High blood pressure is the most dangerous moment! One article teaches you to monitor blood pressure at home scientifically

When is high blood pressure the worst?


blood pressure in the morning

like a volcano poised to explode,< /p>

Epidemiological surveys show that:

about 40% of myocardial infarction and 29% of sudden cardiac death

< p> Occurs in the early morning hours.

Many hypertensive patients believe that

< span>It is enough to measure blood pressure once a day during the day.


A measurement during the day

often cannot reflect the true blood pressure level,

No signs of morning high blood pressure were detected either.

Therefore, it is imperative to recognize and manage morning hypertension


The diagnostic criteria for morning hypertension are: 01

Mean blood pressure measured at home was greater than 135/85mmHg.


office measurement greater than 140/90mmHg.

Home Blood Pressure Monitoring Methods

1 It is recommended to use an upper arm electronic sphygmomanometer

currently available on the market Upper arm fully automatic oscillometric electronic sphygmomanometer, wrist fully automatic oscillometric electronic sphygmomanometer, finger type fully automatic oscillometric electronic sphygmomanometer, auscultation mercury sphygmomanometer, auscultation analog mercury or barometer blood pressure , cuffless sphygmomanometer.

Although there are more and more blood pressure measurement devices on the market, in terms of accuracy and safety, it is recommended to use an upper arm automatic monitor. Wavefa electronic sphygmomanometer, but it is recommended to calibrate at least once a year.

2Pose for measuring blood pressure

  • Sitting position: feet flat on the ground, arms on the table and the heart level, support should be comfortable, palms up.

  • Supine position: both upper limbs Lay it flat on both sides of the body, with the palms facing up, and do not put anything on the upper body. At this time, the upper limbs are naturally flush with the heart.

3Position of blood pressure cuff< /strong>

The cuff is close to the skin, the elastic is suitable to fit a finger, and the lower edge of the cuff is 2-3 cm above the elbow joint , where the center of the cuff balloon (usually marked) is located in the brachial artery (where it beats above the elbow).

4When to monitor blood pressure

  • No strenuous physical activity within 2 hours prior to measurement, and within 30 minutes Drinking, tea, coffee and other beverages, the room should be kept quiet, the temperature should be around 21 ℃, sit and rest for at least 5 minutes, and then measure 2 to 3 times in a row.

  • It is recommended to measure in the morning and evening: get up in the morning Within 1 hour after taking antihypertensive drugs, before breakfast, before strenuous activity; after dinner or before going to bed.

5frequency of monitoring blood pressure strong>

In patients in the early stage of treatment or those whose blood pressure has not yet reached the standard despite treatment, they should be measured continuously for 5 to 7 days before seeing a doctor; when blood pressure is well controlled, weekly measurement at least 1 day.

For elderly hypertensive patients, in order to prevent orthostatic hypotension, in addition to monitoring the blood pressure in the sitting position, we should also pay attention to measuring the blood pressure in the standing position. .

5 details to manage your blood pressure1Get up slowly on your side

Don’t get up in the morning , to avoid emotional agitation. For the elderly and patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, do not get up immediately after waking up in the morning, first stretch slowly in bed for about 10 minutes, and then slowly get up on your side.

2Exercise in the evening

People whose blood pressure rises significantly in the early morning can adjust the exercise time to the afternoon or evening. Quitting smoking, limiting alcohol intake, and ensuring adequate and quality sleep can also help improve morning blood pressure.

3Light meals strong>

Don’t eat too much fish and meat, control the daily salt intake to less than 5 grams, and eat between 25-30 grams of oil. Red meat and high-salt preserved foods such as pork should be limited, and sweets and candies should be avoided as much as possible.

4Beware of invisible salt

Condiments such as soy sauce and fermented bean curd are high in salt; bacon, ham, mustard, and cheese also contain Salt; snacks such as plums, potato chips, and salt and pepper peanuts are all salt-containing foods.

5Adherence to drug therapy

Early morning is the most effective antihypertensive drug weak stage. Many drugs do not provide all-day protection, especially in the early morning, when blood pressure is not effectively controlled.

Chinese hypertension guidelines recommend that long-acting preparations be used in the early morning blood pressure stage, once a day to ensure 24-hour effective blood pressure control and prevent heart disease. Cerebrovascular events occurred.

Reporter Chai Yueying Source: Hangzhou CDC