How old is your knee

Knee pain must be the “unspeakable” of many friends, especially the middle-aged and elderly people, especially in the spring when warm and cold alternate, affected by temperature changes, or if you walk a little longer, your knees will feel pain. In fact, these kinds of situations indicate that your knees are getting “old”.

Knees have age too? That’s for sure, and because of the wear and tear of walking over the years, knees tend to age faster than people, generally at age 30, the health of the knees begins Going downhill, it is very important to know the “age” of your knee in time and take targeted maintenance measures in time.

How to judge the age of your knee? Try this method

Here is a simple way to judge the age of your knee, that is “ squat”.

Yes, when we squat, it is usually the time when we put the most pressure on the knees. By measuring the bearing capacity of the knees, we can roughly judge our knees. age.

Usually squat in a relaxed state, if both legs can be fully squatted without any discomfort, the knees are of normal age< strong>, the knees are well maintained, and the age is in line with the current normal level;

But if after the legs are fully squatted, the knees have obvious pain, it means< strong>Knee age is around 60 years old;

If legs can only barely squat, and there is pain, and it is difficult to stand, knee age is Around age 70;

If legs are completely incapable of squatting, age of the knee is usually 80 to 90 years old, after excluding medical conditions strong> between.

In summary, you may wish to test it at home. If your knee is older than your own age, it means that you need to take good care of your knee and take corresponding protective measures. Knee life can also be extended.

What are the effective ways to prolong the life of the knee?

① Timely weight loss

The bones and joints of the human body are important parts that support the whole body, especially the key parts such as the knees, which can bear more force.

For obese people, the overweight body will continue to put more pressure on the knees, which in turn will lead to more severe wear and tear, and the knees will also age faster.

So it is very important to lose weight in time to reduce the burden on the knees. Not only that, if you remain obese for a long time, the efficiency of the knee to absorb calcium for self-repair will also be hindered by fat, so please pay attention.

②Knee exercises

According to European Journal of Applied Physiology >A published paper stated that moderate exercise can help reduce the accumulation of inflammatory factors in the knee, reducing the risk of developing inflammatory diseases.

Therefore, proper knee exercise to reduce the probability of illness is also a good way to prolong the life of the knee. For example, running, squatting, etc., are very suitable for young people to exercise their knees.

However, for the elderly, there may be knee diseases themselves, or the knees are seriously aging, and it is obviously unrealistic to try high-expensive sports such as squatting and running.

Therefore, for seniors, recommended “seated leg raises”, that is, sit on a chair, raise legs and stretch out Straighten your knees, wait until you’re sore, then put them down, and cycle for 10 to 15 minutes a day. After a while, the strength and toughness of your knees will improve.

③Selective intake of glucosamine

The so-called glucosamine is actually a Glucose substances, according to research, Glucosamine is a component of knee cartilage and synovial fluid, proper intake and supplementation can help repair cartilage and replenish synovial fluid, maintain knee health, delay knee age, Can have a very good effect.

However, it should be noted that glucosamine is not suitable for everyone, such as pregnant women and those with liver and kidney insufficiency, rashly taking glucosamine may It will lead to endocrine disorders, but it is not good for your health. Therefore, selective intake of glucosamine can also increase the intake of calcium + vitamin D, assist the knee cartilage to absorb nutrients and promote repair, which is also an effective way to maintain the knee.

In summary, the knee also has age. If we don’t pay attention to it and let it wear and tear, we will only be injured in the end. Know the “age” of our knee in time and In order to ensure that we will not worry about knee pain or inconvenience in movement in the future, we can better protect our bone health.


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