Have to buy a 3000 ergonomic chair to sit well? 30 bucks is enough

Everyone knows that sitting for a long time can hurt your health.

But it’s really helpless. I sit for at least 8 hours all day and night at work, and I don’t even move my butt when I’m busy.

Once you are at work, you are prone to various crooked sitting postures.

Humpback type

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Broken jar and collapsed type

Yoga teacher with different waist and back is not good, but you are beautiful

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Which of the above sitting postures are you?

Actually, I really don’t blame us for not sitting well——Because of a correct sitting posture, it is very anti-human in itself!

It’s the right way to change chairs! (not an ergonomic chair)

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Ordinary Chair

How difficult is it to maintain a good sitting posture?

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When God created human beings, he probably didn’t even think about making people sit for 8 hours a day.

A relatively standard sitting posture is probably as follows: The lumbar spine is S-shaped, which is in line with the normal physiological curve of the human body Spend.

But to be honest, if you can hold on to this position for 15 minutes, you’re an idiot.


Because when a person sits, the pressure on the lumbar spine will rise linearly.

When a person is lying flat, the lumbar spine only bears 25% of the load. It will become 140%. If you are still hunched forward, the load will be close to 185%.

At the same time, the muscles of the lower back are also very annoyed.

When we maintain a standard sitting posture, our lower back muscles will always be in a tense state, which makes it easy for people to tired.

And the muscles also like to be “lazy”, and it is easy to slack off unconsciously, making you sit in a hunchback and paralyzed sitting position.

So when you want to maintain a good sitting posture, the world is stopping you. (slightly exaggerated, slightly exaggerated

Image source: Internet

Someone might say:


Since the standard sitting posture is so difficult, can I not do it?


As we said earlier, in a standard sitting posture, the human physiological curve will maintain a graceful S shape, which is normal.

But if you are hunched or paralyzed, your physiological curve will easily become C-shaped, which may induce lumbar disc herniation, lumbar disc herniation, Muscle strain and other diseases.

Please don’t think that the low back disease is a disease of old age and is far away from you.

A survey of adults in Beijing found that among adults under 40, low back pain The prevalence is actually very high, up to 23%.

And it’s not just for adults. Studies at home and abroad have found that waist disease is even a common disease that affects the health of children and adolescents. Waist disease is quite tormenting, if you don’t get lucky, but it’s best to prevent it a lot.

Of course, we understand your pain.

In addition to being difficult to sit well, the office chairs provided by many companies also make it even more difficult for everyone.

< strong>Office chair for the company

It’s hard to sit well

The chairs that the company often matches, many of them look like this:

Looks okay?

But their problem is quite obvious—no waist support.

If you look closely, you will find that the backs of these office chairs are straight, even if they are curved. It is clear.

When we sit in these chairs in a standard sitting position, it is almost difficult to get effective support for the waist. Even our waists are so far from the back of the chair that we can’t even lean on them.

If you don’t believe me, just observe it now, is your waist really supported by the office chair?

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Image source: Network

These chairs are: “When it’s time to play with you, it plays and doesn’t see it.” As a result, it cannot help you control your sitting posture (that is, throwing the pot), resulting in the appearance of various crooked postures.

At this point, many people turned their attention to the “ergonomic chair”.


Some ergonomic chairs are indeed a good choice because they have good support for the waist, back and hips.

But its price is also a bit high, not every company has such a high budget, spend your own money and think about it and lose money.