Hello, representative | Gu Jin, deputy to the National People’s Congress: It is the responsibility of medicine to reduce the suffering of patients and live with dignity


CCTV news (reporter / Kan Chunyu editing / Peng Jun): In 2017, Peking University Shougang Hospital took the lead in becoming the first tertiary first-class hospital to open a palliative care center. This year, Gu Jin, deputy to the National People’s Congress and president of Peking University Shougang Hospital, once again proposed to promote the construction of palliative care wards: “I would like to push it again in terms of palliative care, so that people will no longer accept no Effective treatment and rescue, allowing patients to leave with dignity.”

Palliative care originated in the West, and is mainly aimed at terminally ill patients whose active treatment has lost its meaning. Developed to this day, its concept is not to advise terminally ill patients to struggle in the false hope of “healing” and “improvement”, let alone commit suicide in the name of “well-being”, but to do so with the least pain and the greatest respect. make their last moments as comfortable, peaceful and dignified as possible.

Whenever he sees a patient with advanced cancer curled up in a hospital bed with messy hair and broken bones, Gu Jin always feels very sad: “When they are not sick, these people are wonderful and beautiful. Yes, but lying on the hospital bed, he may have no dignity. He also knows that time is running out. If he can stop pain, reduce his pain, and let him live the best state in the time he has, This is human dignity.”

When there is no hope of curing patients, palliative care and hospice care become the second choice for Gu Jin and other doctors: “As a doctor’s duty, We can reduce the suffering of terminal cancer patients, and we can make him less uncomfortable.”

At present, people’s understanding of death is not consistent, Gu Jin said: “The legislation of death with dignity is still far away, this is just a In the beginning, what I really wanted to push was to give patients the right to decide their own treatment options. It is the responsibility of medicine to let the patient go in the last moments of his life in the way he is most comfortable.”

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