How many Chinese people have spleen deficiency? If the spleen is not deficient, you can tell by looking at your lips that you should eat more of 3 kinds of foods!

The most deficient thing in China is not the kidney but the spleen! When it comes to deficiency, many people’s first reaction is “kidney deficiency”. In fact, according to big data, the spleen is often more tolerant than the kidney. Even if there is no definite disease, “spleen deficiency” is still the life state of many Chinese people. Why are Chinese people prone to spleen deficiency? How to treat spleen deficiency?

Chinese people have more spleen deficiency, which can be seen from three aspects

The spleen is an important part of the human body to digest, absorb and deliver nutrients Organs. As for why Chinese people are prone to spleen deficiency, we can start from three aspects.

First of all, China is a big agricultural country, and many people have experienced great changes from “insufficient food and clothing” to “well-off and affluent”, eating too much or often eating greasy and spicy foods Sweet, greasy and cold foods, however, excessive intake of these foods will put a burden on the spleen, which will cause the spleen to lose its health and eventually lead to spleen deficiency.

Secondly, Chinese medicine believes that the spleen dominates the muscles, and the muscle strength is generally weak in China. If the muscles are overworked or overworked, it will directly affect the health of the spleen. In the past, most people lived by labor, and overwork became commonplace, which naturally consumed their temper. Now that life is better, physical activity has dropped sharply, most people are in a state of excessive relaxation, and lack of exercise puts a burden on the spleen, both of which are likely to cause spleen deficiency.

Finally, the spleen is in the mind, and the pressure of life and work is so high that many people think too much. probability.

If the spleen is damaged, all the internal organs will be implicated

In Chinese medicine, the spleen is the source of qi and blood biochemistry, and all the internal organs of the body are involved Organizations are continuously supplied with nutrients, and each system and organization performs its own duties, coordinates and uses each other, so that the body is healthy and disease-free.

If the spleen is damaged, the function of spleen transport and transformation is abnormal, there are problems in the biochemistry of qi and blood, and the various organs and tissues in the body cannot wait for the supply of nutrients, then it will easily cause various immune problems. For example, allergic diseases, Sjögren’s syndrome, diabetes, etc.

In addition, in the field of traditional Chinese medicine, human organs have the saying that the five elements generate and restrain each other, earth (spleen) generates metal (lung), metal generates water (kidney), water generates wood (liver), and wood generates fire (heart). ). Once there is a problem with the spleen, other organs are bound to be affected.

Therefore, there is a saying that spleen deficiency is more terrifying than kidney deficiency. After all, spleen deficiency is easier than kidney deficiency.

The spleen is not empty, just look at the mouth and lips.

In the field of traditional Chinese medicine, there is a spleen opening in the mouth and its beauty in the mouth It is said that the spleen is not deficient, which can be seen from our mouth and lips.

Spleen deficiency seen from the mouth

The strong spleen means a strong appetite and desires to eat. Conversely, if the spleen is deficient, it will show no appetite or eat less. In addition, if the spleen is deficient in transportation and transformation, and food accumulates in the body, it is easy to cause bad breath, which is what we call bad breath.

Spleen deficiency seen from the lips

The spleen is beautiful in the lips, if the spleen is abnormal, it will also manifested on our lips. Temperament feet are rosy and shiny lips with good elasticity. If the lips are pale and dull, it may be a sign of spleen deficiency and qi deficiency. In addition, if the lips are black, it may be due to spleen deficiency and dampness.

In addition, people with spleen deficiency often have the following symptoms

1. Daily defecation will have obvious loose stools, shapeless and sticky toilet performance

2. The whole person looks dull and yellow.

3. Deficiency of the spleen is abnormal, and food is accumulated in the body, which will cause symptoms of food accumulation, such as bad breath and bad breath.

4. Deficiency of the spleen can easily lead to poor qi movement in the middle energizer, resulting in frequent hiccups.

5. The abnormal transportation and transformation of water and fluid due to spleen deficiency can easily cause dampness in the body, resulting in the performance of heavy dampness.

6. Spleen deficiency leads to indigestion, which can easily cause abdominal distension, loss of appetite, and even anorexia.

Spleen deficiency, three kinds of food can be eaten more


Yam Sweet in taste, mild in nature, it has the effects of invigorating the spleen and stomach, invigorating the lungs and invigorating the kidneys and astringent essence. Modern research shows that yam can also regulate immunity, and can lower blood lipids and blood sugar. However, due to yam polysaccharide, diabetic patients should not eat more.

Atractylodes Atractylodes

Atractylodes atractylodes is sweet, bitter and warm in nature. It also has a conditioning effect on spleen deficiency and dampness. In addition, modern research shows that Atractylodes can also enhance immunity, promote bowel movements, and protect the gastric mucosa.


Jujube is sweet in taste and warm in medicinal properties. Eating it regularly can relieve the symptoms of spleen deficiency. In addition, modern research shows that jujube can also improve immune function, delay aging, and enhance muscle strength.