How many “poisonous” things are added in 1 pack of instant noodles?

“Taking the blame”

Instant noodles recognize second

No one dares to be the first

If you don’t believe me, take out a pack of instant noodles and try it at home

Old mother’s roar can reach the battlefield in 5 seconds

“Don’t you know that instant noodles are full of preservatives?”

Aren’t mother’s noodles delicious?

Mom serves good meals and dishes every day, but you don’t even look down on it

There is wax in the instant noodle bucket, which is indigestible in the stomach!

Instant noodles are full of preservatives!

Aren’t mother’s noodles delicious?

Unnutritious junk food!

Mom, listen to my explanation!

The nutrition of instant noodles is similar to that of dried noodles

If you don’t believe me, look!

Fake! Fake! Instant noodles basically do not use preservatives.

A pack of instant noodles is mainly composed of noodles, vegetable packs and sauce packs.

(1) Bread

Noodles are generally divided into fried and non-fried.

The fried noodle cake is dehydrated and hardened after being fried at a high temperature of 130 ℃ ~ 140 ℃, and the water content is extremely low, only about 3% to 4% [1].

(Source: Tencent Video)

Non-fried noodles use other processes besides frying, such as hot air, microwave, vacuum, etc., to dehydrate and dry instant noodles [2-4].

Whether it is fried or non-fried, the water content is extremely low, bacteria and mold cannot live in a sealed and dry environment, so no preservatives are required.

(2) Vegetable Pack

Just by looking at it, you can tell that the vegetable bag is also dried and dehydrated, which does not breed bacteria, no preservatives.

(Source: soogif)

(3) Sauce package

Sauce packs are generally high in oil and salt, and the high-salt environment itself has a certain antibacterial effect. The preservatives added in some sauce packets are also within the scope of safety standards.

In addition, as long as the additives are used normally under the requirements of the state, they will not cause any harm to the body. As long as it is regular food, there is no need to worry about it!

Are preservatives really harmful?

“Look at how slippery the instant noodle bucket feels, it must have been waxed, soaked in boiling water, and the melted wax was eaten by you, all in your stomach! “

Mom’s words sound scary, but they’re fake! rumor!

(Image source: soogif)

Imagine if the manufacturer put wax in the bucket and melted it into the noodle soup, it would be too easy to be discovered. At that time, the manufacturers are too afraid to eat and walk around.

Then what is this waterproof and slippery layer? Usually food grade polyethylene (PE) coating. The melting point of polyethylene is around 110°C [5]. Even if it is just boiled water, the highest temperature is only 100°C, and it is impossible to melt it.

Polyethylene is a common food packaging material worldwide, so don’t worry too much!

It is also made of flour. Why do you enjoy noodles so much, but say instant noodles are not nutritious? The treatment difference between instant noodles and noodles is also too obvious…

In fact, the nutritional content of the two is similar. If you don’t believe me, check out the Nutrition Facts list for fried/non-fried instant noodles and vermicelli.

We selected 7 kinds of instant noodles that are commonly eaten (as shown in the table below), and compared their nutritional composition data together, and found that:

As can be seen from the table, instant noodles, especially non-fried instant noodles and noodles with similar nutritional composition, mainly provide carbohydrates and contain a certain amount of protein and fat. . The sodium content and fat content of fried instant noodles are generally higher.

In addition, all three have less dietary fiber, vitamins, and other minerals.

Therefore, Whether it is instant noodles or noodles, they are both staple foods, everyone is half a catty, and no one can say who is not nutritious. Relatively speaking, the nutritional content of non-fried instant noodles is closer to that of noodles.

(Source: soogif)

Seeing this, I can finally say to my mother with confidence: “Instant noodles are not junk food, don’t stop me from eating instant noodles in the future!”

Emmm…don’t be too happy, instant noodles are not junk food, you should pay attention to some problems when eating them, otherwise they are really not healthy.

◎Too much salt

Refer to the nutritional content of some well-known instant noodle cakes and seasoning packets. The sodium content is usually 2000-3000 mg. Eat one bucket to get your daily salt intake. Exceeded (6 grams)[6].

Excessive sodium intake may increase the risk of hypertension, calcium-deficiency osteoporosis, and increase the burden on the kidneys [7].

◎Too much oil

The fat content of fried instant noodles is mostly between 16% and 20%[8]. According to about 100 grams per pack of instant noodles + noodles, the fat content of a pack of instant noodles + seasoning pack is about 16-20 grams, one packet is almost enough for a day (25-30 grams)[6].

◎Unbalanced nutrition

Instant noodles are the staple food, but usually people basically don’t have any side dishes, and just soak a bowl of plain noodles, so the nutrients are relatively single and unbalanced.

(a bowl of unpretentious noodles. Source: soogif)

This year

Health is a top priority for young people

Who says health and instant noodles can only be chosen?

In addition to soaking wolfberry in a thermos cup

We can also eat instant noodles

Less fried foods

Prefer non-fried instant noodles

And use less seasoning packets

Add some greens, eggs and meat by the way

Healthy and delicious, we want it all!

(Source: soogif)

Reviewer: Pingping Liu| Registered Dietitian


[1] Zhu Yunping, Yuan Zuoyun, Lv Yuegang. Effects of frying time and temperature on the moisture and oil content of instant noodles[J]. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2011, 29(1):15- 17.

[2] Yao Fenghong, Zhu Kerui. The current situation and development trend of non-fried instant noodles [J]. Food Processing, 2017(05):69-71.

[3] Liu Zipeng, Lu Qiyu, Lin Mingang. Present situation and development trend of instant noodles [J]. Grain and Oil, 2017.

[4]GB 17400-2015. National Standard for Food Safety. Instant Noodles.

[6] Chinese Nutrition Society. Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2016) [M]. Beijing, People’s Health Publishing House. 2018.

[7] Li Yingbin, Li Qingnan. Research progress on the effect of sodium salt and its regulatory factors on bone[J]. Chinese Pharmacological Bulletin, 2012, 000(010):1342-1344 ,1345.

[8] Qi Jinfeng, Sun Hongfeng, Jin Qingzhe, Wang Xingguo. Study on oil content, apparent structure and oil distribution in fried instant noodle cakes[J] .Oleochemistry, 2018, 43 (2):28-30.

*The content of this article is for the popularization of health knowledge and cannot be used as a specific diagnosis and treatment suggestion, nor can it replace the face-to-face consultation of a licensed physician, and is for reference only.

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