Health Park · Epidemic Residence | Psychologists teach you how to decompress

During the epidemic at home, after various uncertainties and disruption of daily work and life rules, people’s mental pressure quietly increased, All kinds of physical discomfort. How do psychologists deal with these overloads?

Jin Haiyan, Deputy Chief Physician of Ruijin Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University, starts from the perspective of the impact of stress on the body, and draws everyone’s attention to the physical symptoms other than sleep disorders caused by stress, such as Muscle tension, shoulder and back pain, indigestion, skin irritation, etc. She suggested that while maintaining a regular life, reduce the stressors of receiving unnecessary negative information, accept yourself, and eat more foods containing B vitamins, such as bananas, green vegetables, and fruits.

In response to anxiety and fear at home, Jiao Yumei, Deputy Chief Physician of Shanghai Mental Health Center, suggests that everyone accept the reality, see more people or things full of positive energy, and feel The warmth of the neighbors’ mutual assistance, etc., and at the same time learn to use humorous ways to spit reality and skillfully resolve negative energy. When you feel hopeless and anxious, you can talk to your relatives and friends, and use appropriate methods to release your emotions. In addition, do something you like: watch a movie you’ve always wanted to watch, read a novel you’ve always wanted to read, etc. to divert your attention. At the same time, increasing exercise can also help to secrete more dopamine and relieve anxiety.

For children with excess energy and pressure from study but unable to exercise outdoors, Zhang Hua, an attending physician at Shanghai Mental Health Center, advises parents that if they find that their children have problems such as excessive blinking , first eliminate objective factors, and then find out the incentives behind, do not label the child, do not excessively reinforce these behaviors, and help the child find all specific ways to let him relax. In the face of an adolescent child, affirm him and encourage him, give him some control points, and participate more in various household chores and activities at home. At the same time, parents should take care of themselves first, so that they can relax first so that they can have more energy to help their children and be a role model for their children.

(Pan Jiayi)