Health management measures for people coming (returning) to Shao from key areas (updated on July 30)

From 0 to 24:00 on July 29, there were no new local confirmed cases in the province; 2 new local asymptomatic infections (2 cases in Shenzhen); and 1 local asymptomatic case The infected person was transferred to a confirmed case (1 case in Shenzhen). 6 newly imported confirmed cases in the province (1 in Guangzhou, 3 in Shenzhen, 1 in Huizhou, and 1 in Jiangmen); 8 newly imported asymptomatic infections (4 in Guangzhou, 2 in Shenzhen, 1 in Huizhou) , Jiangmen 1 case).

16 newly discharged cases (14 imported from abroad) in the province, 283 cases currently in hospital (173 imported from abroad); 22 new cases of asymptomatic infection released from medical observation (10 imported from abroad) , 195 cases of asymptomatic infections are still under medical observation (84 cases imported from abroad).

As of 24:00 on July 29, the province has reported a total of 17,083 positive cases of new coronary pneumonia (11,078 imported from abroad), including 8,099 confirmed cases (4,400 imported from abroad) and 8,984 asymptomatic infections. Cases (6678 cases imported from abroad).

Shaoguan CDC reminds the general public

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We must continue to tighten the string of epidemic prevention and control, effectively enhance protection awareness, comply with prevention and control requirements, cooperate with epidemic prevention management, and be the first responsible person for our own health.

Pay close attention to the dynamic information of the epidemic situation released in various places. If there is an intersection with the trajectory of the positive infected person, or there is a recent history of living in the area where the epidemic occurred, please take the initiative to report to the local community (village committee) or disease control agency immediately. Report, and cooperate with relevant epidemic control measures as required.

If you have acute respiratory symptoms such as fever and cough, please go to the fever clinic of the local designated medical institution in time under the condition of personal protection.

Inoculation of the new crown vaccine is an effective measure to prevent the new crown pneumonia. The general public is requested to take the initiative to vaccinate as soon as possible, and insist on wearing masks when going out, washing hands frequently, ventilating frequently, maintaining social distance, not having meals, and not gathering together to reduce infection. risk.

Please take the initiative to report to the community, unit or hotel emergency reminder! Citizens with a history of living in an epidemic-related city are requested to report emergency reminder! Contact information of all towns, villages (neighborhoods) committees in all counties (cities, districts) in Shaoguan< /span>, implement classified management according to the epidemic risk level of the origin and transit:

Contributed, edited by: Public Health Emergency Department

Reviewed by: Tan Guoquan

[Source: Shaoguan CDC]

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