Hong Kong’s Department of Health explains the reason for the surge in confirmed cases

This article is reprinted from: World Wide Web

[#Hong Kong Department of Health explains the reason for the surge in confirmed cases#] Ou Jiarong, chief doctor of the Infectious Diseases Division of the Center for Health Protection, Department of Health, Hong Kong SAR Government, said that #Hong KongSingle Day The number of newly confirmed cases has exceeded 20,000, and the number of cases is expected to rise further in a short period of time. We appeal to Hong Kong citizens to stay at home as much as possible and take preventive measures.

As of 0:00 on the 27th, #Hong Kong added 26,026 new confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia#. In response to the surge in the number of confirmed cases in a single day, Au Ka-wing pointed out that the SAR government has announced a few days ago, eliminating the need to submit the cases that are initially positive by the test operator to the Public Health Laboratory Service Office of the Department of Health for review, and testing the operator’s nucleic acid. A positive case is directly considered a confirmed case. Due to the relevant arrangements, cases originally awaiting review by the Public Health Laboratory Services Division of the Department of Health will be directly regarded as confirmed cases.

Au Jiarong said that the SAR government will soon launch an online reporting platform. After citizens who test positive for their own rapid test submit relevant documents, they will be treated as confirmed cases and recorded after verification. The Centre for Health Protection will issue relevant certificates to patients. . (Reporter Huang Ziying, Head Office)