Health Park · Epidemic Residence | Essential Chinese Medicine Prescriptions at Home

Traditional Chinese medicine has played an active role in treating COVID-19 and improving the body’s ability to resist viruses. Professor Wu Yingen of Longhua Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine once introduced the “Dragon Medicine Zhengqi Fang” at a regular press conference. The Fangzhong Huoxiang, Forsythia, Yinhua, Fried Atractylodes, Licorice, etc., reflects the traditional Chinese medicine to strengthen the spleen and remove dampness. The principles of prevention and treatment of clearing away heat should be well-matched. For ordinary people, it is also possible to solve some spring ailments by using local materials, using ingredients that are available everywhere or medicinal materials with the same origin as medicine and food.

Traditional Chinese medicine is the treasure of the motherland, the crystallization of the wisdom of the ancients for thousands of years, and also includes the medical experience summed up by ordinary people from ancient times to the present. Folk prescriptions have two characteristics. First, the medicinal materials are simplified, and often only 1 or 2 herbs can be effective. Second, the medicinal materials are easy to obtain, which are generally available everywhere in life. After screening, we selected the recipes for the ingredients and medicinal materials that are always available in the general family, and strive to use one thing for multiple purposes, which is convenient for everyone to choose and operate.

During this period of time, people’s living environment is at home, and they should be free from colds and colds. At the same time, in the spring when colds are prone to occur, coupled with the recent mental stress, the body’s immunity has declined, and a little carelessness can easily cause a cold. If the right medicine is not available at home, many people will still be anxious and unprepared. Here are three easy-to-combine cold prescriptions recommended for emergencies. It should be reminded that if the condition worsens and cannot be improved, seek medical attention in time.

Egg Sugar Water Drink

This method is mainly for colds and colds with cough and throat discomfort. Prepare 2 fresh eggs, 15 grams of white sugar, preferably rock sugar and a few drops of sesame oil. After breaking the eggs, add white sugar and sesame oil and stir well. Rinse them with boiling water, drink them once, and then cover with a quilt to sweat slightly. The best time to take the medicine is at noon, with the help of the most prosperous yang qi in the day, to help the human body to get rid of the evil qi from the body.

This prescription is gentle and has no side effects. It is especially suitable for children. Of course, adults can also take it. It should be noted that it is not suitable for diabetic patients.

Ginger Onion White Soup

This method is suitable for people with diabetes. Ginger and green onion soup is especially suitable. The usage is 5 slices of ginger + 30 scallions. Many people know this folk prescription, but the dosage is often not well grasped. In this prescription, it should be noted that the amount of scallion white should be sufficient. 30 sticks is the key, and the effect is not good if it is less.

The name of fairy porridge is a little old. It originated in the Song Dynasty and has been valued by doctors of all dynasties. Its curative effect is credible.

The usage is 50 grams of glutinous rice, boiled into gruel, add half a cup of rice vinegar, 7 scallions (chopped), and 7 slices of ginger (chopped). Then boil it for 5 minutes, and then take it while it is still hot. After taking it, cover it with a quilt to avoid blowing wind. It is better to wrap the quilt tightly and sweat slightly.

There are also points to note in this recipe. The ginger in the recipe is preferably old ginger, because old ginger is better than fresh ginger in dispelling cold and improving appetite. The rice vinegar in the recipe is essential. Vinegar itself has the effect of preventing and treating influenza, and can kill a variety of germs. At the same time, it has a promoting effect on the transportation and transformation of the spleen and stomach of the human body. Curative effect, rapid truncated course of disease.

Special attention: Fever, high fever, yellow and greasy tongue coating, burning pain in the throat, it is not suitable to eat fairy porridge, nor is it suitable to take ginger and scallion white soup. Try the egg sugar water drink. Of course, when conditions permit, formal treatment is still required.

Remind again that the above method is only applicable to those with negative nucleic acid test. Those with a cold and fever must first rule out the infection of the new coronavirus, and do not mistake others!

Zhu Weikang (Chief Physician of the Fifth Department of Oncology, Shanghai Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital)