Health education expects higher conversion rate of knowledge and action


Prevention has always been an important part of the health work policy of the party and the country content. Especially since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has proposed to improve the health education system, strengthen the comprehensive prevention and control of key groups and major diseases, prevent and control major diseases from the source, and realize the transformation from treating diseases to The center shifts to health-centric. On June 10, the National Health and Health Commission held the sixth press conference in the series of “Everything for the People’s Health – Our Decade” in Beijing, introducing the progress and effectiveness of health education work since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. In the past 10 years, my country’s health education work has been continuously strengthened, the publicity has become more and more powerful, the coverage has become more and more extensive, and the forms and contents have become more and more abundant. Especially in recent years, health education has shown a trend of precision development, helping more and more individuals and groups to establish a healthy concept and master health knowledge and skills. This suggests that my country’s health education has been very effective in raising awareness. Next, it is necessary to play the “second half” of health education, focusing on promoting the implementation of healthy behaviors, the development of healthy habits, and improving the conversion rate of knowledge and action in health education. Realize the goal of preventing disease, promoting health and improving quality of life. To improve the conversion rate of knowledge and action in health education, first of all, governments at all levels need to adhere to the health-first development strategy, firmly establish the concept of big health, and promote more pragmatic measures in deepening health education, especially promoting the behavioral transformation of health education. To improve the conversion rate of knowledge and action in health education, medical staff should continue to play the role of the main force, do more clinical observations and summaries, and think of ways and ideas from the perspective of practicality and operability. At the same time, the media must play a good role in propaganda, convey scientific and reliable voices in various ways that the masses like to hear, and keep the truth from the false, and strive to let the public learn and use health knowledge. To improve the conversion rate of knowledge and action in health education, it is even more necessary to mobilize all departments and all sectors of society to take active actions, strengthen supervision and feedback, and truly create conditions and facilitate the implementation of healthy behaviors and the development of healthy habits. For example, the prevention and control of “small glasses” cannot be limited to publicizing knowledge about eye care and eye protection to children, parents and teachers, but also requires education departments and schools to be more attentive in classroom layout, lighting design, and guaranteeing outdoor activity time, without discounting to implement the relevant requirements. To care for the elderly, more measures should be introduced to address the most prominent issues in the field of elderly health and safety, such as promoting more popularization of fall prevention facilities. To improve the conversion rate of knowledge and action in health education, ultimately everyone needs to learn and master health knowledge and skills, cultivate a healthy and civilized lifestyle, start with a reasonable diet, regular work and rest, etc. first responsible person”. Only when more people combine knowledge and action, health education can truly be effective.

Edit: Yu Mengfei

: Ma Yang

Review: Xu Bingnan Yan Yan

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