High blood pressure in winter is normal? What are the common causes of high blood pressure in the morning? What are the harms?


Ms. Liu has been suffering from high blood pressure for many years. She usually takes medicine and measures blood pressure on time. When she woke up a few days ago, she suddenly felt dizzy. When she went to the hospital, the doctor told her that it was a symptom of a sudden increase in blood pressure in the morning. Although her blood pressure was usually well controlled, she still had to pay attention to blood pressure fluctuations at specific times. Ms. Liu asked the doctor, many people say that high blood pressure in winter is no problem, why is she sick in this situation?

Many people know that high blood pressure will increase the incidence of cardiovascular disease; however, some studies have found that blood pressure in the morning is more closely related to cardiovascular disease. Disease is closely related. Now let’s learn about the relationship between morning high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease!

The effect of blood pressure changes on blood vessels

Why does hypertension increase the incidence of cardiovascular disease? In general, blood pressure, like blood sugar, varies with the biological clock, mood or temperature, usually with small peaks in the early morning and afternoon, and lows in the middle of the night when you go to bed. Long-term high blood pressure, in addition to the loss of elasticity of blood vessels, also tends to thin the blood vessel wall. When the blood vessel wall is damaged, it will increase the chance of blood vessel rupture and cardiovascular disease.

Numerical difference between hypertension index and normal blood pressure:

Normal blood pressure: systolic blood pressure < 120mmHg; diastolic blood pressure < 80mmHg

Hypertension: Systolic > 140mmHg; Diastolic > 90mmHg

Therefore, hypertensive patients not only need to control their daily blood pressure, but also It is also necessary to measure regularly at a specific time period to avoid excessive blood pressure fluctuations and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Will high blood pressure in the morning lead to cardiovascular disease? Understanding blood pressure fluctuations is effective in preventing disease.

Many studies have also shown that the rapid rise in blood pressure in the morning is an independent factor that causes cardiovascular disease. That is, the more blood pressure rises at this particular time in the morning, the higher the risk of cardiovascular disease.

According to data, if the blood pressure fluctuation during sleep is greater than 37mmHg, it will increase the incidence of cardiovascular disease, stroke, coronary and cerebrovascular, and the mortality rate will increase by 1.5 times; If the blood pressure fluctuation is greater than 10mmHg, the risk of cardiovascular disease will also increase by 1.4 times.

It is calculated as follows:

Blood pressure fluctuations during sleep = morning blood pressure – lowest blood pressure during sleep

Blood pressure fluctuation before waking up = morning blood pressure – blood pressure before waking up

If self-monitoring blood pressure, multiple measurements are required, so the average will be accurate

Morning blood pressure: average blood pressure 2 hours after waking up (measured every 30 minutes, taking the average of 4 times)

The lowest blood pressure during sleep blood pressure: 1-hour average blood pressure at the lowest point in sleep (measured every 20 minutes, taking the average of 3 times)

Blood pressure before waking up: 2 hours before waking up average blood pressure (measured every 30 minutes, taking the average of 4 times)

The reasons why blood pressure rises in the morning: 4 situations And people need to pay attention

When we go to sleep, there will be low blood pressure and slow metabolism. In order to activate the vitality of the whole day, the body will activate the sympathetic nerve when getting up, make it secrete vigorously, help blood pressure rise, accelerate blood circulation, and make people feel energetic, so the phenomenon of high blood pressure in the morning occurs.

Relevant studies have found that certain risk factors can increase the rate of blood pressure rise in the morning, resulting in large blood pressure fluctuations and increased risk of disease:

Monday And winter

mainly because of the large changes in pressure and temperature, which will activate the sympathetic nerves and aggravate the rise in blood pressure in the morning, so it is the peak period of cardiovascular events.

People with poor sleep quality and people with nocturnal hypoxia

It is easy to activate sympathetic nerves or cause vascular endothelial dysfunction, which affects the rise of blood pressure in the morning speed. Endothelial tissue is responsible for maintaining proper vasodilation and constriction to manage blood pressure. Therefore, when damage occurs, blood pressure is also affected.

People with bad habits

such as drinking and smoking, it is easy to cause sympathetic nervous secretion disorder, High blood pressure occurs.

People with specific risk factors

People with conditions such as old age, high blood pressure, abnormal blood sugar, psychological stress, etc., develop sympathetic nervous secretion disorders. Chances are also higher than the average person.

How to prevent high blood pressure in the morning? 3 ways to avoid large blood pressure fluctuations in the morning

From the above research, it can be found that abnormal activation of sympathetic nerves, secretion disorders, or related dysfunctions will aggravate the rapid rise in blood pressure in the morning. And we can prevent the fluctuation of blood pressure in the morning through the following points:

1. Measure the blood pressure in the morning

You can measure the blood pressure first when you get up in the morning. If you find that your blood pressure is already high, you should avoid high-intensity exercise to reduce the risk of continued rise in blood pressure.

2. Do a good job of keeping warm

In winter, it is easy to cause vasoconstriction and sudden increase in blood pressure due to the large temperature difference. Therefore, in winter or during a cold snap, you can prepare warm clothes by the bed first, and put them on when you get up; before going out, you can also drink a cup of warm water to warm up your body, and wear hats, scarves, handkerchiefs and other warm clothes. Blood vessels are protected.

3. Don’t get up too soon

Older hypertensive patients can do some slow stretching activities in bed, or sit and rest by the bedside first, to avoid a sudden rise in blood pressure in the morning.

How to control blood pressure? 5 steps to keep you away from high blood pressure

Prevention is better than cure. Stabilizing blood pressure is the primary key to preventing cardiovascular disease. Therefore, hypertensive patients should follow the doctor’s instructions to stabilize blood pressure; People with high risk of blood pressure can also use the following methods to avoid the occurrence of the disease:

1. Regularly measure blood pressure

Patients with high blood pressure can follow the 722 Principle, home blood pressure measurement:

measurement for seven consecutive days

once after getting up in the morning and before going to bed at night

two times each time, with an interval between the two times. Minutes, and then take the average value.

When the home blood pressure measurement value is systolic blood pressure ≥135 or diastolic blood pressure ≥85, it is considered to be high blood pressure, and must go to the hospital for examination in time.

2. Good management of chronic diseases

For diabetic patients, if the blood sugar of diabetes is not well controlled, the renal arteries and the whole body will become smaller. Arteriosclerosis causes peripheral vascular resistance and systolic blood pressure to rise, resulting in poor kidney drainage. When water and sodium ions are retained, blood pressure will be affected. Therefore, maintaining good blood pressure and blood sugar control can effectively avoid high blood sugar.

3. Carry out weight management

Many studies have confirmed that weight loss can help reduce blood pressure and stabilize the performance of blood pressure. Therefore, those who are overweight , you can lose at least 5% of your body weight to reduce the risk of high blood pressure.

4. Good eating habits

You can refer to the principles of Deshu diet, To achieve the effect of preventing and treating high blood pressure:

eat more high-fiber vegetables and fruits

replace refined starch with whole grains

increase minerals and dietary fiber

< p>Replace red meat with white meat to reduce saturated fat intake

Use good oils such as nuts or unsaturated fatty acids

5. Regular exercise

Regular exercise helps to stabilize blood pressure, and can also increase the secretion of dopamine in the brain, making people feel happy and relaxing the pressure of the body, thereby lowering blood pressure. It is recommended to do 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week, such as walking, swimming, and cycling.

I understand that high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease are inextricably linked, so in addition to regular measurement and understanding of blood pressure changes in daily life, good diet and living habits can reduce the damage to blood vessels . On days when the weather changes greatly, you should also pay attention to keeping warm to avoid the rapid rise of blood pressure in the morning, so as to reduce the fluctuation of blood pressure value!

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