High temperature for several days, many people diagnosed! Watch out, heat stroke!

Hot, hot, hot, hot!

Continued high temperature recently

High temperature red warning issued in many places

The Central Meteorological Observatory continues to issue an orange high temperature warning

Heatstroke events occur frequently under continuous high temperature:

Many people in Zhejiang have been diagnosed with heat stroke

Nanjing renovation workers suffer from heat stroke

Sichuan West China Hospital admitted 3 cases of heat stroke in one day



Many people have been diagnosed with heat stroke and have died!

Please note

“Hot Dead Man” is no joke

So, what exactly is heat stroke?

What is the difference between

and heatstroke?

How to identify?

How to prevent it?


What exactly is heat stroke

According to the “Expert Consensus on Diagnosis and Treatment of Heat Stroke in China” first published in the online version of “The PLA Medical Journal” in 2019: “Heat Stroke” is caused by heat damage factors acting on the body A fatal disease refers to an imbalance between heat production and heat dissipation caused by exposure to a hot environment or strenuous exercise.

Heat stroke usually occurs in summer with high temperatures and high humidity.

When the temperature is too high, the balance of water and electrolysis in the human body will be destroyed, causing a series of physical discomforts such as dizziness and chest tightness, which is called heat stroke.

“Heat stroke” is classified as severe heat stroke in the classification of heat stroke.

Symptoms of mild heatstroke are nausea, dizziness, and fatigue. At this time, be vigilant and stay wherever it is cool.

Severe heat stroke is also divided into three stages: heat cramps, which are caused by loss of electrolytes due to profuse sweating, and symptoms such as body convulsions and confusion; more severe heat exhaustion, If the high temperature persists, organ dysfunction occurs; the most serious is heat stroke. The temperature of the internal organs exceeds 42°C, and cell dysfunction occurs.

Heat stroke refers to the disorder of body temperature regulation caused by high temperature, resulting in excessive accumulation of heat in the body, resulting in damage to nerve organs >.

usually manifested as high fever, body temperature above 40°C, dry and hot skin without sweating, mental disorder, organ failure, etc. Without timely and proper treatment, the fatality rate of heat stroke ranges from 20% to 70%, and can be as high as 80% for patients over 50 years old.


Key populations for heat stroke prevention

There are two main groups of people who need heat stroke prevention:


The disease is mainly caused by the imbalance of body heat production and heat dissipation caused by high-intensity physical activity. It is common in healthy young people who exercise vigorously in summer, such as officers and soldiers, athletes, firefighters, construction workers who participate in training in summer. workers etc.


Common in the young, pregnant women and the elderly, or individuals with chronic underlying diseases or impaired immune function, usually passive exposure to the heat environment causes the body to produce and dissipate heat Disease due to imbalance.

https:// You don’t have to be in the sun to get heat stroke https://

Many people think that heat stroke is only related to high temperature, but it is not.

The human body’s perception of heat is not entirely dependent on temperature, but also on meteorological factors such as humidity. When the air humidity reaches 80% to 90%, it is difficult for sweat to dissipate. At this time, even if the air temperature is only about 32°C, the human body will feel uncomfortable. When the relative humidity drops to 30%, the high temperature resistance of the human body can even reach 38 to 39 °C.

In addition, under the same temperature and humidity conditions, the better the ventilation environment, the higher the tolerance of the human body to high temperature. In addition, personal physique, direct sunlight, working environment and other factors will also affect how much heat is dissipated from the human body and whether the body’s regulating function is in a good state.

Don’t go into a misunderstanding, Not only manual workers who have been exposed to the sun for a long time will suffer from heat stroke, the elderly and infirm Urban residents, who have been in a hot and humid environment for a long time, may also suffer from this disease.


How to prevent and treat

Prevention is important! ! !

Special groups such as the elderly, children and outdoor workers are at high risk of “heat stroke”. Please try to do the following when preventing:

Avoid going out during hot times:

In particular, try to minimize going out during the high noon time and avoid prolonged direct sunlight. If it is unavoidable, pay more attention to physical changes, and carry heatstroke prevention and cooling drugs with you when necessary.

Increase ventilation and maintain proper room temperature:

In the high temperature period, you can turn on the air conditioner to adjust the room temperature, and it is best to control it at about 26°C. Keep indoor ventilation as much as possible, do not stay in the air-conditioned room for a long time, otherwise the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor will weaken the human body’s tolerance and resistance to high temperature.

Protect against prolonged direct sunlight:

In hot summer, outdoor activities must be well prepared for heatstroke prevention: such as sun protection, sun protection, drinking more salt water, etc., rest more and try to maintain the regularity of life. Also do not work in a closed high temperature environment for a long time.

Prompt treatment

In a high temperature and high humidity environment, if you experience heat stroke symptoms such as rapid heartbeat, dizziness, headache, shortness of breath, etc., move to a cool, ventilated place to rest as soon as possible.

Heatstroke symptoms are likely to be life-threatening when:

Dizziness, throbbing headache, nausea, extremely high body temperature (oral body temperature >39.5°C), red-hot skin with dry and no sweat, fear of cold, fast heavy pulse, consciousness Vague, slurred, unconscious, etc.

The following steps can be taken to help:

Cool down:

Move the patient to a cool place. Use a cool wet towel or ice pack to apply cold compresses to the head, underarms and thighs; wipe the patient’s body with cold water, or soak in cold water if possible patient’s body, etc.

Monitor patient temperature:

Continue efforts to cool the patient until the temperature drops to 38°C.

Call for help:

Call 120, 110, etc. in time for more guidance and help.

Attention! Don’t give the patient water! ! !

Occasionally, a patient’s muscles twitch involuntarily from heat stroke. When this happens, stop the patient from hurting himself. Do not put anything in the patient’s mouth and do not attempt to feed him/her with fluids to rehydrate him/her. If vomiting occurs, turn the patient on their side to ensure an unobstructed airway.

https://Reminder! The above self-rescue measures cannot really replace the role of medical treatment. It is necessary to let patients get professional treatment as soon as possible https://

Source: China Meteorological Administration