High pressure and high harm, or low pressure and high harm? How to reduce high pressure high, or low pressure high?

Some people have high pressure and some people have low pressure!

So is it more harmful to increase high pressure, or is it more harmful to increase low pressure?

“Hypertension, beware! 》This book on high blood pressure records that every 20mmHg increase in systolic blood pressure, that is, high pressure, increases the risk of cerebral hemorrhage by 24%; diastolic blood pressure, that is, low pressure, increases by 10mmHg, the risk of cerebral hemorrhage increases by 23%.

Then you say that high pressure is more harmful, or low pressure is more harmful?

Let’s look at the definition of high blood pressure again:

Measure blood pressure three times on different days. If the systolic blood pressure is ≥140mmHg, it is called hypertension with elevated systolic blood pressure, or if the diastolic blood pressure is ≥90 mmHg, it is called hypertension with only elevated diastolic blood pressure, or high blood pressure Hypertension and low pressure at the same time ≥ 140/90mmHg are called hypertension.

Obviously, whether it is high pressure or low pressure, or both high and low pressure, it is called high blood pressure, and it will cause harm to our body.

It not only increases the risk of cerebral hemorrhage, but also increases the risk of cerebral infarction, myocardial infarction, heart failure, renal failure, atrial fibrillation, aortic dissection and other malignant diseases.

Therefore, it is meaningless to discuss whether high pressure is more harmful or low pressure is more harmful.


First, whether it is high blood pressure or high low pressure, it is high blood pressure.

Second, whether it is high pressure or low pressure, it is harmful to our body.

Second, no matter if the high pressure is high or the low pressure is high, we all have to find a way to reduce the blood pressure to the normal level. You absolutely cannot feel that the low pressure rises just because you hear about the dangers of high pressure. The high is fine, so don’t control the low pressure rise.

So, instead of discussing where high pressure is harmful or low pressure is harmful, let’s talk about how to reduce high pressure to normal or low pressure to normal.

What is high voltage?

The professional term for high pressure is called systolic blood pressure. The simple understanding of systolic blood pressure is that when the heart contracts, the blood will be squeezed out, and the blood squeezed out from the heart will cause a pressure on the arteries. This Pressure is systolic blood pressure, also known as high pressure.

As we age, especially those with severe arteriosclerosis, the blood pressure squeezed by the heart encounters relatively hard blood vessels, and its natural elasticity is relatively small. The smaller the elasticity, the greater the pressure on the blood vessel wall caused by the impact of the blood, and the higher the systolic blood pressure.

Therefore, relatively speaking, the elderly or those with relatively severe arteriosclerosis often present with elevated high pressure.

What is low pressure?

The term for low pressure is called diastolic blood pressure. Diastolic blood pressure is simply understood as the pressure generated by blood vessels when the peripheral blood returns to the heart when the heart is diastolic.

Elevated diastolic blood pressure is more common in young and middle-aged people. This is due to the increase in low pressure, mainly caused by sympathetic excitement, such as excessive tension, anxiety, insomnia, staying up late, or lack of exercise, Overweight, etc.

The total amount of blood in our body is limited. When some people are nervous, anxious, lack of exercise, etc., the peripheral small blood vessels will shrink, so most of the blood will be concentrated In the large blood vessels, the more blood in the blood vessels, the higher the pressure generated, which will be mainly manifested as low pressure.

How to reduce high pressure, or low pressure?

First, there is no drug that simply reduces high pressure or low pressure. Current antihypertensive drugs reduce high pressure and low pressure together.

Second, whether it is elevated high pressure or elevated low pressure, we should all eat a healthy diet, a diet low in sodium salt, a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, etc., and should stay away from smoking. Drink alcohol, keep exercising, control your weight, don’t stay up late, etc. to live a healthy life.

Third, life intervention, especially for young people with low pressure and high blood pressure, on the one hand, should insist on exercising, so that the peripheral blood vessels of the whole body are opened, allowing more blood to flow to the whole body , Don’t concentrate on the large arteries; on the one hand, you must relieve the pressure yourself, don’t be too nervous and anxious, the more nervous and anxious, the easier the small blood vessels are, the easier it is for blood to run into the large blood vessels, and the easier the low pressure is to rise.

Fourth, drug selection, mainly due to elevated high pressure, which is more common in the elderly, dipine, prisartan, diuretic antihypertensive drugs, etc. can be selected; but it must be combined with the specific conditions of the elderly disease. If the low pressure is mainly elevated, if the heart rate is too fast, it can be combined with lorol drugs to lower blood pressure, lower the heart rate, and inhibit sympathetic excitement; if the heart rate is not fast, you can now use the antihypertensive drugs such as Puli or Sartan, and clinical observation is more helpful To control high blood pressure mainly due to elevated low pressure.

In short, it doesn’t make much sense to discuss whether high pressure is more harmful or low pressure is more harmful. Whether it is high pressure or low pressure, we have to find a way to They come down.

Having both high and low pressures up to standard is king!