Health | Cancer prefers people with blood stasis? Two traditional Chinese medicines, invigorating qi and promoting blood circulation, removing blood stasis and regenerating

Hello everyone, pay attention to prevention and control during the epidemic! Regardless of the epidemic situation, health preservation has never been interrupted. We continue to talk about health preservation and how to improve blood stasis constitution. Is it true that cancer prefers people with blood stasis? If true, how can it be improved?

What are the manifestations of blood stasis constitution?

Blood stasis people have a darker complexion than normal people, dark around the eye sockets, purplish-black lips, purplish dark tongue with petechiae, or flaky ecchymosis, tongue Inferior varicose veins are dark. The body often has unexplained pain, the pain is like a needle stick, it is fixed, and the hands and feet are often numb. Women will also have dysmenorrhea, blood clots in the menstrual blood, and even long fibroids and chloasma on the face. People with blood stasis are quieter and less energetic.

How does blood stasis develop?

Blood stasis can be influenced by congenital heredity and acquired environment. Bad emotions (such as long-term depression), or trauma (bruises). Aside from heredity, emotions have an important influence on the formation of blood stasis.

How to adjust?

The “transportation” in the body of a person with blood stasis slows down, just like a smooth river, due to the lack of power of the boat ahead or the low water level, it goes too slowly, or even stops in place. movement, which greatly affected the operation of the ships behind. Therefore, to clear the channel, it is necessary to increase the power of the boat or make the bearing capacity of the channel stronger. There is blood stasis in the body, the reason is similar, we need to activate blood to remove blood stasis, and even to replenish qi and blood.

Introduces two traditional Chinese medicines, one of Astragalus, and one of Angelica, which is cut from Buyang Huanwu Decoction in “Yilin Correction”. It has the effect of tonifying qi and promoting blood circulation, removing blood stasis and producing new ones. The reason for choosing these two traditional Chinese medicines is that the medicine and food are of the same origin, and they are available in supermarkets. They are suitable for people to maintain health and prevent diseases.

01 Raw Astragalus

Astragalus tonifies qi and raises yang, and is a very important ingredient for tonifying qi. Chinese medicine believes that qi can generate blood, and qi can promote blood. In addition, Astragalus is slightly warm, which can lift yang, and the warm yang also helps to promote the operation of blood. Furthermore, astragalus can strengthen the spleen and stomach, and the spleen is the foundation of the day after tomorrow, and an important function is to transport and transform the essence of water and grain.

“Rihuazi Materia Medica”: Astragalus helps qi and strengthens muscles and bones, grows flesh and nourishes blood, breaks tinea, and cures scrofula.

Ringworm and scrofula are tangible objects formed by blood stasis in the body.

02 Angelica

Angelica is very particular about the use of this medicine. It is used to replenish blood and activate blood to remove the head. It is best to choose Angelica for those with severe blood stasis. Why choose angelica tail instead of angelica head or full angelica body? This is because different parts have different effects. It is generally believed that Angelica head stops bleeding, Angelica body nourishes blood, and Angelica tail activates blood and removes blood stasis.

《Materia Medica of Decoction》:Hemostasis in the head, blood in the body, blood in the tip , to break the blood.”

Summary: Blood stasis in addition to promoting blood circulation Stasis and mental health are also very important.

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