He sent 2,000 catties of rice to the elderly in the community!

“You can rest assured, I will find a way, because we are party members.” Hearing that the old man’s house was short of rice, a retired soldier in the Green 5 residential area of ​​Xinjing Town purchased it online. To 2,000 catties of love rice, donated to the neighborhood committee to help the elderly in the community who are in need of living materials.

One day, volunteers living in Lane 1005, Songhong Road Chen Xiaohua came to the door to distribute antigen self-testing reagents to the residents of the community. An elderly man with limited mobility told him about the difficulty of not having enough rice at home. Hearing this, Chen Xiaohua comforted the old man: “I will find a way, don’t worry, because we are party members.”

Chen Xiaohua was a soldier of an artillery regiment of Nanjing Military Region. After retiring in 2013, he chose to start his own business. He is currently the deputy of Shanghai Fujian Chamber of Commerce Housing Leasing Branch President. As a retired soldier, Chen Xiaohua took the initiative to contribute to the fight against the epidemic during the critical period. That night, he planned to buy rice.

Finding sources of goods, negotiating prices, loading and transporting are not easy at the moment, but Chen Xiaohua firmly believes that “there are always more solutions than difficulties”. After a whole week of twists and turns, Chen Xiaohua finally contacted a rice production factory in Jinshan, delivered 200 bags of rice, and contacted overnight to arrange vehicle delivery. On April 13, a van full of rice drove into the Green Five Community. The rice weighed 2,000 kilograms. Chen Xiaohua and the volunteers braved the heavy rain to unload the batch of loving materials, and the stone hanging in his heart was finally put down. Holding the hard-won rice in his hand, Chen Xiaohua said, “I just hope to do my little bit to help the masses solve their immediate difficulties.” The simple words show the mission and responsibility of a Communist Party member.

Facing the kind deeds of caring people, Xinjing Town Green The five neighborhood committees expressed that they would turn these love and warmth into motivation to fight the epidemic.

In addition to loving donations, in this epidemic prevention and control , Chen Xiaohua put down his company’s work at hand, and actively participated in the community’s anti-epidemic front line. He took the initiative to ask Ying to serve as a community volunteer. For more than ten consecutive days from March 28th to the present, he fully carried forward the fighting spirit of retired soldiers who were willing to contribute, dare to fight and work hard, and incarnated “Dabai” to conduct nucleic acid testing and sampling and antigen autoimmunization for residents. test registration. Not only that, he is busy in the cleaning and transportation of residents’ domestic waste, vegetable distribution and nucleic acid sampling team guidance positions. He often works from 8 am to 10 pm, continuously overloaded, but he has never called bitterness, Calling too tired, fully showing the true colors of retired soldiers.

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Text: Cheng Qinghui

Editor: Bi Yangjing

*Reprint please indicate the source of “Shanghai Changning”