How does it feel to be in close contact with someone with bad breath? they said……

The moon is hazy

She’s a little shy

He couldn’t help holding out a hand

Lift her chin slightly

The eyes are facing each other, their lips are getting closer…

Just as he was about to kiss him

Sister paper pushed him away!

(Source: Tencent Video “Thirty Only”)

He looked astonished, was it because he was reserved?

Unexpectedly, she said:

“Did you eat shi at night? It smells so bad!”

The two kissed for the first time and died.

A kiss full of tenderness and sweetness

It is the most direct confession to TA

But if you don’t pay attention to these details

Destroyed love not to say

Some actions can really be life-threatening!

Death Questions: What is it like to kiss someone with bad breath?

Zhihu anonymous netizens said:

First time on the beach with cute girls

excited to kiss her

Then a fermented smell stinks through my heart

I want to let go immediately

But she was dragged and kissed for ten minutes

Ouch…romantic lips and teeth

But by all kinds of strong garlic, fermented flavor

Unspeakable unknown taste ruined

Stop kissing

The smell of bad breath makes me nauseous…

Long Dim Sum

Halitosis is more than just bad smell

It depends on whether it is physiological halitosis or pathological halitosis

Physiological halitosis: Physiological halitosis caused by poor diet and living habits, such as eating garlic, drinking and smoking, not brushing your teeth, etc., can be solved by brushing your teeth carefully.


Pathological halitosis: It can be divided into oral halitosis and non-oral halitosis. This type of halitosis is more troublesome.

There are two sources of bad breath:

Oral halitosis: refers to the halitosis originating from the oral cavity itself, most pathological halitosis is a problem in the mouth, such as people with oral diseases such as dental caries, gingivitis, periodontitis, etc. It is easy to breed “odor-producing bacteria”, which can decompose the residues in the oral cavity and produce volatile sulfides that are extremely smelly [1].

The composition of this sulfide

It’s a bit similar in composition to the fart

So “you talk like a fart”

That’s true in a way


Non-oral halitosis: refers to the odor caused by problems in other parts of the body, which is excreted through the mouth and has nothing to do with the mouth. For example, gastrointestinal diseases (Helicobacter pylori infection, gastritis, gastroesophageal reflux disease, indigestion, etc.), upper respiratory tract diseases (sinusitis, chronic tonsillitis, chronic pharyngitis, etc.) may cause bad breath [2].

This kind of bad breath needs to be vigilant and go to the hospital for examination in time.

“plant strawberries” around the neck

It’s a little fun for many couples to love

Looks intimate, but not intimidating

“Strawberry” can be deadly if it’s a random seed

Kiss and kiss some people are gone…

This was reported earlier. In 2016, Gonzalez, a 17-year-old boy in Mexico, died suddenly and violently during a meal with his family and was taken to the hospital.

The cause of his death was a blood clot caused by the hickey left by his girlfriend on his neck. Unfortunately, the blood clot happened to flow to the brain, causing him to have a stroke…


Why does one kiss kill someone?

This is because on the sides of our necks

Has a “signal light” that controls the heart and blood vessels

——Carotid sinus

It senses stress and sends it back to the brain

Slows heart rate, dilates blood vessels, and lowers blood pressure

To achieve the purpose of regulating blood pressure

If the object is passionate

Accidentally planted a “strawberry” on this carotid sinus

And too hard, too long

It may lead to a sudden drop in blood pressure and even cardiac arrest

Be careful when doing shoulder and neck massage

Don’t let the masseuse touch this area!

No sir

“Growing strawberries” is dangerous

boyfriend’s most sensitive ears

Can’t kiss anymore?

Blame me?

Who told you not to look at the structure of your ears before you kissed~

Our ears

Divided into outer ear, middle ear and inner ear

The middle eardrum

Like a screen in the ear

Separate outer and middle ear

If you suck the ear canal vigorously when you are shy

It is easy to make the pressure on both sides of the “screen” unbalanced

Causes tympanic membrane rupture

That’s the problem

How to tell if there is a ruptured eardrum?


After rupture of the eardrum, it may be accompanied by

Various degrees of tinnitus, hearing loss, and ear pain

Dizziness may occur in severe cases

Don’t dig your ears at this time

Keep the ear canal as dry as possible

Avoid bringing in bacteria and causing middle ear infection

Usually mild tympanic membrane rupture

In the absence of coinfection

Can heal on its own

During eardrum healing

Avoid water entering the ear canal

Also note: No nose blowing!

If discomfort is severe

It is better to go to the hospital in time for treatment

eyes open

When love is strong

Ready to kiss

Remember to close your eyes

Don’t ask, just ask

Open your eyes you may see

If TA happens to have acne and nose hair on her face

Instant magnification 10 times to show it in front of you

Emmm…this is sour!

Too long to kiss

While kissing

Remember not to kiss too long

And also change positions

Otherwise it would be a bit boring

Especially small girls

It’s very tiring to keep my head and neck up!

Seeing this, you must have already

Get to the point of today’s article

That is-

“Single life saves my life!”


Xu Tongkai| Attending Physician, Second Department of General Surgery, Peking University Stomatological Hospital

Huang Liuhuan| Attending Physician of Vascular Surgery, Beijing Shijingshan Hospital

Sun Yajing| Ph.D., Department of Otolaryngology, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine


[1] Liu Ping, Fan Yaxian. Analysis of the causes of oral halitosis[J]. Beijing Stomatology, 2003(03):148-149.

[2] Tang Chun. Pathological bad breathof non-oral etiology[J]. International Journal of Stomatology, 2012, 039(005):689-692.

*The content of this article is for the popularization of health knowledge. It cannot be used as a specific diagnosis and treatment recommendation, nor can it replace the face-to-face consultation of a licensed physician. It is for reference only.

*The copyright of this article belongs to Tencent Medical Dictionary. Unauthorized reprinting by media is prohibited. Illegal reprinting will be investigated for legal responsibility according to law. Individuals are welcome to forward to the circle of friends.

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