Harvard study: 5 habits after the age of 50 can prolong life by 10 years for both men and women

The oldest man in the world (certified by Guinness World Records) has died! Recently, the Fukuoka City government in Fukuoka Prefecture, southwest Japan, announced that Riko Tanaka passed away on April 17 at the age of 119. She once put down her rhetoric and wanted to live to be 120 years old, but after all, she was still a little short. But for this old man, her life is legendary, and she has twice escaped death threats from cancer.

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1. The oldest old man in the world: ill-fated Cancer

Tanaka Rikko is the real “post-00”, but she was born in 1903. She was the third daughter in the family. She is 7th out of 9 siblings.

As the oldest old man in the world, her life was not all smooth sailing, and she experienced many illnesses in her 100-year life.

Infected paratyphoid at age 35;

underwent pancreatic cancer surgery at age 45;

underwent gallstone surgery at age 76;

She had cataract surgery at the age of 90;

At 103 years old, she was diagnosed with colorectal cancer and underwent surgery again. It is undoubtedly a “miracle” that she survived two cancers and survived to the age of 119. Tanaka Riko summed up four points when talking about her secret of longevity.

Second, four secrets of longevity, worth learning

1. Walking strong>

“Life lies in sports” is the concept that Tanaka Rikko has always adhered to. She likes walking very much in her life. Even when she is old and her legs are weak, she will push the booster seat and insist on it every day. 15 minutes walk. Persistent exercise has laid a solid “foundation” for the longevity of the elderly.

Chen Xueli, Chief Physician of Rehabilitation Medicine Department of Beijing Geriatrics Hospital said that walking can help the elderly improve their motor function, cardiopulmonary function and balance ability. The elderly have a preventive effect and can also reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease to a certain extent. 2. Arithmetic

Riko Tanaka entered a nursing home at the age of 102. She has been doing arithmetic since she entered the nursing home. Doing arithmetic is not to challenge the difficulty, but It’s to get her brain moving. She thinks that thinking often can make her less prone to dementia.

Hyperactive brain can help prevent cognitive impairment and help maintain longevity. Globally, an elderly person falls into the quagmire of cognitive impairment every three seconds, and the disease increases with age. The prevalence of cognitive impairment in China is about 7% over the age of 65. Incidence rates over the age of 85 can approach 40%. In people over 60 years old, the risk of cognitive impairment increases by 1.85 times for each additional 5 years of age.

3. Dancing

There is a traditional festival in Japan, Tanaka Riko from 7 I started listening to this holiday song at the age of 2 and doing simple dances along with it. After getting older, her legs and feet are a bit inflexible. She still insists on dancing. Every time she does not do complex exercises, she only performs some simple movements to loosen her muscles and bones.

Persistent dancing can help the elderly improve memory, coordinate physical functions, and help enhance brain perception and spatial memory. , can play a role in mitigation. In addition, dancing can also promote social interaction in the elderly and promote mental health. 4. Love food

Tanaka Riko’s eating pattern seems to be a bit contrary to health. She loves all sweets, especially chocolate. Beverages are carbonated beverages the most, and her secret to diet is “eat whatever you like, and don’t limit yourself.”

Is it okay for the elderly to eat sweets like this? I believe many people are surprised, most people’s cognition is that the elderly have no luck with sweets. In fact, this idea is not correct. Guo Lixin, director of the Endocrinology Department of Beijing Hospital said that it is not impossible for the elderly to eat sweets! Generally speaking, the elderly belong to the high-risk group of diabetes and should eat less or not eat as much as possible.But if the blood glucose metabolism-related indicators are completely normal after detailed inspection, they can eat a small amount of moderately sweets according to their own preferences. After seeing the secret of the longevity of Tanaka Riko, many people will definitely think that her longevity is “gifted” and not suitable for everyone to learn. Don’t worry, Xiao Ai will show you what ordinary people should do.

Third, for the common longevity means for ordinary people, I will help you summarize it! Researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health published a related paper in the journal Circulation, stating that adhere to five lifestyle habits, including healthy eating, more than 30 minutes of moderate-to-high-intensity exercise a day, weight control, not smoking, and not drinking too much alcohol It can reduce cardiovascular disease, cancer mortality, and extend disease-free life expectancy after the age of 50 by 10 years. Even sticking to one habit can help reduce mortality. How to do it specifically? 1. Healthy diet

A healthy diet should follow the five-character principle “coarse, miscellaneous, light, fresh, clean”, crude refers to whole grains and Do not over-consume processed foods. Miscellaneous means that you need to eat a little more in your daily diet. It is best to eat more than 40 types of food per day. Light means that the diet should be kept light, and the daily salt intake should be less than 6g. , the oil does not exceed 25g, fresh means that the ingredients should be mainly fresh, clean means that the ingredients should be cleaned and the cooking environment should be kept hygienic.

2. More than 30 minutes of moderate-to-high-intensity exercise a day

The heart of moderate-intensity aerobic exerciseRate = Maximum heart rate*(60~70%), the maximum heart rate of each person is generally calculated by 220-age, and the intensity can be judged according to the heart rate during exercise. For example, for a 40-year-old man, his moderate-intensity exercise heart rate should be (220-40) * (60-70%) = 108-126 times, less than this range is low-intensity exercise, and greater than this is high-intensity exercise.

3. Weight control (BMI18.5~24.9)

We can measure whether the weight is healthy or not Judging by the BMI value, BMI=weight (kg)/height (m)². Taking the weight of 50kg and the height of 1.60m as an example, the BMI value is 19.53, which belongs to the normal range. If the BMI value is found to be less than 18.5 or greater than 24.9, attention should be paid to increase or decrease the weight in time.

4. Don’t smoke, don’t drink too much

You should quit smoking completely. The daily upper limit of alcohol consumption stipulated in the “Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents” is 25g for adult men and 15g for adult women. Longevity is something that everyone is pursuing. In fact, it is not impossible to live a long life. You need to do a good job in some details of life. The key is to stick to it for a long time, so that your body can give you positive feedback.


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