Health enters ten thousand homes, famous doctors go to the grassroots level, and health science experts enter Tongcheng

Changjiang Daily, Wuhan Client, May 29th (Reporter Jiang Mengqing Correspondent Sun Miao) “What drugs are you taking to treat high blood pressure? I’ll help you adjust it” “Your My blood uric acid is high, I need a low-purine diet, and I need to review it regularly”… I heard that a major expert from the province is coming. At 7:30 a.m. on May 29, people in Tongcheng County, Xianning took their medical records and test results , came to Yanta Square in Junshui Town early. Carefully inquired about the condition, prescribed the pulse and explained patiently, the experts were busy one after another.

Residents line up for consultation. Photo by Correspondent Liu Jianping

On the same day, the provincial health and health committee led a team of health science experts composed of 10 winners of previous provincial health science popularization contests to carry out “Health Entering Ten Thousand Famous Doctors and Going to the Grass-roots Level – Health The “Kopuda People Walk into the City” activity, conducted a health science tour and a free health clinic for local medical workers and the masses. The free clinic received nearly 400 people and distributed nearly 30,000 yuan of medicines and various living materials. , was welcomed and praised by the local people.

Experts conduct physical examinations for residents. Photo by Correspondent Liu Jianping

The activity of “Healthy Entering Ten Thousand Famous Doctors and Going to the Grassroots” has been carried out for 3 years. It has entered many places in the province, delivered diagnosis and treatment services to the common people, and passed on the experience of health science popularization. to local medical workers.

The doctors who participated in the event were from Tongji Hospital Affiliated to Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Union Hospital Affiliated to Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, People’s Hospital of Wuhan University, Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University, Tianyou Hospital Affiliated to Wuhan University of Science and Technology, Minda Hospital affiliated to Hubei University for Nationalities, Hubei Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hubei Provincial Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Hubei Provincial Third People’s Hospital and other medical institutions.

[Editor: Yu Lina]

[Source: Changjiang Daily]