Health Park · Epidemic Residence | How to help women with common diseases during home isolation

The epidemic situation is getting more and more serious. Citizens are isolated at home, staying at home, and working together to do their best for epidemic prevention and control. So, in this case, if the body is uncomfortable, how should we deal with it? The common diseases of women are a problem that many friends are very concerned about. How to achieve self-help at home?


First of all, if you have medicines for dysmenorrhea at home, you can As the first choice, according to the drug instructions, self-administration.

Secondly, if the cold pain in the lower abdomen is obvious, you can take Chinese patent medicines such as motherwort ointment, Shaofu Zhuyu granules, etc., and cooperate with some physical methods, such as warm baby, hot water bottle, electric heating Bao, moxibustion, electric blankets, and infrared physiotherapy instruments are used for local heating.

For patients with less menstrual flow and abdominal cold, you can boil some brown sugar ginger water and take it while it is still warm.

In addition, foot bath is also a good choice, just hot water, the water temperature should be warm but not hot, but it should not be too long each time, 20 minutes is enough, If possible, you can also add some mugwort leaves, safflower, ginger, etc. to soak together.

In addition, you can also select acupoints for pressing, such as Sanyinjiao, uterus, Hegu, etc.

Of course, prevention is also very important at ordinary times. That is to say, during non-menstrual periods, especially one week before the menstrual cramps, you should keep warm and not be greedy for cold, especially cold drinks. Adjusting your mood and doing appropriate exercise can help blood circulation and avoid or reduce the occurrence of dysmenorrhea.


First of all, pay attention to local hygiene, keep it clean, and replace the Cotton underwear, in order to maintain a dry and breathable environment, if necessary, use boiling water to sterilize the underwear.

Take a bath every day, or wash the vulva with warm water, but not too often, and it is not recommended to use gynecological care solution frequently, so as not to cause the destruction of flora, decreased immunity, anti-aging Reduced ability to be sick.

Menstrual pads should be changed frequently, which will also play a good preventive role in vaginitis. If the itching is severe, you can use a small amount of garlic liquid to dilute it with warm water and scrub after washing.

At home to prevent and control the epidemic, it is inevitable to be nervous and anxious, coupled with the shortage of vegetables and fruits, it is difficult to achieve a reasonable dietary structure. Into, so as not to help generate damp heat, aggravate vaginal inflammation and itching symptoms.

Urinary tract infection

Urinary tract infection is a frequently-occurring clinical disease, a common disease . Especially female friends, due to the particularity of the physiological structure, it is easy to cause urinary tract infections. Common causes are excessive fatigue, cold, frequent urination, vaginal inflammation, incomplete hygiene and so on. Urinary tract infection caused by frequent urination, urgency, dysuria and other symptoms will be unforgettable and painful for those who have experienced it. If timely intervention is not obtained, the degree will gradually increase.

During the stay at home, if symptoms of urinary tract infection occur, if conditions permit, timely medication to reduce inflammation is the first choice. Chinese patent medicine, the effect is better. During this period, drinking a lot of water can flush the urinary tract and promote the accelerated discharge of bacteria and inflammatory secretions, which is very important for the relief of symptoms; bed rest to avoid fatigue is very helpful for the treatment of the disease. If you have dandelion tea, honeysuckle dew, etc. at home, you can also take it appropriately.

The diet should be light, avoid spicy, heavy salt, heavy oil and other foods.

It is worth noting that the first occurrence of urinary tract infection must be treated thoroughly, otherwise once it becomes chronic and recurring, it will be troubled by it for a long time. Chronic urinary tract infection has obvious advantages and can be the first choice.

Finally, it is recommended that patients with the above-mentioned diseases during home isolation should choose an appropriate time to go to the hospital for re-examination after the epidemic is over, to rule out the recurrence of the disease. possible.

Cao Zhendong (the successor of the famous old Chinese medicine Gan’s internal medicine) Jiang Na (the Chinese medicine department of the Ninth People’s Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine)