High hair recently! Adenovirus positive! Fuzhou CDC issued a reminder

In the past few days, many children in Shawan District, Leshan City, Sichuan Province have developed symptoms such as high fever and cough. They are all students of a local swimming pool.

Official notification:

Two people were detected positive for adenovirus on the same day

July 25 , Shawan District, Leshan City, Sichuan Province quickly established a special working class composed of Shawan District Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau, Shawan District Health and Health Bureau, Shawan District Market Supervision Bureau, Shawan District Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau and other relevant departments. Carry out investigation. A green channel was opened in the Shawan District People’s Hospital to diagnose and treat patients and take samples for inspection.

As of 21:00 on July 25, 2 patients tested positive for adenovirus and their condition was stable. It was initially judged that this was a disease caused by adenovirus.

(some children tested positive for adenovirus)

what It is adenovirus

01 basic information

is a DNA virus that is generally susceptible to the population, but infants, the elderly and immune People with low function are more susceptible to infection;

The incubation period of adenovirus infection is mostly 3-8 days.

02Clinical manifestations

Mainly manifested as fever, sore throat, cough, runny nose, abdominal pain, diarrhea and other symptoms; patients with urinary tract infection may have hematuria , urinary frequency, urgency, dysuria and other symptoms.

Adenovirus infection is a self-limiting disease, and there is currently no specific drug, mostly symptomatic treatment. If the above symptoms appear, seek medical attention as soon as possible. Mild patients can recover on their own in about a week, and do not abuse drugs.

03 Transmission route

The transmission route of adenovirus is mainly droplet transmission. The respiratory secretions of infected persons can be kept in the air for half an hour. In the absence of any protection, it is easy to be infected with adenovirus.

In addition, adenoviruses can also be transmitted by fecal-oral transmission (referring to transmission through feces, pathogen-contaminated water, food, clothing, etc.) and contact transmission (referring to direct or indirect contact with persons infected with pathogens) and things, etc.).

Warm reminder

The most obvious symptoms of adenovirus infection are persistent fever, cough, asthma, etc. Because the early stage of adenovirus infection is similar to a cold, many parents Mistakenly think that the child just has a cold, leading to delays in the best treatment time.

In hot summer, both adults and children like to swim in the water to enjoy the coolness, but accidental infection of adenovirus can not only affect the respiratory system, but also affect the urinary and digestive systems in some patients.

Fuzhou CDC once again reminds parents that they should take their children to regular medical institutions in time if they find that their children have symptoms of adenovirus infection above!

Prevention Tips

You should choose a formal swimming place and check whether the swimming pool has a sanitation permit, water quality announcement and other materials; you can ask the staff of the swimming pool The timing and frequency of water changes, as well as routine maintenance measures.

Check your body for wounds before swimming, and avoid swimming with wounds; if you have symptoms such as fever, sore throat, cough, and diarrhea, do not swim in public swimming pools;

Wash your body with running water and soap before and after swimming. Wear swimming goggles and a swimming cap to avoid eye contact with pool water; try not to swallow pool water when swimming, and rinse your mouth with water in time if you choking.

As far as possible, avoid crowded public places with poor ventilation, such as supermarkets and vegetable markets.

Pay attention to exercise, exercise properly, and improve physical fitness and resistance.

Source: Fuzhou CDC