How big is the gap between having children at 25 and having children at 35? Obstetricians tell the truth!

Every 30-year-old girl who is not married will definitely be talked about by relatives during the festival:

“Still looking for someone?”

“Have a baby while you’re young, it won’t be easy when you’re older!”

“Young people need to start a family first and then start a career. Only when they have children can they have the motivation to work hard.”

(Source: Internet)

In fact, most girls have heard that “24-29 years old is the best age for childbearing”, but a heart-wrenching fact is that many people are just starting their careers at this age At this stage, if you choose “sheng” at this time, it often means abandoning “sheng”.

Because having children is likely to push working women into a crisis of marginalization.

(Source: Japanese drama “I, get off work at time”)

And after giving birth, women’s time will be constantly pulled by work, housework, and children, because most of the housework is currently performed by women by default.

(Source: “Home on Banpo”)

In the TV series “Settled Home”, the mother, a gynecologist who needs to work overtime at night, can only sit on the toilet to work in order not to disturb the rest of her family.

Under this predicament, many girls have to miss the “golden period of fertility”, but at the same time, they are also worried, what will be the impact if they miss it?

First, one clear fact: As men and women age, fertility declines, the chances of miscarriage and fetal malformations increase, and the risk of pregnancy and childbirth increases .

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

1. Women’s chances of getting pregnant naturally decrease with age

According to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, a healthy 25-year-old woman has about a 25 percent chance of conceiving naturally each month. That is, for every 100 women who try to conceive during the month, 25 will succeed. At the age of 30, this chance is 20%, and by the age of 40, this number decreases to less than 5% [1].

There is also a decline in ovarian reserve, which refers to the number of follicles remaining in the ovary.quantity and quality. Women’s ovarian reserve peaks around birth and then gradually declines until menopause [2].

Also affecting fertility is egg quality. If the egg quality is poor or has a genetic abnormality, it may not be fertilized, the fertilized egg will not implant in the uterus or cause a miscarriage.

However, there is no direct clinical method to measure egg quality, and the relationship between egg quality and age can only be estimated by the percentage of abnormal embryos. It can also be seen that with age, the percentage of abnormal embryos gradually increases.

Women of virtually every age face a certain risk of miscarriage (approximately 10%-15%), and with age, the risk of spontaneous miscarriage increases accordingly, and It rises rapidly after the age of 35 [3].

2. Having a baby between 30 and 34 may not be as high as you think.

A statistical study of more than 7 million pregnant women in the United States in 2009 showed that compared with women aged 25 to 29, younger women (≤19 years old) had preterm birth, chorioamnionitis , increased risk of endometritis and mild preeclampsia.

Older women (≥35 years old) are more likely to experience pregnancy and childbirth complications such as preterm birth, hypertension, severe preeclampsia, preeclampsia, and postpartum hemorrhage [4].

The horizontal axis of the graph above represents different age groups, and the vertical axis is the incidence of pregnancy-related complications per 1,000 people. It can be seen intuitively:

The probability of complications shows a trend of high at both ends and low in the middle.

In other words, being too young or being too old increases the risk, the intermediate risk is relatively low, with the gap between the 25-29-year-old group and the 30-34-year-old group It’s not really that big.

But over the age of 35, the probability of complications during pregnancy and childbirth increases significantly. This is why medically 35 years old is defined as the standard of “senior mothers”.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

In addition to complications during pregnancy and childbirth, the condition of the fetus is of greatest concern to everyone. Indeed, with increasing age, the probability of fetal abnormalities must be higher. But in fact this absolute value is not as high as we thought.

A large Canadian study shows that the risk of adverse pregnancy and childbirth outcomes increases with maternal age. However, the absolute risk of serious adverse fetal and infant outcomes is relatively low (5%-7%) even in women over 35 years of age [5].

(Data source: Absolute risks of obstetric outcomes risks by maternal age at first birth: a population-based cohort)

Many women have to disrupt their life arrangements under the pressure of the “best reproductive age”; there are also many people who are anxious because they have missed the best reproductive age, as if those serious things are about to happen to you.

In fact, when is the “best”, there is no optimal solution. From a medical point of view, we comprehensively analyze the above data, taking into account the health of ourselves and our baby, it is certainly the best to be able to give birth at the age of 24 to 29.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

But if you miss it, it’s not that bad. Be aware that even healthy women in their 20s can have some bad outcomes. In general, giving birth before the age of 35 still has a high probability of everything going well. It does not mean that there will be problems if you give birth after the age of 30.

Birth and childbirth are just the beginning. Raising a child requires time, patience, economy and wisdom. It is not just a medical perspective.

In her early 20s, she was forced to choose to have children when she had just entered the society, and she had not yet established a firm foothold and could not be responsible for herself and her children. The incidence is a few percent less.

(Image source: “Extraordinary Way”)

Mai P on balancing family and work

For young people, the “best age for childbearing” should not be a bundle of “age to come”, but both parties are ready to welcome a new life when it comes.

For girls, what they need is not the advice of their relatives to “have a child early and be happy”, but to have the right to choose to have children, but that their partners can also realize that doing housework and taking care of children It’s not “helping”, it’s also my responsibility, but after giving birth, I don’t have to bear social prejudice and can compete fairly in the workplace like a man.

Reviewer: Gong Jing|Deputy Chief Physician, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Beijing Anzhen Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University


[1]https: -booklets/age-and-fertility/

[2]Wilkosz, Pawel et al. “Female reproductive decline is determined by remaining ovarian reserve and age.” PloS one vol. 9,10 e108343. 13 Oct. 2014, doi:10.1371 /journal.pone.0108343

[3]Nybo Andersen AM, Wohlfahrt J, Christens P, Olsen J, Melbye M. Maternal age and fetal loss: population based register linkage study. BMJ.2000;320(7251): 1708-1712.doi:10.1136/bmj.320.7251.1708

[4]Cavazos-Rehg PA, Krauss MJ, Spitznagel EL, Bommarito K, Madden T, Olsen MA, Subramaniam H, Peipert JF, Bierut LJ. Maternal age and risk of labor and delivery complications. Matern Child Health J. 2015 Jun;19(6):1202-11. doi: 10.1007/s10995-014-1624-7. PMID: 25366100; PMCID: PMC4418963.

[5]Schummers L, Hutcheon JA, Hacker MR, VanderWeele TJ, Williams PL, McElrath TF, Hernandez-Diaz S. Absolute risks of obstetric outcomes by maternal age at first birth: a population -based cohort. Epidemiology. 2018 May;29(3):379-387. doi: 10.1097/EDE.0000000000000818. Erratum in: Epidemiology. 2018 Jul;29(4):e38. PMID: 29517506; PMCID: PMC5922259.< /p>

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