Heroes in the eyes of children: parents in the front and teachers in the back

Recently, SISU-Huangpu Foreign Language Primary School No. 3 (1) Squadron held a special online themed class meeting. The teacher led the students to perform violin solo and drum set in a unique and rich form. , anti-epidemic rap, etc., greetings to the families of the epidemic prevention workers who are fighting on the front line in the class.

Wang Ronglin’s father was one of the first doctors to go to the makeshift hospital, and Li Yiling’s mother was a pharmacist who is still in the fever clinic Stick to your post. Hong Junchao’s mother was in charge of publicity work in the public security system, and she was very busy during the epidemic. Fang Xinyan’s mother is a community cadre, and her father is a police officer at the police station. The husband and wife are working hard on the front line of the fight against the epidemic…

In addition to the parents who are fighting at the forefront, some parents in the class are also sticking to their posts in different fields to ensure the normal operation of the city; some parents actively participate in community volunteers to help the community epidemic prevention work.

Classmates They also specially created splendid and colorful anti-epidemic-themed paintings.

Watching the programs carefully prepared by the children, the parents are warm and moved , Every greeting and reply is full of warmth.

The parents of the students rushed to the front line, and the teachers of SISU-Huangpu Foreign Language Primary School took practical actions to strengthen the care for the children of the front-line medical staff of epidemic prevention and control, and accompanied them warmly.

Second (7) class An Yifan’s mother is a medical worker in Bansongyuan Road Street. “She is busy with sampling and testing every day, and she only gets home at midnight to rest. Teacher Ding Yuefeng, the head teacher, took the initiative to care about the children’s academic and psychological conditions through phone calls and WeChat. Coinciding with the mother’s birthday, Mr. Ding also encouraged the children to make their own greeting cards as a special gift for their mother. Under the careful guidance of Mr. Ding, the children wrote and painted to fight against the epidemic. They used colorful paints, simple and tender lines, combined with unrestrained imagination, to create a greeting card full of love. It is touching to pay tribute to the anti-epidemic fighters like my mother who worked tirelessly to fight against the epidemic.

two (1) Class student Chen Yantong’s father is in a closed-loop hospital because he supports the centralized isolation point, and the child usually completes the homework online classes and homework uploading independently. After learning about the incident, teacher Shi Shengli, the head teacher, cared and counseled the children from the aspects of their studies, life and psychology, and also informed the other teachers of the special situation in time. She carefully formulated a weekly live class schedule for the students, and reminded them every day. .

In addition, Mr. Shi also made a video home visit during the weekend to give warmth to the students. Although there is a distance and cannot be by my side, this love is passed on to the children in a timely manner across the screen. Teacher Shi also encouraged children to participate in various online activities carried out by the school to reassure parents who are on the front line. Although closed-loop management cannot be face-to-face, it cannot stop the heart-to-heart connection between teachers and students. Teachers are ingenious and nourish the hearts of students with love.

a A warm telephone communication has built a bridge for communication between teachers and students; serious homework guidance again and again injects new motivation into children’s learning; a sentence of heart-centered physical and mental guidance gives students spring-like warmth. The teachers of SISU-Huangpu Foreign Language Primary School expressed their most sincere respect to the medical workers fighting on the front line in a unique way, and also conveyed their silent and powerful support for this “epidemic” without the smoke of gunpowder.

Whether it is to support the parents in front or the teachers behind, they are all heroes in the eyes of the students. The epidemic may bring some haze to this spring, but the seeds of strength and hope have grown in the hearts of children, and the courage of the people around them to go retrograde during the epidemic is the best nutrient for growth. Now, students canMaybe all you do is sing a song, draw a picture, and take online classes seriously, but many years later, when the children grow up, they will be like the parents and teachers who stick to this spring, and use their own strength to support them. A day.