How can human emotions make life easier and more effective?

As the saying goes, what kind of emotional world is there, and its real life and emotions also correspond to each other. Therefore, people should take good care of their emotions, so that emotions are controllable and in an open and inclusive world.

Emotion controllable means that emotions are always under our control, and we cannot make emotions too complicated and difficult to control. We should let emotions be within our control. The emotional world really can’t be overcomplicated, it’s beyond our ability to handle it, and once the emotion becomes unmanageable, it becomes out of control and we’re not far from breaking down.

People often say that the emotional world is complicated. In fact, the more complicated it is, the more troublesome it is. Just like a computer, once a system is too complicated, it is difficult to repair it. It can be seen that the emotional world of human beings is the same, try to simplify it as much as possible to make it a microkernel and controllable degree. People’s psychological world should be a microkernel. When you need to use a certain emotion, you can call it automatically. Once the system is too bloated, it consumes people’s mental strength.

Some people are very internal, always dealing with their inner world, it is always difficult to get out, and they are dragged down by too many other emotions. It makes people want to be like extroverted people, it becomes difficult to socialize freely, and it is always internal friction.

Therefore, if you want to quickly deal with various complex problems in social situations, you must establish an efficient ability to deal with problems, and “microkernel” is the right choice. The microkernel just doesn’t take up memory, and it is called when it is used, otherwise most emotions are always on standby. The standby state always tires the brain, constantly in the background for us to call.

This is not an efficient method. The more efficient it is, the more streamlined it should be. It is particularly easy to use and does not cost the background.

In this way, we will always deal with problems efficiently, and we will also be able to handle problems with ease in social situations, which is simpler in life to deal with problems clearly. In the end, it is also a simple life, a happy heart, and any problems will be clearly dealt with by us.