Hot search! Garlic can “snap off” a knife? Its strength is far more than this

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Recently, a brand of kitchen knife smashed garlic and caused a customer complaint on the hot search, netizens This also led to discussions on a series of issues such as “can a kitchen knife be used to shoot garlic” and “what kind of kitchen knife can be used to shoot garlic”.

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We are all familiar with garlic. Garlic is an indispensable condiment for daily cooking. “Compendium of Materia Medica” records that “its qi is strong, can pass through the five internal organs, remove cold and dampness, and ward off evil”, and believes that garlic is a good health food. Modern research has also found that some components in garlic have the effects of promoting metabolism, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory, improving immunity and lowering cholesterol.

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And recently, a study on eating garlic can reduce the risk of gastric cancer has surprised us!


BMJ Follow-up 22 Years Study: span>

Long-term eating garlic can reduce gastric cancer mortality

my country is a big country with gastric cancer. According to WHO data, the incidence and death of gastric cancer in China account for 42.6% and 45.0% of the global incidence and death of gastric cancer, respectively. It can be seen that the prevention and treatment of gastric cancer is very serious.

In order to study the factors affecting the progression of gastric precancerous lesions, as early as 1995, researchers from Peking University School of Clinical Oncology conducted a study on 3365 An intervention experiment was conducted on people from areas with high incidence of gastric cancer. The intervention measures were: Helicobacter pylori treatment for two weeks, vitamin supplementation for more than seven years, and garlic supplementation for more than seven years.

After nearly 22 years of follow-up, the researchers found:

① In preventing the occurrence of gastric cancer, Helicobacter pylori eradication and vitamin supplementation have shown good effects, but garlic supplementation did not significantly reduce the incidence of gastric cancer.

②From the perspective of gastric cancer mortality, all three interventions were There is obvious effect. Helicobacter pylori treatment was associated with a 38% reduction in gastric cancer mortality, a 52% reduction in intake of vitamin supplements, and a 34% reduction in intake of garlic supplements.

③Comprehensive analysis of the gastric cancer of the subjects after including the lifestyle, the results showed that in never drinking alcohol In the population, the protective effect of ingesting garlic supplements was more significant, with a 67% lower risk of death from gastric cancer compared to the control group!


garlic The benefits are inseparable from 4 types of ingredients

  • < p>Allyl sulfide compounds

    Allyl sulfide compounds, not only inhibitory It can inhibit Helicobacter pylori to a certain extent, and can also play a positive anti-cancer effect by inhibiting the activation of carcinogens and regulating the metabolism of carcinogens.

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  • Garlic Polysaccharide

    Garlic polysaccharide is one of the functional components in garlic, which has various effects such as antioxidant, antiviral, enhancing immunity and protecting liver, and can also increase intestinal probiotics< /strong>. And its content is more than 70%, and the development value is high.

  • polyphenolic compounds< span>

    Garlic also contains a variety of phenolic compounds such as phenolic acids, flavonoids, flavonols and flavanones, which have strong Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, have a positive effect on the prevention of cancer and cardiovascular diseases, and can also help delay aging.

  • Selenium

    The selenium content in garlic is also very high, especially dehydrated garlic, which can reach 19.3ug/100g.

    On the one hand, selenium has a super antioxidant effect, scavenging free radicals The ability of vitamin E is 50-500 times that of vitamin E, which can destroy already formed peroxides and reduce the risk of inflammation and cancer;

    On the other hand, selenium can activate P53 tumor inhibitor protein and repair DNA; it can also directly act on cancer cells, being a “killer” of cancer cells, and assist inhibition of cancer cells Cell growth and metastasis.

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Garlic is good, but not “mythical”

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Daily dietary intake of garlic has limited active substance content, coupled with cooking, etc. The nutrient loss is incomparable with the extracts used in the study. Eating too much will have an irritating effect on the oral mucosa, esophageal mucosa and gastric mucosa.

That said, It is not practical to achieve significant cancer-fighting effects from eating garlic alone. Therefore, don’t deify the “anti-cancer effect” of garlic, treat it normally, and consume it in moderation.


How to eat garlic and how much is appropriate?

2~3 petals per day

Experts from Beijing Institute of Cancer Prevention and Control suggest that you should not eat too much garlic every day. Excessive consumption of garlic will promote gastric acid secretion and stimulate the gastrointestinal mucosa. It is not advisable to eat more than 2~3 cloves per day.

Various ways to eat garlic

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  • Mash garlic and eat raw, better sterilization effect< span>

During the heating process of garlic, the content of organic sulfides gradually decreases, and the sterilization power also gradually weakens; Amino acid must be combined with alliinase after the cell is broken, and it can become allicin when it encounters oxygen.

Therefore, garlicbest mashed into a puree and left for 10-15 minutes before eating , more conducive to the production of allicin.

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  • Sprouted garlic has stronger antioxidant properties

A study found that 5-day-old garlic contained more antioxidant activity than fresh garlic. However, if it is accompanied by rot and mold, it cannot be eaten.

  • Pickled Laba Garlic to relieve tiredness and digestion p>

Laba garlic is made of rice vinegar and garlic. It tastes sour, spicy and delicious. It has a good effect of relieving greasy, removing fishy smell and helping digestion. The chemical changes that took place attenuated the garlic odor and greatlythe gastrointestinal irritation of organosulfur compounds.


Not suitable for people who eat garlic

It is worth noting that garlic is not suitable for everyone, and the following groups should not eat too much garlic:

①People with gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer with gastrointestinal diseases

Because garlic will Stimulating gastric acid secretion is not conducive to the healing of ulcers in people with gastrointestinal ulcers, and may aggravate ulcers.

②Patients with diarrhea

Eating garlic at this time, It will irritate the intestinal wall more, making the diarrhea worse.

③Eye disease patients

Eye disease should avoid spicy food, so People with eye diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts, and conjunctivitis should pay attention.

④Special responders

some of the garlic Substances may be sensitizing, causing redness, rash, allergic diarrhea, and respiratory asthma. Therefore, such people should not eat.


Garlic tastes hard to get rid of, what should I do?

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After eating garlic, it is easy to leave some “garlic taste” in the mouth. At this time, you can drink some milk or eat some peanuts and other protein-rich foods .

The capsaicin “propylene sulfide” in garlic can effectively combine with protein, reduce odor, and then brush your teeth for further cleaning.

Source: People’s Daily Online The pictures and cover pictures in this article are from the copyright gallery, and the content of the pictures is not authorized Reprint

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