[Health Science] Experts remind: vitamins can’t be eaten like this!

[Source: Health Inner Mongolia Official Weibo]

Recently, a man was diagnosed with a daily dose of 8 Vitamins, the news of severe liver failure has once again attracted attention. Because this man is often sick, he thinks he lacks vitamins, but he did not expect that a lot of vitamin supplements will bring other diseases. Do we have to take vitamins? How to supplement correctly?


vitamins are available through food Get
It plays an important role in the growth and metabolism of the human body
Vitamins are important in less than 1% of the body. Vitamins neither participate in the formation of human cells nor provide energy for the human body, but play an important role in the growth, metabolism and development of the human body.
Vitamins cannot be synthesized naturally in the human body and can be obtained through food. There are also various vitamin supplements on the market. Some vitamins appear in pharmacies as over-the-counter medicines, while others are dressed as supplements. Fan Zhihong, associate professor of the Department of Nutrition and Food Safety, School of Food Science, China Agricultural University, and director of the Chinese Nutrition Society, said that vitamins as health products often include advertising and other expenses in the price, which are generally more expensive than vitamins as medicines.


< section> There are 13 recognized vitamins

Once accumulated in excess, the human body may Poisoning
There are currently 13 kinds of recognized vitamins, which are divided into fat-soluble vitamins and water-soluble vitamins. The properties of vitamins are different, and the storage time in the body is also different. For vitamins that are not easy to be excreted from the body, once accumulated in excess, poisoning may occur.
Vitamins A, D, E, and K are fat-soluble vitamins. These vitamins are easy to accumulate in the nerves, so they will be stored in the body for a long time, and some may even be stored for more than half a year.
Vitamin C and 8 B vitamins are water-soluble vitamins. Many people know about vitamins B1, B2, B6, and B12. In fact, niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5), folic acid (B9), and biotin (B7) are also B vitamins. Some water-soluble vitamins are easily excreted, and the storage time in the body is only two or three days, such as vitamin B1 and vitamin B2, which will be excreted through the urine soon after ingestion.
In response to the problem of liver failure caused by excessive intake of vitamins, Zhao Xinyan, chief physician of the Liver Disease Center of Beijing Friendship Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University, explained, Drug-induced liver injury caused by dietary supplements is generally divided into direct Liver damage and idiopathic damage. The former means that the more the amount of medicines taken, the greater the chance of liver damage and the more serious it is; the latter means that the body reacts too strongly to the ingested health care products or medicines, resulting in an unpleasant reaction , and eventually lead to metabolite damage to the liver, and liver dysfunction will occur in severe cases.


Frying cuts down on vitamins< /span>
Vitamin supplements should be prescribed by a doctor
Vitamin A is a vitamin that is generally lacking in Chinese people, because water-soluble vitamins are not easy to retain in the body, and the lack of vitamin B1 and B2 is also relatively common.
Addressing vitamin deficiencies is also simple. Generally speaking, with a reasonable food mix and balanced nutrition, we can get enough vitamins from our daily diet without taking external vitamin supplements. Appropriate cooking methods are also very important. Frying takes the vitamins down considerably. The alkali added to make the meat taste more tender also destroys vitamins B1, B2 and C in large quantities.
Not all vitamins are afraid of heat, even the vitamins that are afraid of heat can be avoided in the cooking process by some methods. destroy them. For example, although vitamin C is heat-resistant, it becomes very heat-resistant if some acidic substances are added during the cooking process. Tomatoes and lemons are inherently sour, so nutrients are not lost as much during cooking.
Vitamin supplementation should be prescribed by a doctor and by a nutritionist. Dry mouth, constipation, nausea, vomiting, dizziness and other symptoms may occur if you take too much vitamin, even without the liver failure mentioned in the news. Excessive intake of vitamins may also affect material metabolism.For example, excessive intake of vitamin B6 will affect the function of the nervous system, which is not conducive to the treatment of Parkinson’s patients.
Fan Zhihong suggested that if you feel unwell, you should go to the hospital for an examination first, then find a nutritionist to analyze the dietary situation, and finally give advice by a professional.


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