Hefei doctor issued a reminder

As we all know, Hefei people have a special preference for crayfish. However, “shrimp red is too much right and wrong”, recently, the reminder that “doctors recommend that one person should not eat more than 1 pound of crayfish” rushed to the hot search. On May 18, the reporter learned from the relevant departments of Hefei Hospital that the number of people who came to see a doctor because of eating crayfish in the same period of previous years will reach a “small peak”. Although crayfish is delicious, it should not be “greedy”.

(data map of this newspaper)

In the same season of previous years: the number of patients with acute gastroenteritis increased significantly

After killing half a pot of crayfish, blood sugar spiked and ketoacidosis? ! Eat 3 pounds of crayfish and lie down in the ICU? ! In recent years, there have been frequent reports of crayfish being admitted to the hospital. During the interview, Xu Qin, deputy chief physician of the Department of Gastroenterology of Hefei Second People’s Hospital, told reporters that, from the situation of outpatient and inpatient departments in previous years, every season, patients with diarrhea and acute gastroenteritis developed after eating crayfish. There are not a few, and there have been cases of acute hepatitis caused by eating crayfish.

“Most acute enteritis patients usually develop within 24 hours, and they will have diarrhea or even fever after coming to the hospital, and this diarrhea is often infectious. That is to say, it can’t be stopped by taking some antidiarrheal drugs.” Xu Qin reminded that it is very important to regulate medication, some patients will take antidiarrheal drugs by themselves before coming to the hospital, but taking antidiarrheal drugs without authorization will cause the fever to worsen, thereby aggravating themselves disease. There are also some patients who will mix some anti-inflammatory drugs, resulting in no positive pathogenic bacteria in the stool test after coming to the hospital. “If the pathogenic bacteria can be cultured, there will be drug sensitivity results, and we can treat them more accurately.”

The reporter learned that such acute After a patient with gastroenteritis comes to the hospital, the doctor will carry out active anti-infective treatment on the basis of rehydration and volume expansion. Generally, the infection can be controlled within 3-5 days, and the hospital can be discharged within a week.

(data map of this newspaper)

Control the amount of mouth control: don’t eat these “soul” parts

So why can’t you eat more crayfish? Who is not suitable for eating or not suitable for eating more? During the interview, Xu Qin reminded that when eating crayfish, pay attention to the following aspects:

First of all, once the crayfish dies, it will quickly decay, and thus decompose into Many bacteria and viruses, so do not eat dead crayfish; in addition, the shrimp must be cleaned and the shrimp line removed. “Sometimes people like to suck on the head of shrimp when they eat a food with taste and soup, like crayfish, but it needs to be reminded that because the internal organs of shrimp are concentrated in the head, and the head absorbs the most toxins at the same time. Therefore, it is not recommended to eat shrimp heads, nor to suck the soup.”

In addition, sometimes there is an overnight shrimp situation at home, and you come to the cold chain to buy cooked food online. The crayfish is also quite popular. The doctor reminded that this kind of cooked crayfish can be equivalent to the overnight shrimp to some extent, and it is not recommended to eat. At the same time, it is also very important to cook thoroughly. “Sometimes the oil pan will come up as soon as it is fried outside. It will definitely not work if the time is too short. After a period of time, high temperature parasites can be killed. Be sure to eat well-cooked crayfish. Generally speaking, the temperature above 100 degrees should last for at least 10 minutes.”

Regarding the statement that “one person should not exceed 1 pound”, Xu Qin said that this statement is indeed true. scientifically based. “Crayfish are high-protein foods. The human body’s daily demand for protein foods is about 120-200g. The protein equivalent to 1 pound of crayfish is about 150g. Any more will exceed the standard.” In addition, eating lobster is very difficult. The collocation of other foods is also very particular. When eating crayfish, try to drink less beer, especially people suffering from gout. At the same time, it is recommended not to eat beverages, foods or fruits rich in vitamin C when eating crayfish, so as not to cause some digestion. adverse reactions.

Finally, a special reminder is that the following groups of people should eat crayfish with caution: people with allergies; diseases of the digestive tract itself, such as peptic ulcers, chronic atrophy People with gastritis; people with gout; people with hyperglycemia and diabetes and some people with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, “Generally speaking, you can eat healthier if you control the amount and keep your mouth shut.”

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Co-reported Medical Point Fusion Media Studio

< span> Co-Reporter All Media Reporter/Tang Meng Correspondent/Zhu Peiyan