also known as the “girl killer”.

This Such emergencies are on the rise rapidly, and there is a possibility that they cannot heal on their own, ranging from taking medicine and hanging water, to taking blood through surgery in severe cases.

At present, the corpus luteum is Rupture has not yet attracted enough attention, and some girls also lack basic understanding and cognition of this emergency.

For the “rupture of the corpus luteum” The misunderstanding between ” and “sex life” has even cast a layer of “shame” on the rupture of the corpus luteum.

There are even Girls with a ruptured corpus luteum are labelled as “indiscreet in their private life”.

Boring humiliation and moral kidnapping mostly come from ignorance.


If girls feel severe abdominal pain, they must seek medical attention in time. The consequences of forbearance may be more and more serious. The earlier detection, the earlier Rehabilitation.

There is no need to feel ashamed or guilty about the physical pain, the haze that hangs over the rupture of the corpus luteum, it is time to clear.


The header image and cover of this article are from Visual China.

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