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Everyone may often encounter this saying in life. If a person is angry and angry, people will say that this person is angry, and they will persuade him to be angry and hurt the liver, and be less angry. The older generation will often recite: “When this anger burns, all diseases are hard to bear”.

Everyone has heard a lot, but may not understand much, and some people may wonder, how can the liver have fire in the body?

Actually, Liver Fire Prosperity is a saying in traditional Chinese medicine, which means that Liver Yang is hyperactive, and the Liver Meridian accumulates heat, which leads to Qi stagnation and fire. Anger is only a manifestation of anger, which can also induce some diseases such as high blood pressure and coronary heart disease. It will also have a certain impact on the human digestive system and endocrine system.

The body has these 8 manifestations, maybe the anger is “playing tricks”, and you should know it early

1, Irritability, love to get angry

When the anger burns, the anger rises, and people are prone to anxiety, irritability, and confusion. If you can’t control your temper, usually a gentle person may become tantrum and get angry easily.

2. Eyes are red, swollen, and dry

In Chinese medicine, it is believed that the opening of the liver lies in the eyes, and the visual function of the eyes is entirely dependent on the liver essence. The nourishment of blood and the dredging of liver qi, so only when the liver blood is sufficient and the liver qi is in harmony can the eyes see objects clearly and have a strong ability to distinguish colors.

The whites of the eyes of people with strong anger will be covered with more red blood, and the eyes will be swollen, sore, dry and uncomfortable. At this time, the eyes will secrete more secretions, so when you get up in the morning, you will find that the eye mucus is thick and yellow and sticky, and it may even stick to the upper and lower eyelids, making it difficult to open your eyes.

3. Bad breath

Because the liver fire is strong, it will affect the digestive function, so that the stomach Slow peristalsis and poor digestion will allow more food to stay in the stomach, and there will be too much food in the stomach. Corruption will occur in the stomach and cannot be sent out as soon as possible, and an unpleasant odor will be released through the esophagus.

Not only that, people with anger are also prone to oral ulcers, inflamed and swollen gums, and odors.

4. Acne on the skin

If the anger is too large, it will affect the secretion of sebum on the skin, which is manifested as acne on the skin, especially on the cheeks , on the forehead and chin.

5. Poor sleep quality

People with strong anger will have difficulty falling asleep, not easy Falling asleep, even if you fall asleep, the sleep is relatively light, the sleep is not steady, and you wake up late with many dreams.

6. Poor appetite

Due to the upward movement of anger, the spleen and stomach are damaged, so the spleen and stomach are weaker for people with strong anger, and the external manifestations will be weaker. Appetite poor, aversion to greasy food.

7. Irregular menstruation

If a woman has a strong anger, it will affect menstruation. Make the menstrual period become disordered and reduce the blood volume.

8. Hyperplasia of mammary glands

Female anger will also affect the health of the mammary glands, causing lumps and hyperplasia in the mammary glands, causing pain.

If you want to relieve anger, you must do four things in life:

1. You can add Chrysanthemum Cassia Tea which is composed of Honeysuckle, Chrysanthemum, Cassia, Dandelion, Eucommia, Tartary Buckwheat, Pueraria, Mulberry, Gardenia and other liver nourishing ingredients. strong>, can play a role in reducing anger, nourishing and protecting the liver.

In addition, quit smoking and drinking, and eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.

2. Don’t stay up late, keep regular work and rest habits, fall asleep before 11 pm, don’t affect the liver’s metabolism and detoxification.

3. Control your emotions. Excessive qi damages the liver, which will make the anger exuberant. Therefore, you should learn to regulate your emotions and maintain a peaceful mind.

4. Keep exercising. Exercise will promote fat burning, speed up detoxification, and help reduce the burden on the liver.