Heatstroke can be fatal! Zhang Wenhong’s team reminded that “outdoor” ordinary people do not need to wear “big white” for sampling

Continuing to wear “big white” in a hot environment will prevent the dissipation of body heat and greatly increase the probability of heat stroke. A few days ago, the team of Professor Zhang Wenhong of Huashan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University made the above reminder on the public account of “Huashan Infection”. In fact, the protective effect of the “big white” soaked in sweat has also been greatly reduced.

Since the beginning of summer this year, the heat wave has swept over half of China. However, with the continuous prevalence of the mutant strain of Omicron in the world, there have also been the prevalence and spread of many local cases in many places in my country, and the prevention and control of the epidemic cannot be relaxed. However, in a very hot environment, if you continue to wear medical protective clothing, it will greatly increase the risk of heat stroke.

In this regard, the Huashan infection team reminded that, unlike treating patients diagnosed with COVID-19 in Fangcang cabins or designated hospital wards, if normal treatment is performed in an environment without air conditioning, In the case of crowd sampling and other work, in principle, as long as the “level +” protective measures are sufficient for the staff to prevent infection, they can wear face shields based on N95 masks for close contact, and should not be encouraged or It is stipulated that you must wear “big white”.

“As for ordinary epidemic prevention workers (non-sampling personnel), especially in the outdoor environment in hot summer, we recommend wearing masks properly and paying attention to hand hygiene,” the team wrote.

In addition, for epidemic prevention personnel who must work in hot summer, they should also pay attention to periodic rest and drinking water, and the working hours should not be too long. Add moisture to the environment.

The Huashan infection team specifically pointed out that temperatures above 41°C are almost always abnormal and harmful. Under high temperature conditions, metabolic heat generated by the core must be transferred to the skin, a process that involves a substantial increase in skin blood flow.

Once the ambient temperature rises above 35°C, it is impossible for the protective clothing to dissipate heat by conduction, convection or radiation. At this time, when a person wears “big white”, the “big white” will wrap the whole body, and when the sweat drips directly from the body, and all heat dissipation pathways are blocked, the temperature of the human body will rise sharply, which will lead to heatstroke.

Heatstroke is a pathophysiological state that can threaten life. If it is not detected in time and handled incorrectly, it may lead to irreversible damage and even death. In medicine, heat stroke is usually divided into heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke according to different pathogenesis and clinical manifestations.

The team of Zhongshan Hospital of Fudan University also recently reminded that heatstroke in high temperature weather should be alerted, and warned that severe heatstroke is a fatal emergency. In the early stage of the onset, there is a lot of cold sweat, and then there is no sweat, shallow breathing, and pulse. Slow speed, restlessness, confusion, drop in blood pressure, and gradually develop to coma with limb convulsions; severe cases may produce cerebral edema, pulmonary edema, heart failure, etc., and may even be life-threatening.

“Heatstroke is actually a disease characterized by dysfunction of the thermoregulatory center, sweat gland failure, and excessive loss of water and electrolytes.” The Zhongshan Hospital team wrote, “If someone suffers from heatstroke, immediately Get out of the high temperature environment and quickly move to a cool and ventilated place. Lay the person with heat stroke on their back, raise their head, and loosen their clothes buttons.” The team also suggested that the working hours should not be too long and the intensity should not be too high on high temperature days.

Source: China Business News

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