Heavy humidity? Remember to massage these dampness switches! [Healthy trick]

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you Is there any moisture in your body? With the recent increase in air humidity, the humidity in the human body also gradually increases. So, do you know what are the manifestations of heavy humidity? How to get rid of moisture?

How to judge excessive moisture in the body

To judge the moisture in the body, first look at the appearance, generally fat (lower abdomen), eczema, facial oil, swollen eyes, white and greasy tongue coating and other people with heavy moisture.

Secondly looking for symptoms: Fullness of chest and abdomen, lack of thirst, no appetite, or nausea and vomiting, loose stools, drowsiness and lethargy, weight, lower extremity edema, loose stools Thin, cloudy urine, drooling during sleep, joint pain, heaviness, increased leucorrhea, thick and so on.

According to the location of dampness invasion, the manifestations are different:

In the upper focus, there may be chest tightness, dizziness, heavy limbs, and discomfort all over the body, just like the body Carry a lot of heavy loads. In addition, there will be symptoms such as fever, slight fear of cold and wind, and runny nose due to heavy humidity in the body.

In the middle coke, epigastric distention, poor appetite, and decreased appetite may occur. There are also often symptoms of qi deficiency and drowsiness, such as light mouth, sticky mouth, thirsty but not wanting to drink water, fatigue and fatigue.

In Xiajiao, there may be inconvenience in urination and defecation, cloudy urination, loose stools, excessive leucorrhea in women, genital itching, etc.

Which acupoints can be massaged to remove dampness?

Sheng Zhaoyuan, Director of the Department of Traditional Medicine, Shanghai Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, introduced that, first of all, proper stimulation of Yinlingquan acupoint can clear dampness and heat, improve health It can also help relieve abdominal distension, diarrhea, edema, knee pain, etc. Yinlingquan acupoint is located on the inner side of the calf, in the depression below the medial condyle of the tibia. When massaging, you should take a comfortable position and appropriate strength, press the Yinling Spring on both sides with your thumbs, press and rub it, so that the stimulation can fully reach the deep layer of the muscle tissue, and produce acid, numbness, swelling, pain, heat and walking. Channeling and other sensations, maintain a certain strength, and use the thumb to strum the local muscles left and right. Press and knead here with your fingers every day, the time is not limited, you can do it when you are free, but you must ensure a total of more than 10 minutes a day. “If you have spleen dampness in your body, it will hurt when you press it here, but if you keep pressing and rubbing it, you will find that the pain gradually decreases, which means your spleen dampness is getting better.”

In addition to massage, cupping is also one of the good ways to remove dampness. Cupping is one of the more common suitable techniques in traditional Chinese medicine. It has the functions of dispelling wind, dispelling cold and removing dampness, promoting blood circulation and dredging meridians. It is more suitable for muscle, bone and muscle pain caused by wind-cold-dampness. However, there are higher requirements for the operator, and the tank retention time should be determined according to the material and temperature of the tank to avoid blisters and burns.

Moxibustion can also dispel dampness

The weather during the Qingming Festival is humid, and many people also choose wormwood to dispel dampness. Director Sheng believes that wormwood is warm and dry in nature, fragrant and removes foulness, and can dispel dampness. At the same time, special attention should be paid to keeping the lower limbs warm after the rain. People with cold and cold below the waist can use mugwort leaves to soak their feet, but the water should be soaked to the Sanyinjiao of the spleen meridian. Sanyinjiao is the intersection of the three yin meridians of the liver, spleen and kidney, and has a good dehumidification and cold-dispelling effect.