Here are 8 diseases you need to watch out for in May!


scorching sun

diseases are also on the horizon

we are waiting for opportunities to endanger our health

Prevention of disease is urgent!

May remind you of COVID-19, norovirus, seasonal flu, mumps, Chickenpox, hand, foot and mouth disease, tick bites and dengue fever. Collective units such as schools and kindergartens need to focus on preventing and controlling outbreaks of chickenpox, norovirus and hand, foot and mouth disease.


New Coronary Pneumonia

At present, the new Coronary Pneumonia epidemic in my country is showing many, With the characteristics of wide coverage and frequent occurrence, the main transmission route is still through respiratory droplets and close contact, but contact with virus-contaminated items and exposure to virus-contaminated environments can also cause contact transmission or aerosol transmission under certain conditions. .



Citizens should be vigilant, continue to wash hands frequently, wear masks, one-meter noodles, and use chopsticks, actively cooperate with government departments and relevant places to use “health codes” and “travel cards”, and maintain Good hygiene and lifestyle.


For those with an asterisk on the itinerary, nucleic acid testing needs to be “3 tests in 7 days”. Wear a mask when taking public transportation, in closed and semi-closed places with dense crowds, and in contact with others less than 1 meter away.


Specific groups of people, such as medical institution staff, salespersons working in closed public places, security guards, cleaning staff, drivers and passengers, passenger terminal service staff, etc. Staff are required to wear masks.


At the same time, reduce unnecessary gathering activities and reduce activities in indoor public places with poor ventilation. Always open windows to ventilate the room to maintain air circulation. Hygiene measures such as cleaning and disinfection should be implemented in public places and public transport.


Factory, school, enterprise and other collective units, hospitals, stations, closed public places, farmers’ markets, etc. are the key prevention and control places, and they must be implemented in accordance with the requirements of relevant work guidelines Prevention and control measures such as health monitoring, screening of key personnel, zoning and classification management, environmental ventilation and disinfection, and publicity and education; in the event of a suspected new coronary pneumonia epidemic, the local health department should be promptly reported.


Norovirus diarrhea

Norovirus diarrhea is caused by Gastrointestinal infectious diseases caused by norovirus have rapid onset, rapid spread and wide coverage.

Main symptoms:

< p>Children: vomit-predominant; irritability, decreased urination, and less tears when crying when dehydrated;

Adults: Predominant diarrhea; stools are watery or watery, without mucus, pus and blood.


Contact , such as contact with contaminated items, contact with the vomit or feces of a patient, eating or drinking virus-contaminated objects or water, inhaling droplets from the patient’s vomiting or sneezing.



Wash your hands frequently, Ventilate and maintain personal hygiene.


The food and drinking water should be hygienic, the food should be fully heated, the tableware should be sterilized on a regular basis, and raw, cold, half-raw seafood and aquatic products should not be eaten when eating out. If a person vomits, they should wear gloves and masks to handle the vomit, and disinfect the contaminated surface with chlorine-containing disinfectant.


Norovirus infectious diarrhea is easy to be diagnosed in kindergartens, schools, nursing homes and other collective units Spread spread. Nursery institutions, schools, nursing homes and other collective units should effectively implement the health monitoring system.


When an abnormal increase in cases of acute gastroenteritis such as vomiting and diarrhea is found, they should immediately report to the local health department. Departments and market supervision and management departments report, and cooperate with investigations and implementation of various prevention and control measures to prevent the spread of the epidemic.


Seasonal Influenza

Seasonal Influenza is not the common cold and is mainly caused by the patient coughing It is spread by droplets, such as sneezing and sneezing, and the typical seasonal flu is mostly sudden onset.

Main symptoms: HighFever, headache, dry throat, itching, pain, cough, sore throat, nasal congestion, runny nose, muscle and joint pain, fatigue, etc.

Children are prone to crying and clinging. Young people (especially infants and young children under the age of 2), the elderly and other people with low immunity, and patients with serious diseases are the people who need to focus on prevention.

Mode of transmission: Mainly spread by droplets through coughing and sneezing of patients p>

Precautionary measures:


Talk about hygiene, pay attention to details, Wash your hands frequently; cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief or tissue when sneezing or coughing, and wear a mask when sick at home or when going out to avoid infecting others; When going to crowded places with poor ventilation, wear a mask when you need to go; have a balanced diet, exercise in moderation, and get enough rest to avoid excessive fatigue; pay attention to opening windows at home or workplace to ventilate and keep indoor air fresh.


