“Healthy China We Action” Launched Amway Boosts Comprehensive Health

WHO defines health as not only the elimination of disease or infirmity, but the state of complete health in physical, mental and social relationships.

On May 10, “Healthy China We Action – National Health Literacy Improvement Plan” was launched online. As a promoter of “comprehensive health”, Amway Nutrilite joins hands with Beijing Satellite TV’s “Yangshengtang”, the Office of the Healthy China Action Promotion Committee, the China Health Education Center, the China Development Research Foundation, the Institute of Nutrition and Health of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Chinese Nutrition Society. , Global Times, Life Times, Tencent Health and many other authoritative organizations, invited Mao Qun’an, Deputy Director of the Office of the Healthy China Action Promotion Committee, Director of the Planning Development and Informatization Department of the National Health and Health Commission, and Li Changning, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the China Health Education Center, Zhang Boli, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and honorary president of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chen Wei, deputy director of the Nutrition Department of Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Yu Fang, president of Amway (China) and other experts in the field of general health, interpret the strategy of healthy China, popularize healthy lifestyles, and advocate each “self” “Take action, gather sand into a tower to form a healthy group for “us”.

2022 “Healthy China We Action” National Health Literacy Improvement Program Launched

Health China We Action

Improving health literacy is one of the most fundamental, economical and effective measures to improve the health of the whole people. Mao Qun’an said that “Healthy China” is a national strategy related to the overall situation of my country’s modernization construction. “Healthy China, we act” to popularize health knowledge and promote health actions is a beneficial practice to improve the health literacy of the whole people, and will inspire more people to study health knowledge in a group. , more motivated to stick to the action, and drive the people around you to participate.

Mao Qun’an, Deputy Director of the Office of the Healthy China Action Promotion Committee and Director of the Planning, Development and Informatization Department of the National Health Commission p>

Advocating a healthy lifestyle is an important starting point for improving health literacy. According to Li Changning, the WHO survey shows that 60% of the factors affecting health come from daily behavior and lifestyle. In 2020, the health literacy level of Chinese residents reached 23.15%. The overall level is not high and needs to be improved. Unhealthy lifestyles such as smoking, unreasonable diet, and lack of sleep are still common. Health science and health education should be further strengthened. “Healthy China, we act” embodies the idea that a healthy China requires the whole society to build and share together.

Li Changning, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of China Health Education Center

Academician Zhang Boli on the front line of anti-epidemic Through the connection, we have seen that many diseases are caused by bad living habits. To promote a healthy lifestyle, we must start from the children, from you, from me, and from today. Chinese people are happy because they have both traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine to protect their health. Advocating and practicing a healthy lifestyle is the solution to the root cause and the source of living water.

Zhang Boli, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Honorary President of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Comprehensive and healthy for all Participation

The real data is a bit troubling. The overweight and obesity rate of adult residents in my country exceeds 50%, about 330 million patients with cardiovascular disease, and the prevalence of hypertension among adolescents has reached 8.8%. Wu Tianhong, general manager of the Global Times, said that in order to better implement the policy of “prevention first” for a healthy China, the “Nutrition China Tour”, which has covered 100 cities for ten years, has been upgraded to “Healthy China We Action” this year, changing from “health advocacy” to “health advocacy”. Become “everyone is in action”, and radiate the whole country with points, so that more people can take action for their own health.

Wu Tianhong, General Manager of Global Times

“Healthy China We Action” uses new media to spread With the characteristics of Heyi Interaction, the WeChat terminal launched the “We’re Action” applet, launched a 100-day check-in interaction, launched 100 sets of free courses including weight loss, exercise, sleep, smoking cessation, etc., calling on millions of citizens to participate in the form of teams , encourage and supervise each other, witness each other’s growth, and empower participants to become health literacy promotion ambassadors with the unity of knowledge and action. During the event, a hundred health experts will conduct a hundred live broadcasts, produce a hundred videos, and present hard-core popular science.

On the basis of WHO’s definition of health, Amway believes that comprehensive health is not only physical health, but also includes a good psychological state and interpersonal relationships, a sense of life value, financial security, and The harmonious development of man and nature, etc. Yu Fang, President of Amway (China), said that, as a promoter of “comprehensive health”, Amway not only raises public health awareness through public welfare activities such as “Nutrition China Tour” and “Healthy China We Action”, but also promotes safe and effective products that can be traced throughout the process. Provide personalized green nutrition solutions; most importantly, by supporting Amway marketers to operate a healthy community that integrates online and offline, to drive consumers, relatives and friends to form groups, and millions of people to act together, learn together, supervise each other, and promote each other. Encourage, turn knowledge into action, turn action into habit, build a healthy lifestyle, and promote the overall health of the public.

Amway (China) President Yu Fang

Health Lecture Hall Big Advice< /strong>

May 11Today is “World Obesity Day”. Amway Nutrilite defines this day as “Amway Sunshine Festival” every year, calling on the public to pay attention to their own health. Three high diets, sedentary and less movement, smoking and drinking, staying up late… An unhealthy lifestyle and a thick waist often mean overweight or obesity. According to Chen Wei, deputy director of the Department of Nutrition at Peking Union Medical College Hospital, diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, hyperuricemia, and arteriosclerosis are all related to obesity; among the 20 most common malignant tumors, at least 13 are related to obesity.

Summarizing the experience of many years of medical weight loss specialist clinics, Professor Chen Wei screened out the most suitable weight loss method for Chinese people from 49 widely circulated weight loss methods – energy-limited nutrition and balanced diet, which means “” Eat out the energy difference, eat the right nutrients.” Limit energy, commonly known as 70% full, lose 1/3 of the total energy of the daily diet, and insist on exercising for 30 minutes every day; nutritionally balanced diet, according to the new version of the “Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents”, consume more than 12 kinds of food per day, 25 kinds per week above.

Chen Wei, Deputy Director of the Department of Nutrition, Peking Union Medical College Hospital

Faced with the epidemic and other infectious diseases, It cannot be ignored that reasonable diet and nutrition are the cornerstone of immunity. Fan Zhihong, an associate professor at China Agricultural University, said that balanced nutrients can ensure the quality of each meal, especially a rich breakfast, which should include carbohydrates, high-quality protein, lipids, vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. It is very important for immune function to enhance resistance.

Fan Zhihong, associate professor of China Agricultural University

Unhealthy lifestyle brings explicit waistline problems, hidden Most of the sexual performance is liver damage. Dizziness, dry eyes, irritability, insomnia, constipation, etc., belong to deficiency of liver yin; Zhang Jin, director of the Treatment Center of Xiyuan Hospital, Chinese Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, introduced the “three principles of nourishing the liver” from the lifestyle: emotion, work and rest, and diet. That is to maintain emotional stability, good work and rest habits, regularity and light diet. The “Shaoyao Gancao Decoction” in Zhang Zhongjing’s “Treatise on Febrile Diseases” and the “Lycium barbarum with chrysanthemum” in the thermos cup are both from ancient recipes, which can nourish the liver and kidney, improve eyesight, and are worth learning from.

Zhang Jin, Director of the Treatment Center, Xiyuan Hospital, Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences