“Hebei is the fattest”, after losing 300 pounds, he rebounded wildly. The doctor used this trick

Nowadays, eating broadcasts is very popular. Those broadcasters can eat 20 hamburgers, 50 eggs, and a dozen bowls of noodles in one meal! However, they usually eat and vomit, so although they are very unhealthy, they can still maintain their figure.

But today, the “True Big Stomach King” I want to introduce to you is a fake “really eat and grow meat”. So, his troubles are a lot.

The obesity history of weight loss celebrities

This obese patient’s surname is Liu, I call him Brother Liu, he is from Hebei, 38 years old this year, and his occupation is a chef. He once won the throne of “Hebei’s fattest”.

As early as 2006, at the age of 24, he weighed 260 pounds. But while being overweight is huge, it hasn’t grown much.

By 2013, this stability was completely disrupted. That year, he and his friends opened a barbecue restaurant in his hometown. Not to mention the work intensity, it also made it convenient for him to eat and drink with his friends. As a result, his appetite and hunger have increased dramatically, and he can eat up to 120 dumplings in one meal! In that year, his weight rose to more than 400 pounds!

He later moved to another place to work as a cook in the back kitchen of an amusement park. Over the past year, his weight has increased by 100 pounds!

Just like that, in the summer of 2016, Brother Liu’s weight came to 508 pounds!

(The weight of 508 jins put Brother Liu on the throne of “Hebei’s fattest”)

The Weight Loss History of Weight Loss Celebrities

Brother Liu, whose weight has reached the “peak of life”, stayed at home for eight months. It’s not that he doesn’t want to go out, it’s that he can’t.

Facing this predicament, Brother Liu made up his mind to lose weight and went to live in a weight loss institution in Northeast China for a year and a half. This weight loss was very successful, and Brother Liu’s weight dropped to 185 pounds.

Of course, the core of the successful way to lose weight this time is to be hungry!

(This photo records Big Brother Liu’s stature when he was 185 pounds)

I believe that every netizen who sees this result will be happy for Big Brother Liu, but unfortunately, this record exists for only one day, in February 2018 On the 1st, the day he returned home from the weight loss base.

Why is the best history kept so short?

The reason is that on the way back to his hometown in Hebei from the Northeast, Brother Liu had a big feast, and when he got home, he weighed it back and gained 20 pounds!

After Brother Liu returned home, no one controlled his diet. A person who can gain 20 pounds in one meal, it is impossible for the weight not to rebound without controlling the diet.

Just like that, in January 2019, Brother Liu’s weight once again reached 400 pounds. Moreover, he was embarrassedly unemployed again, because as a chef, he could no longer get into the battery car and could not go out to buy food.

After reading this, many readers and friends may blame Brother Liu for being so edible. In fact, he himself will feel this guilty feeling. But you really don’t have to. Because for a person who weighs more than 500 pounds, his stomach has long been stretched out, like a big pouch. If you don’t fill it up, it’s hard to feel full.

Such obese patients are often combined with insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia, and dieting can easily induce preprandial hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia is not just a problem of discomfort, severe hypoglycemia can be fatal, so patients have to eat frequently to reduce this occurrence.

Modern medicine has defined a state of obesity like Big Brother Liu as a disease, and it is a very stubborn disease. So, it’s not that he doesn’t want to lose weight, or that he can’t keep his mouth shut, but that this disease is too stubborn, and it can’t be fought with personal perseverance.

Whether I can lose weight depends on this surgery

Later, several fat friends who lost weight in Northeast China with Big Brother Liu received weight loss surgery and successfully lost weight. This brought a glimmer of hope to Brother Liu, who was in deep trouble again, so he found me.

(My chat record with Big Brother Liu)

After our department fully evaluated his condition,Decided to do bariatric surgery for him.

Bariatric surgery is also known as bariatric metabolic surgery because it can not only lose weight, but also treat a series of metabolic disorders secondary to obesity, such as type 2 diabetes , hypertension, hyperlipidemia, etc. Current mainstream bariatric surgeries include gastric sleeve resection and gastric bypass, both of which are performed on the stomach and small intestine.

Sleeve gastrectomy is the removal of most of the stomach to form a tube-shaped stomach, like a banana, mainly to achieve weight loss by restricting dietary intake.

(Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy)

Gastric bypass surgery is based on the shrinkage of the stomach, coupled with the bypass of the small intestine, to achieve weight loss under the dual effects of restricting intake and reducing absorption.

(Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass)

At present, weight loss surgery is done through minimally invasive laparoscopy. The surgery can be completed by making 4-5 small holes in the abdomen with a maximum length of about 1cm, and the incision is small. , Postoperative pain is mild, and the patient recovers quickly. Under normal circumstances, patients can go to the ground and drink water on the day of surgery, and can be discharged in 2-3 days.

(in bariatric surgery)

After Brother Liu was admitted to the hospital, we did a detailed preoperative examination for him, and the examination found that he had suffered from a variety of obesity-related diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, severe Snoring, severe fatty liver, hyperuricemia, etc. Therefore, the hospital has assembled multiple departments such as cardiology, respiratory medicine, endocrinology, anesthesiology and nutrition to customize a weight loss plan for him.

Because of being overweight, his thick abdominal wall, a lot of visceral fat, and a stomach that is three times larger than normal… all increase the difficulty of the doctor’s operation. However, with the close cooperation of doctors in various departments, Brother Liu successfully underwent laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy, which was performed by Professor Zhang Zhongtao from our center. In the ward, I got out of bed and walked on the day I returned to the ward.

(I am holding a stomach specimen from Brother Liu’s surgery)

Four days after the operation, Brother Liu was discharged from the hospital.

Six months after the operation, Brother Liu came back for a review. At this time, he has successfully lost 120 pounds, and his weight has remained at about 278 pounds. I feel that my physical condition is much better than before the operation. After eating 5 dumplings in one meal, I have a very obvious feeling of fullness, and my hunger has been effectively controlled. After evaluation, his blood sugar, blood pressure, blood lipids, fatty liver and snoring have also been significantly improved.

We also found that he still has some bad eating habits through the consultation. We asked the case teacher to guide and educate him, and re-emphasized the importance of controlling diet and developing good living habits. A follow-up diet and exercise plan was made for him, and it was expected that he could lose another 100 pounds in half a year.


Can dieting really help you lose weight? The answer is yes, as evidenced by Big Brother Liu’s 186 jin historical weight record.

But for severely obese patients, the effect of dieting and weight loss is often small, because it is difficult for them to suppress hunger, and even if they can lose weight in stages, rebound is inevitable.

For people with a BMI (body mass index) over 32.5, bariatric surgery can fundamentally solve the problems of food intake and nutrient absorption by changing the gastrointestinal structure, thereby achieving long-term control The effect of body weight.

Having gained weight for so many years, Big Brother Liu’s greatest wish is to accompany his family to walk around, but in the past, let alone traveling with his family, he was out of breath after walking a few steps by himself. . Now he can finally take his family out to see the world.

In fact, for obese patients, losing weight is not only the need to maintain a good body, but also the basis for reducing complications and ensuring overall health.

As a doctor, I am very happy for his success in losing weight, and I hope he will be able to control his weight steadily in the future and will no longer be burdened by obesity. I also hope that all obese patients can face up to their disease state, seek active treatment, and return to a normal life as soon as possible.

*All images in this article are provided by the author.

*The content of this article is for the popularization of health knowledge. It cannot be used as a specific diagnosis and treatment recommendation, nor can it replace the face-to-face consultation of a licensed physician. It is for reference only.

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