Harbin Life Extension: Actively Explore the New Model of “Healthy Life Extension”

In the construction of a national demonstration area for comprehensive prevention and control of chronic diseases, Yanshou County, Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province has always adhered to the people-centered development philosophy, and actively explored a new model of “healthy life extension”. On June 5th, the Yanshou County Division of the 7th National “Walking About” Walking Incentive Competition was launched at the county’s No. 1 Middle School Stadium. 303 walking enthusiasts from 9 townships, 11 government agencies and 6 primary and secondary schools in the county started the “first walking” of this year’s competition in the slightest drizzle.

The theme of this Shouxian competition area is “healthy life extension, ten thousand steps have an appointment”. During the 100-day event, in line with the principle of enhancing the immunity of the masses and consolidating the results of epidemic prevention and control, with the goal of walking “10,000 steps” and “3 moderate-intensity exercise prescriptions” every day, the competition system, technical Develop and innovate in aspects such as content and management, introduce the concept of “10,000 steps in the cloud”, and run online and offline through diversified platforms to enhance the fun and participation of the competition.

The per capita public green space area is 10 square meters, the number of days with good air quality is maintained at 310 days, the awareness rate of core knowledge of chronic diseases is over 72%, the sewage and garbage disposal rate is over 95%, the proportion of traditional Chinese medicine non-drug therapy institutions is 100%, The coverage rate of fitness paths in administrative villages and communities has reached 100%… Yanshou County has made great efforts to create a “15-minute fitness circle”. While building parks and squares, it pays attention to setting up various fitness facilities to provide convenience for urban and rural residents to exercise, leisure and entertainment. . A volunteer service team of 709 social sports instructors has been established, 126 fitness points have been built in the county seat, and 117 cultural fitness squares have been established in the countryside, all equipped with fitness equipment; standard track and field fields, artificial turf football fields, There are 247 multi-functional sports venues such as outdoor basketball courts, badminton courts, and non-profit ice rinks; actively promote the opening of on-campus stadiums in more than 30 schools to the public for free; in order to meet the needs of digital development, Yanshou County will invest 1 million yuan in 2021. The county sports center will build an “intelligent fitness station”.

At present, 15 medical and health institutions, 17 public institutions and 28 primary and secondary schools in the county have been successfully established as “smoke-free units”, with a coverage rate of 100%; insist on including students’ physical health status in school performance assessment , conduct examinations on students’ health knowledge, and incorporate sports into high school academic tests; for the health of the elderly, improve the elderly health service system, improve home and community pension policies, and promote the combination of medical care and health care; clearly implement cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease prevention, cancer prevention, There are 5 actions for the prevention and control of chronic respiratory diseases, diabetes prevention and control, and the prevention and control of infectious diseases and endemic diseases.

Zhang Hongqi, secretary of the Yanshou County Party Committee, said that Yanshou County will continue to carry out 16 health-themed special actions to promote the construction of “healthy life extension” in the three major areas of “intervention in health influencing factors, maintaining the health of key populations, and reducing the damage of major diseases”. (Qian Yuxi Zhang Zhongwen)