Schools, kindergartens, nursing homes and other collective units should be the key prevention and control sites; Good environmental ventilation and disinfection and influenza vaccination and other prevention and control measures; once a suspected seasonal influenza cluster epidemic occurs, the local health department should be reported in time, and the investigation and implementation of various prevention and control measures should be carried out to control the spread of the epidemic.



Mumps is caused by the mumps virus of respiratory infections.

Main symptomsSymptoms:Mumps Parotid gland swelling and pain as the main feature, sometimes involving other salivary glands. In addition, most patients also have symptoms such as fever, chills, and sore throat.

Propagation Pathway: It is mainly spread by respiratory droplets, but it can also be transmitted by contact, most commonly in children and adolescents.



Vaccination containing mumps is an effective way to prevent mumps. Parents of school-age children should take their children to the vaccination clinic for vaccination in time.


Develop good personal hygiene and living habits.


At the peak of the epidemic, people should avoid going to crowded places. If you have related symptoms, you should seek medical attention in time, reduce contact with others, and try to rest at home.


Schools should strengthen the morning and afternoon inspection system. Once a student is found to have fever, parotid gland swelling and pain, etc., it is necessary to isolate the sick student as soon as possible and deal with the epidemic situation.



Chickenpox is an acute infectious disease caused by the varicella-zoster virus.

Main symptoms:Characterized by generalized papules, blisters, and crusting.

Transmission:Mainly by respiratory droplets and direct contact . The patient is the only source of infection, and about 90% of susceptible individuals become ill after contact with the patient. Infants and preschool and school-age children are more affected, and the incidence rate of susceptible children can reach more than 95%. Therefore, chickenpox is easy to spread in crowded schools and other collective units.



Vaccination for school-age children2 Doses of the chickenpox vaccine (the most effective preventive measure).


Open windows for ventilation.


Wash your hands frequently. Kindergartens and schools must strictly implement the morning and afternoon inspection system, promptly detect and isolate sick students, and at the same time strengthen disinfection measures, and strictly allow cases to return to school if they recover.


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Cultivate good hygiene habits, so as to “wash hands frequently, eat cooked food, drink boiled water, ventilate frequently, and dry clothes and quilts”.


Early detection, early medical treatment, and timely isolation of sick children to prevent infecting others.


Environmental hygiene should be done well, and daily disinfection of children’s toys, tableware, toilets, etc. should be done.


EV71 HFMD vaccination can effectively reduce the incidence of HFMD in children, especially the severe and fatal cases of the disease.


Tick Bites

Ticks It is a vector organism that can cause allergies, ulcers or inflammation and other symptoms after biting people, which are generally mild. At the same time, ticks can also transmit pathogens (viruses, viruses, Bacteria, parasites) make people sick, and we should not take them lightly.

May to June is the peak period of tick activity. Personal protection should be taken when outings and mountain climbing and other outdoor activities.



When entering forest areas or outdoors, wear light-colored long-sleeved clothing; tie or tuck trouser legs into socks or shoes; do not wear sandals. Try to avoid prolonged sitting and lying in the main habitat of ticks such as grass and other environments.


Apply repellent to bare skin, such as commercial repellent containing DEET or toilet water, which can last for several hours; after the activity, be careful Check body and clothing.


If you find that you are bitten by a tick, do not pull it out, forcibly remove it, or crush it with your fingers, otherwise, it may leave the head of the tick behind. In the skin, causing more damage. It is recommended to go to the hospital for treatment in time.


Dengue fever

Dengue fever is caused by the dengue virus It is an acute infectious disease caused by Dengue virus, which is transmitted by the bite of the vector Aedes mosquito.

Main symptoms:Fever, joint pain, muscle pain, rash, swollen lymph nodes Large and leukopenia.

Routes of transmission:Dengue fever is a strictly Aedes mosquito-borne infectious disease Infected people → Aedes → healthy people are constantly spreading, and there is no direct transmission of diseases between people.

After a dengue patient or a latent infection is bitten by Aedes mosquito, the virus propagates in Aedes mosquito for 8-12 days. , it can be transmitted to healthy people through bites.



Personal protection , Strengthen mosquito control and mosquito control, use mosquito repellents when going out in the morning and evening, and use mosquito nets or mosquito coils when sleeping at night.


Do a good job of sanitation in front of and behind the house, turn over pots and tanks, and remove water-filled containers.


Avoid going to epidemic areas with endemic diseases


If you have symptoms, you should go to a regular hospital in time.

Source: Public Health and Preventive Medicine Foshan CDC Haikou Health Education Qingdao CDC

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