Health medicine, can replace antihypertensive drugs? Hypertension patients, don’t ignore these 5 things before taking medicine

It is no exaggeration to say that high blood pressure is now running around all over the country.

As one of the most common and most morbid chronic diseases in the world, 1 billion people worldwide suffer from high blood pressure, and the prevalence is increasing year by year.

According to the 2010 Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of Hypertension in China, there are about 200 million hypertensive patients in my country, while 130 million hypertensive patients do not know they have hypertension. Even among people who already have high blood pressure, about 30 million are untreated.

Therefore, we must pay more attention to the timely treatment of hypertension.

Health medicine, can it replace blood pressure medicine?

Don’t believe it!

There is a big difference between the ingredients of health care products and the ingredients of antihypertensive drugs. Taking health care products to achieve effective blood pressure not only cannot control blood pressure, but may even cause blood pressure. Trigger blood pressure fluctuations and aggravate the condition.

Good blood pressure control can greatly reduce the risk of myocardial infarction, stroke and other diseases. Therefore, for antihypertensive drugs, hypertensive patients must follow the doctor’s advice. Take your medicines on time and correctly.

An antihypertensive drug, what details should a hypertensive patient pay attention to?

First, take medicine on time

Many people believe that as long as blood pressure is temporarily stable or there are no obvious disease characteristics, then hypertensive patients do not need to take medication on time, and this mistake must be corrected in time.

The main reason why hypertensive patients need to take antihypertensive drugs is to control blood pressure in advance, so as to avoid excessive blood pressure rise.

It would be contrary to the principles of treatment to wait until the blood pressure has already risen before starting the medication. And in this case, it is easy to cause serious adverse effects on the health of organs.

Second, do not change the type of antihypertensive drugs at will

For different hypertensive patients, doctors need to choose specific antihypertensive drugs according to the actual situation of the patient.

Therefore, do not arbitrarily change the type of drugs for the so-called reduction of drug resistance. In fact, this kind of bad practice can easily lead to a great reduction in the effect of disease control, and even induce danger in severe cases.

Of course, it is not that once a certain medicine is selected, it cannot be changed.

If the blood pressure control is not ideal after taking the medicine for a period of time, even the combined medicine is not effective, or serious side effects such as dry cough, headache, edema, and increase in serum creatinine occur, it is necessary to consider changing it in time. Medicine.

However, it needs to be evaluated by a doctor before deciding whether to change the treatment plan.

Third, do not increase the dosage without authorization

Some people with high blood pressure believe that the higher the dose, the more beneficial it is to lower their blood pressure and thus prevent the disease from getting worse.

However, in the case of overdose, it is easy to cause the problem of low blood pressure, which is also very unfavorable for the patient’s physical maintenance.

Therefore, hypertensive patients should not change the dosage of antihypertensive drugs at will.

Fourth, even if the blood pressure drops, do not stop the drug

A drop in blood pressure to the normal standard only means that the drug is effective, but it does not mean that the hypertension has been completely cured.

Hypertensive patients need to insist on taking the medicine for life. After the blood pressure is stable and normal, under the guidance of a doctor and under close observation, the medicine can be reduced in small amounts, but it is not recommended to stop the medicine, so as to avoid many blood pressure will rebound.

Fifth, take medicine on time, be sure to seize the best time

For once-daily antihypertensive drugs, it should usually be taken after waking up in the morning. For antihypertensive drugs that need to be taken twice a day, the time of taking the drug is usually arranged in the morning after waking up and between 14:00 and 15:00 in the afternoon.

For patients with special conditions, such as those whose blood pressure often rises during sleep at night, the medication time should be arranged before going to bed at night.

Blood pressure must not only be controlled, but also needs to be controlled steadily. Therefore, taking medication on time and maintaining a stable drug concentration can ensure stable blood pressure.

Once you have high blood pressure, it is not scary. The most important thing is to measure regularly, see a doctor regularly and take medicine regularly. As long as the blood pressure is stabilized, hypertensive patients can also lead a normal life.

So, at this time, have you learned?