[Health Science] Heat stroke is not a trivial matter! Learn these five tricks to deal with heatstroke correctly

[Source: Zaozhuang News Network]

Heatstroke refers to a long-term exposure to a high temperature environment, or physical activity in a hot environment, resulting in a disorder of the body’s thermoregulation function. group of clinical syndromes, characterized by high fever, dry skin, and central nervous system symptoms.

Heatstroke can be divided into three types: threatened heatstroke, mild heatstroke, and severe heatstroke.

Threatened heatstroke is a milder stage of heatstroke with normal or slightly elevated body temperature (<38°C). As long as you get out of the high temperature environment as soon as possible, move to a cool place, ventilate and cool down in time and add cold salt water, you can recover in a short time. The main manifestations are sweating, limb weakness, dizziness, thirst, headache, inability to concentrate, vertigo, tinnitus, and uncoordinated movements. Mild heatstroke is more severe than threatened heatstroke, manifested as symptoms continue to worsen, body temperature rises above 38 degrees Celsius, and symptoms of burning skin, flushing or dehydration (such as clammy limbs, pale complexion, drop in blood pressure, rapid pulse, etc.) . However, after timely rescue and treatment, it can be recovered within a few hours. Therefore, there is no need to panic too much when heatstroke occurs, and you can take rescue measures in time.

The most important concern is severe heat stroke. Because severe heatstroke is not treated in time, shock can easily occur, which is life-threatening. Severe heatstroke includes three types of heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke.

Heat cramps are an early manifestation of heat stroke. Mainly as muscle pain or twitching, the pain is more severe. Patients with a history of heart disease, those on a low-salt diet, or those whose symptoms do not improve after sitting in a cool place for 1 hour, should go to the hospital as soon as symptoms appear. The onset of heat exhaustion is rapid, and patients often have symptoms such as dizziness, vomiting, convulsions, and fainting. Without timely intervention and treatment, it will rapidly develop into heat stroke. Heat stroke is the most serious type of heat stroke, accounting for 8.6% to 18.0% of heat stroke. The core temperature of the body rises rapidly. The core temperature rises above 40°C, abnormal manifestations of the central nervous system, and progressive multiple organ dysfunction. The main feature is a severe clinical syndrome with multiple organ system damage such as skin burning and disturbance of consciousness. Without timely and effective treatment, the mortality rate is extremely high.

First aid “five tricks” to deal with heatstroke

In general, patients with premonitory heatstroke and mild heatstroke can return to normal after on-site rescue, so don’t panic too much when encountering heatstroke, master it first First aid method.

One move: Quickly get out of the high temperature environment, move the patient to a cool and ventilated place, at the same time raise the head, and unbutton the clothes to facilitate breathing and heat dissipation. Second application: first apply warm water on the head, then use cold water or ice water to help the patient cool down the body temperature. Three drinks: drink salt-containing beverages to replenish the body’s water needs in time, and at the same time replenish some inorganic salts. Four rubs: When the body is difficult to dissipate heat due to high temperature, high humidity and no wind, you can use cold water or ice water to rub the bath until the skin becomes red. Five drops: When the body temperature is above 40°C, and the heatstroke sufferers have symptoms such as coma and convulsions, especially in the face of heat stroke patients, three principles should be followed for treatment: 1. Rapid, effective, and continuous cooling. 2, rapid rehydration expansion. If oral rehydration is difficult, intravenous rehydration is required. 3. Control restlessness and convulsions. At the same time, dial 120 and send the patient to the emergency department of the hospital as soon as possible.

Remember! Never give water to a patient with severe heatstroke. Because when the patient sweats a lot, the sweat will take away a lot of salt, resulting in the imbalance of electrolytes in the body. If you drink a lot of water at this time, it will further reduce the effective concentration of electrolytes and aggravate the condition.

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