How is our immunity lost bit by bit? How to get it back?

Immunity is an important physiological function of the human body. It is like our “human doctor”. Once the “physician” is damaged, various diseases can take advantage of it.

How is our immunity lost?

1. Lost in Unhealthy Diet

International Registration Dietitian Wang Ping wrote in Health Times in 2020 that a high-salt diet can damage the immune system and weaken the antibacterial response. A study from the University of Bonn in Germany found that mice fed a high-salt diet had more severe bacterial infections. In addition, human volunteers who consumed an additional 6 grams of salt per day (equivalent to the salt content of two fast food servings) also showed significant immunodeficiency. ①

2. Slowly lost while staying up late

< p>Professor Huang Zhili, chairman of the China Sleep Research Association and director of the Department of Pharmacology, Fudan University School of Basic Medicine, said on the “Fudan Shangyi” public account in 2022 that lack of sleep seriously affects the function of T cells in the immune system. Prevent B cells from producing antibodies. Among them, humoral immunity relies on antibodies produced by B cells. People who slept only 4 hours a night had 50% fewer antibodies compared to normal sleep. A good and healthy sleep is the guarantee of improving immune function, which is beneficial to fight against viral infections. ②

3. Lost in irritability

In 2012, Shi Hengjun, chief physician of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Tangdu Hospital of Air Force Military Medical University, shared in an article in Health Times in 2012 that a study conducted by Tangdu Hospital found that most patients with advanced cancer had psychological disorders. It will help induce T lymphocyte reduction and inhibit T lymphocyte increase. T lymphocytes are the most important cell population in the human immune system. Therefore, patients with advanced tumors should pay attention to psychological and emotional regulation. ③

4. Slowly lost in sedentary

Sitting for a long time can lead to an overall decline in physical fitness, and the article “Regular Exercise Improves Immunity and Optimizes Chronic Disease Management” published in 2020 mentioned that proper exercise can improve the body’s non-specific immunity Function.

Just a few minutes after exercising, the immune function can show good changes, although the maintenance time is relatively short, about 3 hours; 20 per day -40 minutes of regular exercise can fully mobilize the body’s immunity, and can maintain a good immune state for a long time. ④

5. With age Loss

After entering old age, the body’s immune system gradually ages. Ding Liling, an associate researcher at the Health Qigong Management Center of the State Sports General Administration, said in an article in Health Times in 2014 that the thymus is the most important immune organ in the human body. important cause of aging. ⑤

When these 5 manifestations appear, it is time to pay attention to immunity problems!

Guo Peng, chief physician of traditional Chinese medicine in Xiyuan Hospital, Chinese Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, shared a simple method for self-testing immunity in an article published in the People’s Daily Health in 2021. When you have these kinds of manifestations, you should probably pay attention to the problem of your own immunity. For a long time, it will not only make people easy to get sick, but also may aggravate some diseases.

1. The wound recovers slowly and is prone to inflammation

After being accidentally scratched, the immune system of ordinary people will respond quickly and promote blood clotting , white blood cells gather to fight germs outside the body and avoid inflammation. However, people with poor immunity may experience slower wound healing, no scabs for two or three days, and inflammation and ulceration.

2. Inexplicable sweating easily

Compared with others, people who are prone to sweating no matter what the weather may have a better immune system Difference. Moreover, such people may also sweat easily when sleeping, and always sleep unsteady. This kind of inexplicable sweating is mostly related to poor immunity.

3. Easy diarrhea, gastrointestinal discomfort

The human gastrointestinal mucosa is also a line of defense for the immune system. When the immune system is relatively weak, it is likely that germs have the opportunity to enter the body. For example, even if you go out to eat, the food may be really unhygienic. Some people are fine after eating, but some people vomit and have diarrhea, which also means that the immunity may be weak.

4. Frequent and repeated illnesses

Colds, fevers, and sore throats every now and then, and may not recover on and off for a long time after being sick, It can also indicate that the autoimmunity may be relatively weak.

5. Listless and always feeling tired

Chronic fatigue may also occur when the human immune system is not strong enough. It is easy for people to feel weak and exhausted, and lack of energy for a little activity. This is also a sign of a weaker immune system. ⑥

Teach you 5 strokes to improve immunity

1. Knock on the sternum and rub Zusanli

Zhu Xiaoping, Deputy Chief Physician of the Traditional Therapy Department of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said in an article in Health Times in 2014 that tapping the sternum, It can stimulate the relevant acupoints in the chest, delay the atrophy and degeneration of the thymus, stimulate the secretion of thymosin, and improve immunity.

Method:Tap the Tanzhong point at the sternum with the base of your palm. Tanzhong point is located at the intersection of the line connecting the two nipples and the sternum. ⑦

Professor Yang Li from the Chinese Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences said in an interview with Health Times in 2012 that Zusanli can not only replenish yang and qi, but also enhance physical fitness and immunity. ⑧

Location:Located four fingers directly below the “outer knee eye”.

2. One and a half pound of vegetables every day A pound of fruit to ensure high-quality protein intake

Guaranteed to ensure a pound of vegetables and half a pound of fruit every day, rich in vitamins and minerals to help It is beneficial to human health, especially in brightly colored and rich fruits and vegetables.

▼ Purple/Blue Fruits: Such as mulberries, blueberries, Amazon berries, grapes, purple potatoes, etc., rich in anthocyanins.

▼ Yellow/ Orange fruits and vegetables: Carrots, lemons, pumpkins, mangoes, oranges, etc., rich in carotene, selenium, lutein, etc.

▼ Red fruits and vegetables:Tomatoes, strawberries, cranberries, cherries, etc., are rich in anthocyanins and lycopene. span>

▼ Green fruits and vegetables: Green vegetables and fruits such as broccoli, spinach and lettuce are rich in chlorophyll, vitamin C, etc. ⑨

At the same time, pay attention to the supplement of foods rich in high protein and high nutrition, such as milk, eggs, fish, etc. ⑩

(Note: the higher the score, the better the protein quality, and the easier the body can absorb and utilize .)

3. Reduce the frequency of staying up late

< span>It is recommended to fall asleep before 23:00 every day, not necessarily enough sleep for 8 hours, as long as you wake up in the morning and feel refreshed.

4. Insist on moderate exercise

A study by Appalachian State University in the United States pointed out that after exercising 30-45 minutes a day, 5 days a week, for 12 weeks, the number of immune cells will increase, and the resistance will also increase relatively. However, Huang Xiongang, a physician in rehabilitation medicine at Zhejiang Hospital, reminded in an interview with Health Times in 2016 that exercise only needs to increase the heart rate. If it is too intense or for more than 1 hour, it will inhibit the activity of the immune system. ⑪

5. Stay in a good mood

< span>Medical research has proved that many diseases are related to the stimulation of various adverse mental factors, which affect the biochemical metabolism of the body and reduce the immune function. And pay attention to the psychological balance adjustment, but also help to improve immune function.

Editor: Ren Xuan

Reviewer: Yang Xiao Ming

This article is synthesized from:

① 2020-07-14 Health Times “Eat Too Salty and Poor Immunity”

② 2022-04-14 How to have a good night’s sleep during management? 》

③ 2012-06-04 Health Times “Anxiety and Depression – Often Predicts Immunity Disorders”< /p>

④ Wang Zhengzhen. Regular exercise improves immunity and optimizes chronic disease management [J]. Chinese Journal of Health Management, 2020, 14(3):5.

⑤ 2014-01-23 Health Times “Thymus Health Practice Push-Ups”

⑥ 2021 -10-13 Guo Peng, Department of Hepatology, “How to Self-Test the Strength of Your Own Immunity? The performance of weak immunity will tell you, and you will know by comparison”

⑦2014-07-28 Health Times “Improving immunity often knocks on the sternum” span>

⑧ 2012-11-05 Health Times “Top Ten Health Points Make You Cool”

< p>⑨ 2019-05-28 Health Times “Four Colors of Fruits and Vegetables Antioxidant”

⑩ 2020-05-06 “Top Ten Foods with High Quality Protein” on the official website of the Chinese Nutrition Society Difference! 》