Head up to swallow pills, head down to swallow capsules! Please collect these common knowledge of taking medicine

People who eat whole grains will inevitably get sick. Most people have to take medicine when they are sick. When taking medicine, they will encounter the following problems more or less: “Take it before or after meals? This medicine is very bitter, can I take it with beverages? I forgot to take the medicine in the morning, and I have to take it again. “Are you?” In response to the above confusion about taking medicines, the reporter consulted Li Yang, the pharmacist in charge of the Pharmacy Department of Nanjing First Hospital.

One question: How many times should I take the medicine, divided by time or by day?

If there are no special instructions, the general principle is to spread the medication time evenly. For example, for a drug taken three times a day, the time of taking it equally is to take it every 8 hours, but if it is a drug that is closely related to meals, such as hypoglycemic drugs, the time of taking the medicine is based on the time of three meals. When taking some drugs, the impact on work and rest needs to be considered. For example, when diuretics are taken multiple times a day, it is recommended to take them during the day to avoid affecting sleep at night.

Second question: when to take the medicine, before or after meals?

This requires specific analysis of specific drugs. Some drugs are more “Buddhist”, diet does not affect the efficacy, and a fixed daily medication time is more important, such as most antihypertensive drugs; some Some medicines should be taken before meals, such as aspirin enteric-coated tablets. Taking them after meals will cause the drug to stay in the stomach for a long time, which will affect the absorption of the drugs and thus affect the efficacy; some medicines should be taken after meals, such as ferrous sulfate tablets, which can be taken after meals. Reduce the stimulation of the drug to the gastrointestinal tract; some drugs need to be taken with meals, such as the hypoglycemic drug acarbose, which can better control postprandial blood sugar when taken with meals.

Three questions: completeness of taking medicine, take it apart or take it whole?

It is recommended to carefully read the drug insert and observe whether there are scratches on the drug you take. Medications with a score can usually be taken apart along the score. Drugs without scratches need to be judged according to the dosage form. For controlled-sustained-release dosage forms and enteric-coated tablets, they cannot be taken apart; for ordinary tablets, under special circumstances such as difficulty in swallowing, it can be considered to be taken apart, but care should be taken to take them apart. dose accuracy. For capsules, in principle, it is not recommended to open and take them. If they are opened and taken, the taste will be poor, which will affect the efficacy of the medicine and even cause physical harm.

Four questions: Do you take the medicine while standing or sitting?

Most medicines can be taken while standing or sitting. A small number of medicines have requirements for taking the medicine. For oral bisphosphonates for the treatment of osteoporosis, it is recommended to take a standing or sitting posture within half an hour after taking the medicine and even before the first meal of the day to avoid the medicine sticking. Sticking to the wall of the esophagus leads to accidental occurrence of esophageal inflammation and even ulcers. Some medicines require a sitting position. For example, when taking nitroglycerin sublingually to treat angina pectoris, the sitting position can avoid the risk of fainting due to orthostatic hypotension.

Five questions: liquid, water or drink? Warm or hot water?

For simplicity and safety, warm or cool water is usually recommended. Beverages may reduce the absorption of medicines and affect the efficacy; too hot water will melt the capsules, and medicines that aid digestion and medicines containing live bacteria need to be taken with warm water, so as not to affect the efficacy. In order to avoid affecting the efficacy, a few drugs also need to be taken with cold water, such as standard myrtle oil enteric-coated capsules.

Six questions: How much water should I drink, drink more or less?

Some medicines need to drink more water, such as uric acid-lowering drugs. Drinking more water when taking medicines can reduce the deposition of urate crystals in the urinary tract and reduce the occurrence of adverse reactions; some medicines are taken with medicines. It is recommended not to drink water or drink less water. For example, cough syrup will adhere to the pharynx after taking it and directly act on the lesion to play a therapeutic role. If you drink too much water or drink water immediately after taking it, it will reduce the absorption of the drug and reduce the efficacy.

Seven Questions: Long-term or short-term use of medication?

If it is a drug that simply relieves symptoms, the drug can usually be stopped when the symptoms disappear, such as cold medicine. If it is a drug to control the cause, it should be consumed according to the doctor’s request, such as antibiotics, it should be used for a full course of treatment. If it is a drug for the treatment of chronic diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes, it needs to be taken for a long time.

Eight questions: Forgot to take the medicine, take it or not?

If it has been forgotten for a long time and it is close to the next dose when you remember it, it is generally safe to skip the forgotten meal and take the next dose as planned , the missed dose cannot be made up by doubling the dose. For drugs that are taken multiple times a day, it is recommended to decide whether to take supplements according to the instructions of the drug or the recommendations of doctors and pharmacists.

In addition to the above eight common knowledge about taking medicines, Li Yang also shared a small coup for taking pills and capsules: raise your head to swallow pills, and lower your head to swallow capsules – when taking pills, you can lift your head slightly It is easier to swallow the tablet; do not look up when taking the capsule, because the capsule is lighter than water, and it is easier to swallow with the head down.

Do you remember the correct knowledge about taking the medicine above?

(Source: Yangtze Evening News/Ziniu News Trainee Correspondent Lv Yanlin Correspondent Li Yang Sun Zhonghe)

[Editor: Fu Ying]