[Health] Small shallots have many white functions

Scallions are not only an indispensable condiment in cooking, but also a good medicine for curing diseases. Traditional Chinese medicine scallion white is the bulb near the root of the perennial herb of Liliaceae, scallion. “Southern Yunnan Materia Medica” says: “scallion white, pungent in taste, warm in nature.Start with Taiyin meridian, enter foot Yangming meridian, and introduce various medicines Swim in the four classics, focusing on the main and divergent, to connect the yin and yang of the upper and lower.” “Medical Forest Compilation” says: “The whole body will travel, the root and the white For skin, green and pointed are designed to express the surface of the muscle, and the boss.If it is used raw, it will be used for laymen.

Because of its high medicinal value and easy availability, scallion white is widely used in the prevention and treatment of many diseases, such as the following common diseases.

Mild symptoms of cold and common cold

Scallion, white, pungent and warm, can sweat and relieve the body. “Shen Nong’s Materia Medica” says: “maintains typhoid fever, cold and heat, sweating, apoplexy, and swollen face.” “Drug Huayi” also mentions: “Xin Wen Tong orifices, specializing in the main divergence, all the symptoms of evil, great power Sweating and chasing evil spirits.” Like the Soy Cong Soy Soup in “Elbow Reserve Emergency Prescription”, the Soy Soup Soup with Xiangsu in “Popular Treatise on Febrile Diseases”, “Lesser White Qiwei Drink” in “Waitai Secret Yao”, and Chaihu Conscious White Four Things in “He Ji Ju Prescription” Soup, etc., all use scallion white to achieve the effect of sweating and relieving the skin. In addition, many ancient books also recorded that you can eat some scallion porridge when you have a cold, so as to relieve the disease and speed up the recovery. The following will introduce the method and usage of scallion porridge.

Composition: 50g of japonica rice, scallion and sugar.

Practice: Cook the japonica rice first, and when the japonica rice is cooked, add the sliced ​​scallions and sugar.

Efficacy and indications: Relieves the exterior and dispels cold, and nourishes the stomach. It is suitable for the early stage or mild symptoms of cold and flu.

Usage and dosage: 1 time a day. Warm clothes, take the sweat.

Notes for use: Those who are prone to sweating should not eat, and those who are already sweating should not re-enter.

Yin Sheng Ge Yang Certificate

Scallion white has the effect of clearing yang and dispelling cold, and can be used for abdominal pain, Jueni, Xia Liqinggu, etc. “Compendium of Materia Medica” says: “green onion, pungent can disperse, can release muscle, can pass upper and lower yang qi, so all external symptoms of depression and depression are all masters.” Up and down Yang Qi, Zhongjing Baitong Decoction, Tongmai Sini Decoction and Tongmai Huiyang. If the face is red and the Yang is in the upper, it should be used especially.”

In addition to taking it orally, frying the scallion whites and ironing the navel and abdomen can also dispel cold and relieve yang.


The external application of scallion white can also treat urinary obstruction, bleeding from gold wounds, etc. “Shen Nong’s Materia Medica” states that “three catties of scallion can be used to treat “urinary bloating”. It is also said: “The golden sore is broken and bleeding. Heat it with scallion and white leaves, or stir-fry it in a pot, smash it and apply it, and it will be easy to cool when it is cold.”

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This article is reproduced from: China Traditional Chinese Medicine Network Author: He Yunchang

Editor: Liu Yaru

Picture from the Internet

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