Heshui: “Holding grain in the ground and storing grain in technology” to protect the fertile soil of good fields

This year, Heshui County has paid close attention to the construction of high-standard farmland, the cultivation of high-quality seeds, the construction and application of modern agricultural science and technology, and actively implemented the strategy of “holding grain in the land and in technology” to continuously improve the quality of grain production. Comprehensive production capacity, take multiple measures to ensure food security.

High-standard farmland construction is an important guarantee for stabilizing grain production capacity and better serving national food security. Recently, the 1,000-acre high-standard farmland in Huagou Village, Duanjiaji Township has completed the task of topping and mulching, and it is planned to carry out the composite planting of corn and soybean strips.

Xu Xiangyang, deputy director of the Huagou Village Committee of Duanjiaji Township, said: “Huagou Village continuously strengthens the management of grain production areas, and at the same time strengthens efforts to curb the non-agriculturalization of cultivated land and prevent This year, we plan to carry out corn interplanting and soybean strip compound planting, which is expected to be completed by the end of April.”

In order to fulfill the responsibility of food security and ensure continuous food production and agricultural output value increase. Wangchangsi Village, Gucheng Town actively explores suitable local high-yield technologies, suitable varieties, agronomic technologies, and agricultural machinery technologies, and conducts technical publicity activities to guide farmers to correctly plant food crops.

Since this year, Wangchangsi Village, Gucheng Town has seized the favorable time for spring ploughing production. Through publicity, mobilization, technical guidance, etc., various measures have been taken to encourage the masses to carry out characteristic agricultural planting. Implement the strategy of “holding grain in the ground and storing grain in technology”.

County agricultural technician He Caixia told reporters: “In order to build a solid foundation for food security, we seized the critical period of corn planting, helped farmers with good technology, and on the one hand helped farmers Select varieties, and secondly, carry out technical guidance to help farmers control the density. This will ensure that production has technology and income is guaranteed, so that grain can be stored in the land and technology.”

Since the beginning of this year, Heshui County has continuously strengthened effective measures to protect cultivated land, strictly adhered to the red line of cultivated land protection, prevented the “non-agricultural” and “non-grain” of cultivated land, and firmly stabilized the “rice bowl” of food security.

Reporter Lu Yang and Cui Jinyun

Director Producer: Tang Hongbin
Producer: Wang Tingbin Qiu Jingjing
Editor in Charge: Li Dina
Editor: Zhao Xiang