Heavy humidity can lead to all kinds of diseases! Many people have been recruited, and 3 tricks can help you determine whether the humidity is heavy! (With the method of removing dampness)

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Day 940

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In a blink of an eye, today is the last day of spring

This season, the air is humid and rainfall is abundant


The moisture in the air is relatively heavy

Many circle friends always feel very sleepy

I can’t get out of bed in the morning, and my face is shiny

So Choose boiled red bean and barley water to remove dampness

Whether red bean and barley water remove dampness?

How can I tell if I am wet?

What are some ways to stay away from humidity?

The small circle will take you to find out!

Zhang Jin

yuanChinese Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences /strong>

Chief Physician of Pre-treatment Center

Does red bean and barley water really have the effect of removing dampness? ?

Yes, eating red bean and barley water does have a certain dehumidifying effect.

How to choose red beans?

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, red beans can be used for both medicine and food. They are divided into red beans and red beans.

The red bean used as medicine is relatively flat and smaller, the effect of diuresis is stronger, the effect of sand production is not good, boiledIt has a hard taste, so it is often used as a medicine in clinical practice;

The red beans eaten are rounder, fatter, slightly larger, and have the effect of producing sand, and It is easy to boil and has a good taste. It is usually made into red bean stuffing; There is a moisturizing effect. Among them, Chixiaodou has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxification, removing carbuncle and dampness in addition to the effect of beneficial water.

How to choose barley?

In clinic, there are raw barley and fried barley.

Some people have weak spleen and stomach. When making barley soup, they can only drink barley soup without eating barley.

Who is red bean and barley water suitable for?

If the spleen and stomach are not very weak, but the spleen and stomach are not very weak, but there is a little yellow and greasy tongue coating, dizziness, sleepiness, and heavy legs, you can choose red beans.

If the stool is not formed for a long time, diarrhea will worsen after eating cold food, hands and feet will be cold, and there may be insufficient yang in the body. It is necessary to reduce the consumption of red bean and barley, or add Atractylodes, Codonopsis and other ingredients that have the effect of warming yang and strengthening the spleen in the red bean and barley porridge. You can also add more ginger, which can also play a certain role.

How can I tell if I have a lot of humidity?

1. Look at the state of waking up

morning When you wake up, your body feels heavy and your head feels as if your head is wrapped in a “wet towel” or “wet hat.” This wrapping feeling is the body’s perception of moisture. The calf is sore and heavy, which is also a typical feature of moisture in the body.

2. Look at the stool

Normal stool is tan, cylinder, banana Shape, very smooth. If the stool is sticky and sticky to the toilet, it may be the performance of moisture in the body.

3. Look at the coating on the tongue

A healthy tongue is red and moist, with Thin white tongue coating. If the tongue coating is white and thick, it looks slippery and moist, it means that there may be cold and dampness in the body; if the tongue coating is rough or thick, yellow, and greasy, it means that there is dampness and heat in the body.

What are some ways to keep moisture away?

1. After bathing and shampooing, thoroughly dry your body, blow dry your hair, and do not fall asleep directly when your hair is still wet.

2. Don’t eat too much raw and cold food at one time for the sake of coldness, reduce the chance of overeating, and stay away from too greasy food.

3. Drink less or no alcohol, try not to drink too much or get drunk at one time.

4. Slight sweating after exercise can speed up blood circulation and metabolism, and promote the discharge of moisture. It is recommended that friends in the circle usually move, and aerobic exercise such as running, walking, swimming is recommended, and proper perspiration can speed up the “humidity” of the body.

5. Sitting for a long time is also an “invisible” manifestation of less exercise. The spleen controls the four limbs and the spleen controls the muscles. Exercise the limbs, invigorate the spleen yang, and the yang qi circulates, and the qi moves water. It is not good for the spleen to transport dampness, so it is necessary to get rid of the habit of sedentary.

6. Try to avoid wet places when working and resting, especially for the elderly, if you are tired from walking outside, try not to sit on wet wooden chairs and wooden benches Wait.

7. Reduce going out in rainy days, and change clothes in time if you accidentally get caught in the rain.

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