High incidence of heat stroke and many deaths! “Heat dead” is no joke..


High temperature frequency now< /strong>

A construction worker in Shaanxi Province

Tragically passed away due to heat stroke

< p>Get a lot of attention

In addition

in Xiamen, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other places

Many people are also diagnosed with heat stroke

Severe cases will cause coma< /p>


< p>What is heat stroke?

Heat stroke refers to hyperthermia caused by excessive heat accumulation in the body. , resulting in neurological damage. Heat stroke is severe heat stroke in the classification of heat stroke, which is a fatal disease with a high mortality rate. The disease usually occurs in summer with high temperatures and high humidity.

According to the different causes and susceptible groups, heat stroke can be divided into exertional heat stroke and non-exertional heat stroke Stroke disease (also known as classic heat stroke).

Why do I get heat stroke?

climatic factors of high temperature and humidity and high intensity /strong>It is the most important risk factor for heat stroke.

Classic heat stroke is mainly caused by high temperature and/or high humidity environmental factors, usually without strenuous physical activity. Exertional heat stroke is mainly caused by the imbalance between heat production and heat dissipation caused by high-intensity physical activity.

Which groups of people are more likely to get heat stroke?

Sanitation workers and construction workers who work outdoors for a long time; span>People who stay in closed rooms and cars for a long time; people with chronic diseases, especially those with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases; the elderly and infirm, children, pregnant women, etc.,< /strong>All are at high risk for heat stroke.

What are the common symptoms of heat stroke?

1.Elevated body temperature: Elevated body temperature is the main feature of heat stroke. The core body temperature of the patients is mostly above 40°C.

2.Central nervous system symptoms: Central nervous system dysfunction is the main feature of heat stroke, and severe damage can occur in the early stage, manifested as : Delirium, lethargy, seizures, coma, etc.; other abnormal manifestations of the nervous system may also occur, including bizarre behavior, hallucinations, opisthotonos, and tonicity. Some patients may have long-term central nervous system damage in the later stage, mainly manifested as inattention, memory loss, cognitive impairment, language impairment, ataxia, etc.

3.Other symptoms: Headache, nausea, redness, increased skin temperature, shortness of breath, increased heart rate, muscle cramps or weakness.

How should first aid be handled at the scene?

1. Move the patient to a shady place.

2. No matter what method is used, cool the patient quickly. Such as soaking the patient in cool water in a bathtub; placing the patient under a cool shower; spraying the patient with cold water for flowers; wiping the patient’s body with cool water; compressing the head and armpits with a cool wet towel or ice pack and the base of the thigh; when the weather is dry, wrap the patient in a sheet or clothing soaked in cool water and blow it hard with a fan.

3. Muscle twitching may occur in patients with heat stroke. When this happens, avoid the patient from hurting himself. Do not put anything in the patient’s mouth and do not attempt to give the patient water. If the patient vomits, turn the patient’s body over on their side to ensure an open airway and avoid aspiration.

Which conditions require immediate medical attention?

1. If the body temperature continues to rise, even exceeding 40℃, seek medical attention in time. .

2. Headache: If persistent headache occurs in a high temperature environment or after heavy physical labor, you should seek medical attention in time.

3. Muscle spasm: If the muscles of the whole body, especially the muscles of the limbs, twitch unconsciously in a high temperature environment or after heavy physical work, you should seek medical attention in time.

4. Shallow and fast breathing: The breathing rate is accelerated, more than 20 times per minute, and the inhalation and exhalation volume is small, so seek medical attention in time.

5. Nausea: If you feel like vomiting but can’t vomit, you should seek medical attention in time.

Anyone who is found to be comatose, extremely debilitated, confused, delirium, epilepsy should be taken to the doctor or 120 for assistance immediately.

How to prevent heat stroke?

The key to reducing heat stroke mortality is prevention. The most effective preventive measures are avoiding high temperature (high humidity) and unventilated environments, reducing and avoiding risk factors for heat stroke, ensuring adequate rest time, and avoiding dehydration, thereby reducing heat stroke. incidence and mortality.

Source: People’s Daily, National Health Commission website, Baidu Encyclopedia

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