High sugar, high oil, high fat? The “junk food” in the mouth of the elders is actually sometimes very healthy

As the saying goes: people take food as their heaven, and only love and food can’t be let down.

However, some foodies love food more deeply. Even if they know that eating these foods will make them fat, even if they know that their weight will skyrocket, they are still reluctant to give up.

However, the question is, why can’t humans give up their love for junk food?

The so-called “junk food” is the most recognized food by our body


There is an answer with a high score on Zhihu, which says: In recent decades, human beings have the capital to call high-calorie, high-sugar food junk food .

After all, in the long history of human evolution, most people are not full, and those who miss these high-calorie “junk foods” have long been buried in the river of time.

When we enjoy food, the brain will stimulate the reward system, just like playing games and shopping, it stimulates our endocrine system, the body will secrete dopamine, and if too much dopamine is produced, it will Exciting.

Like alcohol and coffee, not many people like this kind of bitterness when they first drink it But gradually, the human body turns on the reward system and gradually becomes their captive.

Those who like this kind of taste are simply the taste, not the energy.

In addition, those who can’t control themselves and eat all the time and eventually become big fat people, sometimes can’t blame them for lack of self-discipline, just because they have “fat genes”—- FTO and DRD2.

The two genes will stimulate the body’s reward system, so the body is more eager for junk food demand.

Junk food, also has health risks

Strictly speaking, “junk food” is not an academic concept in nutrition, and there are hardly any formal nutrition textbooks that can find a definition for it.

The junk food referred to here actually mainly summarizes refined rice noodles and refined sugar processing, high-calorie, high-fat, high-sugar or Foods containing alcohol, caffeine.

What are the health risks of eating “junk food”?

1. Causes gallstones

High fat in “junk food” will increase cholesterol in the body. If the content continues to rise, it will lead to the concentration of bile in the body, which will slowly form a stone, which is a gallstone.

2. Cause malnutrition

Long-term consumption of high-calorie foods and lack of other dietary fibers will inevitably lead to malnutrition in the body, which will adversely affect the body. It has a great impact, and it also causes excess energy and promotes obesity.

3. Anorexia of other foods

Eating “junk food” for a long time will produce a lot of dopamine in the body, which will make us feel ill about these foods Dependence, disinterest in other foods, and anorexia.

4. Easy to gain weight

“Junk food” contains a lot of fat, which is not easy to be digested by the body. Eating these foods for a long time will cause the body to lose weight. The accumulation of oil and the formation of fat, the fat is not well discharged, which will lead to the body fat.

Junk food, is it really junk?

The reason why refined rice noodles, high-sugar foods, and high-fat foods are “unhealthy” is that they provide people with extremely high energy, compared to other minerals, dietary fiber, Vitamins and other nutrients are relatively lacking.

Eating only such foods for a long time will increase the incidence of obesity, dental caries, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, etc., on the other hand, due to the lack of other nutrients /strong>, will cause malnutrition.

Therefore, according to such standards, most American fast food foods are not so “healthy” and indeed cannot be eaten as staple food for a long time.

The question is, are the traditional foods like pickled vegetables, oil cakes, and bacon that elders love to eat healthy?

No junk food, only unreasonable combination

We can’t kill “junk food” directly, just change our diet slightlyCombinations, or ways of cooking, these so-called junk foods are not “junk” at all, but rather healthy.

For example, for beef burgers, remove the amount of high-sugar and high-fat sauces, add white bread or multigrain bread, and add more vegetables, or eat with a salad and fruit without sauce.

With this combination, fat, carbohydrates and protein all meet the requirements, and they are also very healthy.

Therefore, not only can you enjoy the delicious food, but also avoid quarreling with your elders. By the way, you can learn bad nutrition knowledge, so that you can eat happily and stay healthy.

This kills two birds with one stone, it is a good thing to kill three birds with one stone!


[1] Smith, Andrew F. (2000 5 September). Encyclopedia of Junk Food and Fast Food. Greenwood Press. px ISBN 978-0313335273.