How annoying is “pollen allergy”? Doctor: It may even trigger asthma, don’t take it seriously

Every spring and summer, when the sun is shining and the temperature warms, should be one of the most comfortable times of the year. During this period of time, there were a lot of people who went out for an outing. But as the so-called “happiness does not belong to everyone”, while everyone is looking at the scenery, there are also some people who are suffering indescribable “pain”, and they are people with pollen allergies.

Maybe many friends with pollen allergies feel the same way: every spring and summer, all kinds of flowers begin to grow, and the surrounding environment is flooded with pollen, which is quite There are “allergens” everywhere, which is not only very uncomfortable, but even affects life and work.

How annoying is hay fever? Here’s what happened to a 27-year-old girl

Xiao Zhao, 27 years old this year, is a salesperson of a property sales company. According to her description, whenever spring and summer alternate, it is her most “painful” time.

Because of the nature of his work, the company has high requirements for Xiao Zhao’s appearance, but due to pollen allergies, Xiao Zhao has been working for a long time. In a runny nose, tearful, and hoarse voice, mental state is greatly reduced. For this, Xiao Zhao was also criticized by the supervisor. It can be seen the impact of pollen allergy on Xiao Zhao’s life and work.

Seeing what happened to Xiao Zhao, I believe that many friends are aware of the annoying degree of pollen allergy, but there may be many friends I also feel that the time between spring and summer is so short, just in terms of runny nose and tears, it will be over for a while. But in fact, it is not as simple as imagined. The symptoms of pollen allergy persist for a long time, and there are even other hidden dangers and risks.

Hay pollen allergies are not just tears and runny nose, but these 3 serious symptoms also need to be guarded against

First symptom: allergic asthma

Allergies can cause respiratory symptoms that everyone must know, such aswheezing, labored breathing, violent cough, throat inflammation and many more.

Not only that, but allergies can also cause a more serious respiratory disease called asthma. Asthma symptoms, especially severe asthma reactions caused by pollen allergy, can cause hypoxia and asthma in a short period of time, and even directly lead to suffocation, which is life-threatening. Therefore, do not take pollen allergy seriously. Once you have strong respiratory symptoms, please go to the hospital for professional treatment in time.

Second symptom: severe gastrointestinal disease

Yes, you read that right, the symptoms of pollen allergy can even affect the digestive system by radiation. According to clinical data, about 80% of people with severe pollen allergy experience severe symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases such as cramping abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea< span>. If such a situation is maintained for a long time, it will even bury the hidden danger of chronic gastrointestinal inflammation.

Therefore, for people with pollen allergies, it is not just respiratory symptoms, gastrointestinal abnormalities may be regulated and treated in time.

Third symptoms: skin and mucous membrane-related symptoms

For examplegeneralized measles, swelling of lips and tongue, skin bleeding, etc., etc., are also relatively serious symptoms of pollen allergy . Skin symptoms continue to worsen and even lead to dangerous situations such as fainting and shock.

All in all, pollen allergy is definitely not just a simple cough and tears, and there are still some very serious symptoms hidden behind it. Many allergic friends are also aware of this, and want to cure allergies through medical means, in order to get better treatment.

Can hay fever be eradicated medically?

It is here to tell everyone clearly that it is not possible.

Hay fever is a immune type of disease, After the body’s first exposure to an allergen, the immune system binds antibodies to the surface of mast cells and basophils, which in turn form permanent antibodies in response to pollen.

In other words, when you first experience an allergy, your body has stored Antibodies to pollen, which are used to elicit an immune response, whereas antibodies to the immune system do notIt can be removed by medical means.

Therefore, for people with pollen allergies, preparation in advance , still the most effective way to avoid serious allergy politics. The specific precautions are as follows:

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The first isprecautionary measures, such as when at home, try to reduce the amount of ventilationby opening windows Time, or place an air purifier at home, etc. to reduce the risk of pollen entering the room to achieve a preventive effect.

When go out, wear a mask in time, a hat and sunglasses if necessary. Take off your coat when you get home and leave it at the door to avoid allergies from bringing pollen indoors.

Then Treatment. If you have been exposed to pollen allergy by accident, although it cannot be completely cured, it can be relieved with antihistamine eye drops and nasal sprays , out of allergic state. If it still doesn’t help after using the drug, please go to the hospital in time to receive professional recuperation and treatment.

At the turn of spring and summer, while enjoying the weather, don’t forget the potential harm caused by pollen allergies, and actively understand , and take appropriate preventive and treatment measures, can we truly enjoy the beautiful scenery and beautiful weather during this time period, and can be more conducive to taking care of our own health.


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[3] Zhu Xiaoming, Wei Qingyu, Li Quansheng, et al. 1183 allergic asthma patients Original skin test and clinical analysis[C]// The 7th National Academic Conference on Allergy of Integrative Medicine, the 1st Academic Conference on Allergy of Integrative Chinese and Western Medicine in Liaoning Province, and the 1st Academic Conference on Immunology and Allergy of Shenyang Military Region. 0.