How long is it called sedentary? The study found that 12 kinds of diseases may be related to “sitting”, do you still insist

Ms. Wu took a train to travel abroad. After 17 hours of travel, Ms. Wu had an accident.

At first, Ms. Wu on the trainonly felt numb and sore in her legs , I thought it was caused by a long-distance bus ride, so I didn’t care.

After getting off the train, Ms. Wu suddenlyshortness of breath, Dizzy and dizzyAfter walking a few more steps, Ms. Wufeeling like she couldn’t even breathe strong>, the situation is getting worse.

My partner hurriedly took Ms. Song to the hospital.Pulmonary artery CT showed that Ms. Wu was diagnosed with pulmonary embolism< /strong>. Arteriovenous color Doppler ultrasound of both lower extremities foundMs. Wu also developed venous thrombosis in her right lower extremity, which was indicated by biochemical blood gas testType I respiratory failure, the situation is quite critical.

Fortunately, effective rescue was carried out in time, and Ms. Wu was able to turn the corner.

Doctors said that pulmonary embolism is more common in long-term bedridden patients such as trauma, cancer, and fracture, but in recent years, the prevalence of pulmonary embolism in young people without underlying diseases has also increased. Increase, has a great relationship with sedentary.

1. What happens to people who sit for a long time?

A mannequin, Emma, ​​made by British scientists after analyzing the office behavior of 3,000 office workers, shows what a sedentary person will look like 20 years later:

Emma has a permanent hunched back, a sallow complexion, swollen, hairy ears and nose, bloodshot eyes, and severe varicose veins in her legs…

Can you accept being like this?

Insufficient physical activity is considered to be the biggest global public health problem in the 21st century, and it is currently the fourth leading risk factor for increased mortality from non-communicable diseases globally. By 2020, about 70% of diseases worldwide are caused by physical inactivity and prolonged sitting.

And recently, The Lancet’s Electronic Clinical Medicine A related study by researchers from Tianjin Medical University was published in the study. The researchers analyzed the British Biobank and conducted long-term follow-up of 360,047 participants aged 37-73 years. They found that only 11.8% of all participants were long-term per day. Sedentary time ≤ 2 hours, while more than half of the participants spend more than 4 hours a day sedentary, especiallyThe proportion of participants who sit for more than 6 hours a day is as high as 37%.

In addition, the researchers also found that sitting for more than 6 hours a day was associated with the incidence of 12 chronic diseases Risk increased by 26%. However, substituting different levels of physical activity for prolonged sitting may reduce the chance of chronic diseases caused by prolonged sitting.

These include: diabetes, asthma, thyroid disease, depression, migraine, gout, ischemic heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic kidney disease, chronic Liver disease, rheumatoid arthritis, diverticulosis.

Second, how long does it take to be sedentary?

If you usually lie in bed, is it considered sedentary?

According to the WHO Guidelines for Physical Activity and Sedentary Practice, the human body is In the state, if the metabolic equivalent is less than 1.5 metabolic equivalent, it is considered to be sedentary.

Usually we only have 1 metabolic equivalent when we are sitting quietly and lying down, while we have 1.5 metabolic equivalents when standing, writing, playing on the computer, etc., which is

span>Whether lying down or standing, the metabolic equivalent is less than 1.5 metabolic equivalents, which is another kind of “sedentary”.

So how long does it take to be sedentary? In fact, the definition of this time is not clear, but you can also refer to the recommendations of the American Diabetes Association’s 2016 guidelines: you should avoid sitting for more than 90 minutes.

There is also a popular saying, that is, in a awake state, sitting more than 5 days a week, more than 8 hours / day, or for two hours without changing the sitting posture and getting up activities , can be regarded as sedentary behavior.

3. How to reduce the harm of prolonged sitting?

To reduce the harm of prolonged sitting, first ensure a correct sitting posture:

  • Keep your feet flat, If necessary, the seat height can be adjusted so that the whole foot can be flat on the ground, which can reduce the soreness of the legs and feet.
  • The angle between the thigh and calf is 95°-100°.
  • The spine needs to be positioned to help relieve low back pain.
  • The elbow and forearm can be supported on the armrest or table. When typing, the angle between the forearm and the forearm should be controlled at 100°. on a straight line.
  • Sit as symmetrical as possible.

Of course, reducing the harm of sedentary timeexercise. Researchers from Tianjin Medical University found that if light exercise can replace sitting for 1 hour every day, the risk of chronic kidney disease, diabetes and other diseases will be effectively reduced by 2% to 5%. In the end, the risk of chronic kidney disease, diabetes and other diseases will be effectively reduced by 7% to 19%.

In fact, the best prevention is to alternate between sitting and standing. For example, after sitting for 30 minutes, leave the seat and stand up and move.

Fourth, these habits are not much better

< span>The bad habit of sitting for a long time is very bad. In addition, there may be “invisible” bad habits in your life. Maybe you do it every day, but you don’t know that this habit is not good for your health!

1, licking lips

I can’t bear it when my lips are dry and peeling Keep licking or tearing the skin of your mouth directly.

Lick the lips with the tongue and the saliva may seem to moisturise the lips, but this is only temporary, instead it will fall into the more you lick, the more dry The vicious cycle of drying and licking eventually leads to chronic cheilitis problems such as swelling and chapped lips.

Especially by tearing the skin directly, it will undoubtedly aggravate pain and bleeding, and even lead to infection, so that the lip wound cannot heal, and it may develop into chronic cheilitis.

2, nose picking

When the nasal cavity is dry or there is a foreign body, I can’t help picking my nose.

In fact, the mucous membrane in the nasal cavity is a natural barrier, which can adhere to external bacteria and prevent harmful substances from entering the respiratory tract. There is no need to deliberately pick the nose. Picking the nose when the nasal cavity is dry may damage the nasal mucosa, and even lead to bleeding and infection.

3, cross your legs

When you sit, can’t you help yourself? Erlang’s legs? Stop doing this!

When the legs are crossed, the pressure on the lumbar spine will be unevenly distributed, the center of gravity of the body will be concentrated on the left side of the lumbar spine, and the spine will be bent to the right side, which will cause low back pain over time. And lead to scoliosis, deformation and so on.

In addition, when the legs are crossed, the popliteal fossa of the legs and the ankle joints of the feet are under pressure, which affects the return of venous blood and increases the risk of varicose veins.

4, take a shower< /p>

Especially the little friends in the north, the favorite is to take a bath, but the skin is “suffered” by taking a bath.

A vigorous rubbing bath may remove dirt, but it also damages the stratum corneum and reduces the skin’s barrier function, resulting in faster water loss. In the long run, the skin may therefore become drier, or cause irritation, itching and other discomforts.

In addition, bath towels are mostly made of fibers, which tend to rub the skin sore and red when rubbing. , and even cause skin diseases such as dermatitis.

Sitting for a long time has become the norm for most people, sometimes even getting up and drinking when busy There is no time to go to the toilet or water, and sitting for a long time is more than a little harmful to the body. I hope everyone will stop sitting for a long time and try to get up and move occasionally. In addition, bad habits like licking your lips, crossing your legs, rubbing your bath, picking your nose, etc., if you have them, you’d better get rid of them! #HealthTrue Knowledge Plan#


[ 1] [1] WHO. Global Recommendations on Physical Activity for Health[EB/OL].

[2]Associations of sedentary time and physical activity with adverse health conditions: Outcome-wide analyses using isotemporal substitution model. EClinicalMedicine, April 28, 2022

[3] “Scientific Sedentary Guidelines”. Nutshell. 2020-03-27

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