How did the liver become as hard as a stone? One of these factors should be especially vigilant

Liver, the “digestive system center” of the human body, has five major functions and is open 24 hours a day.

When you’ve fallen asleep and it’s still working;

The liver, a “silent” organ.

Continue to work on self-healing while taking the damage you have inflicted.

Liver cirrhosis, one of these chronic injuries, is usually in an advanced stage when detected.

How did it become as hard as a rock?

Can it go back to how soft it used to be?

Can I develop liver cancer?

Today, Dian will tell you about liver cirrhosis!


, the liver was injured “too deep” and entered a late stage of chronic damage.

There are many reasons:

Viral hepatitis, long-term heavy drinking, severe fatty liver, cholestatic hepatitis, parasitic infection, etc.

However, the liver is very forbearing and continues to work silently with the injury. At this time, you don’t know the grievances it has suffered, and continue to live a life of “it’s own way”.

Diffuse degeneration of liver cells will occur after injury, leading to necrosis. After necrosis, they continue to repair and regenerate, but the regenerated areas will form one by one nodules.

In my country, hepatitis B virus is a common cause of liver cirrhosis.

When the hepatitis B virus enters the liver, it will hide in the liver cells and start a frantic replication mode. At this time, the immune system will start a defensive battle, not only attacking the virus, but also affecting the normal liver. cell death.

Scar tissue forms in areas where liver cells die. They act like boulders on the highway, blocking blood flow to other blood vessels. Eventually, the liver fills up with stones.

This causes the liver to shrink, shrink, and become as hard as a stone.

Dian brother inserts a sentence:

In recent years in my country, liver cirrhosis caused by chronic alcoholism is on the rise, accounting for about 15%.

The process of liver cirrhosis is very quiet, and there is almost no obvious discomfort. However, when it is discovered, it is often in the middle of the night.Expect.

Liver, finally bursting out in silence!

After liver cirrhosis develops, the liver’s ability to synthesize substances decreases and detoxification is out of control. At this time, your body will:

Malnutrition, lower extremity edema, weight loss, fatigue.

More serious: Gastrointestinal bleeding!

If rescue is not timely, it may lead to tragedy.

Injury to the liver also affects other organs:


Bleeding from gums and nasal cavity, bleeding spots and purpura on skin and mucous membranes, menorrhagia in women;


Some people also have endocrine disorders, such as:

male sexual dysfunction, breast development, female infertility and amenorrhea, etc.


Chronic disease appearance: dark complexion, inflammation of the corners of the mouth, facial telangiectasia, etc., spider naevi and liver palms appear on the skin. When jaundice occurs, the disease may have advanced to the middle stage: yellowing of the skin, mucous membranes, and sclera.


Symptoms of portal hypertension: vomiting blood, black stools, pale skin from anemia, and even enlarged abdomen, ascites, and abdominal distension.

Time can buy gold, but gold cannot buy time.

After cirrhosis, about 0.3% of people each year may develop liver cancer.

Currently, there is no way to restore a hardened liver to its former softness,however, treatment can delay or prevent further damage from occurring.

Everything, focusing on prevention, cherishing the body is in every moment:

Strictly abstain from alcohol;

Reasonable diet: less sugar, less oil, weight control, prevent obesity and overweight, and prevent fatty liver;

Medications should be taken according to the doctor’s advice;

If there is chronic viral hepatitis, actively cooperate with the treatment;

Pay attention to dietary hygiene and beware of parasitic infections:

Don’t eat raw:

Meat, fish, shrimp, snails, eggs;

Cress, water chestnut, water chestnut and other aquatic plants;

Don’t drink: Freshly milked raw goat’s milk, camel’s milk;

Do not touch, buy and eat game;

Food needs to be heated thoroughly;

Separate cutting boards, raw and cooked in the refrigerator;

Wash hands thoroughly after handling raw food.

Don’t ignore the liver because of its silence. After the heart-breaking love is over, there will be better ones. Liver damage, but it can no longer be reversed.

Reviewer: Fan Wu

Deputy Chief Physician of Hepatobiliary Surgery, Cancer Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences


[1]. Lu Zaiying, Zhong Nanshan. Internal Medicine [M]. Seventh Edition. People’s Health Publishing House, 2008:446-449.

[2]. Epidemiology of chronic hepatitis B virus infection, hepatocellular carcinoma, and hepatitis B virus-induced hepatocellular carcinoma. Kew MC .Pathol Biol (Paris). 2010;58(4): 273. Epub 2010 Apr 7.

Editors: Guo Qian, Zhang Jie, Zhang Liang

Design: Wei Wei | Proofreading: Wu Yihe | Typesetting: Li Yongmin

Operation: Han Ningning | Coordinator: Wu Wei